
Murim login (system )

Important -add to collection, it will be a mass release up to 950 chapters I lived as a F rank hunter. I thought I would die as a F rank hunter. “How is it? Is it usable?” ”Where did you pick up this tr*sh?” I found an antique game capsule in front of the tr*sh at my house. -[Jin Taekyung] is registered. -Will you connect to [Murim]? And in front of my eyes, a new world. The five senses that breathe alive! Tremendous freedom! O Oo Ooo Warning - not my work just come across the manhua of it and decided to translate as it's a master piece Current manhua have 173 chap - around 256 or 257 novel chapter I Note - I'll update fast, MAYBE I'll use some MTL (machine translation ). Again it's a masterpiece....so don't get addicted to it

Gnome_Bob · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 126

Four days ago, after finishing all his duties and returning to Taiyuan Jinga, Yu Feng deeply regretted his quick work.

'He'll come a day late.'

But it's already too late. Because Qin Yue-gyeong, who received Hao Mun's former calligraphy, rolled his eyes and went wild all the way.

"How dare these demonic bastards!"

"What else?"

"Fengyang, Jeokpungdan, Hangshan Checkpoint, my younger brothers, danger! very dangerous! Leave immediately!"

"… … I will summon an escort."

Now that all obstacles have been cleared, Jinweiqing's authority was absolute. Before Ban Shi-jin even passed, the two of them left the house with fifty elite escorts, and ran without stopping.

And two days later, I heard the news at the Haomen branch where I stopped by to change horses.

"what? Did Feng Yang die and the Red Wind Squad annihilate?"

"ancient! According to the understanding of this text, most of the enemy's troops numbering about 300 were annihilated, and Confucius Jin Tae-gyeong defeated Fengyang."

"Oh, Tae-kyung!"

Jin Wi-gyeong's smile, which seemed to have the whole world, disappeared as if it had been washed away by the words that followed.

"Tell me one more time. What happened to Mu-gyeong?"

"That, that's it, he was seriously injured in the life-or-death relationship with Poongyang… … However, there is no danger to his life and he is recovering quickly, so I don't think there is anything to worry about."

Already wrong. Qin Wei-qing's ears would have only heard 'significant injuries'.

When he was young, on days when even a thorn was stuck in his brothers' fingers, he made a fuss about it as if his fingers had been cut off.

'But it's not a slight injury, it's a significant injury. It's a mess.'

Based on his experience so far, Hupin predicted what would happen next, and sure enough, he was right.

"Moo-gyeong is wandering between death and death!"

Hao Mundo blinked at the roar of Qin Yuqing.

"Yes, yes?"

"Fengyang! How dare you kill my brother!"

From considerable injury to death, he wandered, and now he even kills.

Hao Mundo, who came to his senses belatedly, hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Here, Soga-lord. You seem to have a huge misunderstanding… …

"I will definitely tear your limbs apart and sprinkle them on the savior!"

Qin Yuqing's anger did not subside until another day had passed.

"Moo-gyeong and Tae-gyeong departed from Hangsan Checkpoint yesterday?"

female]. So please do it in moderation."

"Are you both okay?"

"If you're not safe, would you like to come in a wagon or come in a carriage?"

"then… …

"I'll see you around noon tomorrow."

Thinking that he could finally rest, Yupin felt relieved.

He is a master at his peak, even nicknamed someone himself, a ghost sword. He is a talented person who can occupy a place wherever he goes, but he is suffering from such extreme labor because he wrongly served his lord.

'When was the last time you drank?'

Today, I can finally have a cup of hot sake over roast duck. It was at that moment that a hearty smile formed on Hupin's lips.

"good. Then let's get ready quickly."

"yes? What are you preparing?"

"Since my brothers have successfully completed their mission despite many adversities, we should hold a welcome ceremony."

"… … What, did I come after touring the river for over 15 days?"

"huh? who? Oh, are you sleeping?"

Qin Yuqing, who blinked at Wi Feng, smiled heartily.

"That includes you, of course!

Could it be that I forgot?"

This human, I couldn't believe it, but it's clear that I forgot.

Qin Yuqing said to Wi Peng, who was silent with an absurd face.

"Ah, have your subordinates buy some cloth from a nearby drapery store. As big as possible."

"A cloth? Why is that all of a sudden?"

"I have something in mind."

That's how it happened."

I looked around while listening to Wipin, who had aged 10 years since I hadn't seen him.

Sakju, where we arrived two days after leaving the Hengsan checkpoint, was crowded with unexpected crowds, and a huge white cloth with black letters fluttered at the entrance.

Congratulations on the safe return of Jin Moo-kyung, Jin Tae-kyung, and Hyuk Moo-jin!

一 Taewon Jinga Everyone 一 A moan flowed without my knowledge.

"Ome Sibel, what is that… … It's the first time I've ever seen something like that.

The same banner that is about 20 horizontally long. Connected to the tops of the two buildings facing each other across a wide road, it seemed like it could be seen from the Hengsan Checkpoint.

'Let's see how useless the writing style is.'

Extreme parents who send their children to prestigious universities are not like this.

Me, Jin Moo-kyung, and Hyuk Moo-jin looked at the banner with our mouths open as if we had made an appointment.

"Why is my name small?"

I wondered what it was, so I looked at it again, and even the name of Hyuk Moo-jin was written in very small letters.

"Are you upset about the small font size? I think I'll be happy."

"It is strange. You can't even see it from below."

"Then do you want to put yours in without my name? I mean it."

After thinking for a while, Hyuk Moo-jin answered.


"Coming to think of it, I think I'm fine now."

"Then shut up."

The conversation didn't go any further.

It is because the extreme parents, no, Jin Wi-gyeong, ran with the brightest smile in the world.

"These guys!"

Is this a human or a brown bear?

A giant over two meters tall came out and pulled Jinmu-gyeong with two hands the size of a pot lid. It's such an evil power that it wouldn't be strange even if it was crushed like this.

"I'm glad you're all right. I'm so glad!"

It was safe. Until Jin Wi-gyeong hugged her as hard as she could.



"Hey, Mu-gyeong-ah!"

… … It doesn't seem all that well now.

The assailant hugged the victim who was shaking in pain and shouted.

"lawmaker! lawmaker!"

"Do you think we should call the councilor?

You look really sick."

Hupin answered my question with a tired face.

"A day or two? I knew this would happen and called ahead."


It was the first time that Wipin felt great.

It was right after the sun went down that I, the three brothers from Taiyuan Jinjia, and Wi Peng gathered together.

When Jin Moo-gyeong appeared wearing a thicker bandage, Jin Wi-gyeong noticed.

"Are you okay?"

"Would you mind if I were your lord?

What if you treat someone who is already injