
Murim login (system )

Important -add to collection, it will be a mass release up to 950 chapters I lived as a F rank hunter. I thought I would die as a F rank hunter. “How is it? Is it usable?” ”Where did you pick up this tr*sh?” I found an antique game capsule in front of the tr*sh at my house. -[Jin Taekyung] is registered. -Will you connect to [Murim]? And in front of my eyes, a new world. The five senses that breathe alive! Tremendous freedom! O Oo Ooo Warning - not my work just come across the manhua of it and decided to translate as it's a master piece Current manhua have 173 chap - around 256 or 257 novel chapter I Note - I'll update fast, MAYBE I'll use some MTL (machine translation ). Again it's a masterpiece....so don't get addicted to it

Gnome_Bob · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 169

It was a twilight dawn, and a group of people were making their way through the thick fog.

Among them, the two middle-aged people in the lead exchanged conversations in low voices.

"Are you sure about that information?"

"More than to ask."

"To save?"

"I can't be sure until I see it for myself."

"Then the rest… …

"Maybe they deliberately possessed information."

"Then it must be a trap."

"So, isn't that the point of being fully prepared for any unforeseen situation?"

The two middle-aged men swallowed dry saliva. No, not only them, but also those who followed.

Nervousness and tension dripped from their eyes as they held each weapon tightly.

"Damn it, I stepped on shit."

"Hereafter, alumni. Ever since I was in charge of the Daedong branch, I've been feeling a bit strong."

The two middle-aged men exchanged glances mixed with homogeneity. They were the heads of the Daedong branch of Taiyuan Jinjia and Haomen, who were telegraphed for only a month.

"It's been a while since I boasted to my wife about my promotion. It looks like I'll make you a widow if you don't."

"Stop crying. Because it's more than worth saving."

"What if I get caught at work?"

"You will die surrounded by hordes of bandits of over 400."

"With the face. Now stop talking nonsense and look ahead. It will arrive soon."

Silence fell at the end of Branch Manager Hao Mun's words.

They advanced slowly and steadily, hushing their footsteps. A thick fog hung everywhere, obscuring their sight and sound.

How long did it take? It was at that time that everyone's body was drenched in sweat and moisture.

The owner of the breathless cry of "Stop!" was Taewonjinga's Daedong branch manager. Grabbing the sword, he asked the Haomun branch manager.

"Didn't you just hear anything?"

"what… … ah!"

Haowen Branch Manager's face hardened.

It was because some noise coming through the fog pierced my ears.


The sound of a horse's turret. It's not just one or two.

Realizing the situation, the two raised their clenched fists. At the same time, dozens of sword bodies painted black with ashes appeared.

Beyond the thick fog, where it was difficult to see even a single step ahead, it seemed that hundreds of bandits armed with bows and assault spears would attack at any moment.


The moment when someone's neck is greatly shaken. A sudden gust of wind blew through the fog.

Soon, everyone widened their eyes at the scene that was revealed.

"Hey, what the hell is this… … "

Under the blue sky in the meadow, there was a red land. The smell of blood and death lingered on the scorched earth.

Branch manager Haomen groaned unbeknownst to me.

"The information was true."

Dozens of pairs of devastated gazes scanned the surroundings. I saw hundreds of human horses lying down with their lifelessness already gone.

The severed limbs were scattered like weeds, and the frozen eyes were empty, bulging with fear and astonishment.

The only few surviving horses let out hungry tantrums and trampled the flag scrawled with red letters.

celestial wind.

Undoubtedly. It is the flag of the Cheonpungdan.

The annihilation of the Tianfengdan, which had previously made a name for its ferocity in the northern highlands.

This is the moment when nine percent guesses finally became ten percent certainties.

Taewon Jinga and Haomun have been keenly aware of the movements of the Tianfengdan for the past 15 days. It's normal to be cool as if a tooth you've been suffering from has fallen out, but as time passed, the face of the head of the head of the head of the head of the department was dying.

"This, this… …

"That's right, it's all the work of one person," said the strewn corpses. They said they were all beaten by one person.

"You are a great master. I dare not even guess."

The branch manager of Taewonjinga, the most martial arts among them, continued with a trembling voice.

"They all died in one stroke. Seeing that the intestines are burnt, it is clear that he has mastered Yeolyangjigi to the limit."

"What, what about martial arts? Can you find out what kind of martial arts it is?"

"at all. I didn't even use any weapons. This… … They just trampled on it with overwhelming force."

A single person slaughtered four hundred demons. It's as easy as killing an ant.

Bodies scattered everywhere are traces of escape, and distorted faces are traces of fear.

No one survived at the hands of this unidentified master with formidable martial arts.

"Is this possible?"

"It will be possible. Because we are watching."

right. This scene unfolding before my eyes is evidence and witness.

The time when the two of them could not speak and were silent.

"here! There are survivors here!"


My eyes widened at the sudden shout. The two branch managers, who ran like the wind with the new method, murmured like moans.

"A survivor?"

"It seems to be holding its breath, but it will soon be cut off."

As the saying goes, the sole survivor was already as good as a corpse.


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His left arm had been ripped off as if it had been eaten by an animal, and the smell of burning flesh coming from his open side was foul.

Branch manager Haomun, who was staring at the face belonging to the normal axis, said.

"This guy, Lord Cheonpungdan."

"… … Is that true?"

"I am sure."

Cheonpungdanju has already been prominent since 10 years ago, and its face is well known.

He was recently appointed as the head of Haomen's Dadong branch, and he was familiar with all the impressionists of the greats.

In particular, Cheonpungdanju has been a face I have seen more often than my children lately.

"On the highlands, he is at least five fingers, no, he is within three fingers… … I never thought this would happen." The danju of the bandits who dominate the highlands each possessed outstanding martial arts, but among them, the danju cheonpungdanju stood out.

Although he was dumb, he was the ultimate master who was in charge of one axis of the plateau with only his natural fighting ability.

But now it's just a dying loser.

"At least you used your hands twice to say that you are a master at your peak. I ripped off his arm and fed him a ton."

A peak master in just two sums?

I don't pray anymore

It was a time when everyone was at a loss for words.

"Kreuk. Kruck."

With the sound of boiling sputum, Cheonpungdanju wriggled.

As soon as he opened his eyes with difficulty, a muffled voice escaped from between his lips.

"Save me, save me."

"Cheonpungdanju. Am I right?"

"No, that's right. It's me."

The branch manager of Jinga, Taewon, sent energy toward his complete vein. The eyes brighten a little, a little bit.

"Take it easy. I can live."

It's a lie.

Their desire to save them is like a chimney, but it is already too late. There were a lot of questions I had to ask before I died.

"Whose work is it?"

As soon as the words were finished, Cheonpungdanju's body fluttered like a bird hit by an arrow. At the same time, the one remaining arm pulled the branch manager's collar.

It was so strong that it was hard to believe that it was dying. The smell of death wafted from his open mouth.

"Hey, old man. was an old man He is a demon who has risen from the pit of fire."

"Let go!"

"Everyone is dead, I am dead too. I'm already dead The devil killed it."

"This guy!"

Just when the head of the branch, shocked and hurriedly tried to pull himself away, the strength slowly loosened from the grip of Cheonpungdanju.

The lifeless body leans slowly and then collapses. Open eyes glared at the blue sky

"Huh, huh, huh. Are you dead?"

Branch Manager Haomen nodded and sighed.

"I was completely stunned."

"It has to be. It's good enough to be alive so far. It's like I lasted for about two days in that state."

"I'm glad I had some income, at least."

"What else is there besides being old?"

"The state of transcendence, and Nogosu, who mainly uses Yeolyangjigi. Seeing as he didn't leave even one alive, his hands are ruthless. If they crossed Daedong and came our way, they would be noticed right away."

After hesitating for a while, Branch Manager Hao-Mun added a word.

"… … Either way."

Is it just a hard-working master who doesn't put circumstances in his hands, or is it the appearance of a great horsehead that transcends imagination. It was difficult for them to guess.

There was only one thing the two could do in case of an emergency.

"I need to send a letter to my family."

"Me too."

The two men facing each other with dark faces had similar thoughts at the same time.

What is the identity of the old man mentioned by Cheonpungdanju, and… … .

'Where is he?'

It was on the middle of a nameless mountain that the woodcutter met the old man.

The moment he first saw the old man leisurely walking down the steep mountain road, there was only one thought that passed through his head.

'Is it a mountain god?'

He had never seen such an old man in his life. The old man asked, looking at the woodcutter lying on his stomach.


"My name is Jang-pal."

"… … however?"

"I will greet God."

The old man, who was silent for a moment, opened his mouth.

"What a crazy… … Eh, make a living person fabled?"

"Oh, isn't it?"

The woodcutter, Mr. Jang, looked up and down the old man's behavior.

Come to think of it, there are a couple of strange things. First of all, if you are a freshman, as soon as you look at it, you should use a noble tone with a mysterious atmosphere. … .

"Did you see Shinseon dressed like this? The island ahead is empty, so the cold wind blows in."

That eccentric tone, with torn and baggy clothes in places.

The only thing that resembled a freshman was that it was extremely old.

"sorry. I am ignorant."

The old man waved his hand at Mr. Zhang, who laughed awkwardly.

"If you know, then go ahead."


Zhang bowed his head respectfully and continued walking.

You sleep there."


The old man frowned.

"Why do you keep following me?"

"Oh, it's on the way to the village."

"If you go all the way here, what will come out?"

"Zhangjia Village. It's a small village. I live there too."

"Janggachon? By the looks of it, it seems to be a family village."

"you're right."

The old man clicked his tongue.

"Why are there so many jipseongchon here? Even before half-time, there was Hongga Village or something."


"Why, do you know where?"

"yes. Of course I know. I know. but… … Zhang tilted his head.

"Hongga Village is probably 300 li away from here. Aren't you mistaken for another place?"

"Do I look like an idiot who can't even remember what happened half an hour ago?"

300 li is a distance that even Jang, who has a fairly strong lower body, can reach after two days of walking. But three hundred li in half an hour?

Mr. Jang, a village worm, clicked his tongue in pity.

'He's an old man who comes and goes.'

It's exactly the same from the line. Scattered hair on a skinny body.

Why did the old man come to this mountain that only woodcutter like himself climbs?

'Oh, by any chance?'

There is something that suddenly comes to mind. A story about unfilial children who throw their parents into the mountains to reduce even one mouth. Perhaps this old man has been through something similar.

Mr. Jang, who was looking at the old man with naive eyes, took something out of his arms and politely held it out.

"Senior, please eat this."

"huh? What is this?"

Zhang scratched the back of his head.

"I brought it just in case… … I am full."

Early in the morning, the rice balls my wife prepared for me. After working hard, I was hungry, but I thought the old man in front of me would be terrified.

"It's nothing special, but you can eat it."

"It doesn't really seem like a big deal, though."


The old man, who was looking at the crude rice balls and Mr. Jang, opened his mouth.

"I just felt sick to my stomach, but it's okay."

Mr. Jang held out a fork to the old man who had eaten the palm-sized rice balls as if he were hiding his eyes.

"Get on top. If you climb on top of the wood, you should be able to get there."

"huh? Ride here?"

yes. The mountain road is tough. Aren't you going down anyway?"

"It is, but… … Zhang smiled innocently.

"It reminds me of my father who passed away a long time ago."

The old man, who had been making a complicated expression for a moment, clicked his tongue and got on the fork.

He was so light that Mr. Jang could carry it with one hand.

"Are you comfortable?"

"I'm going to stab you in the ass and kill you."

"Shall we go a little slower?"

"Slowly what? I have to run like I'm flying Oh, and speaking of your deceased father… …


"Who were you? If you look at me and think of me, you must have been quite handsome and tall."

Jangjia Village began to appear in front of Mr. Zhang, whose words had significantly decreased.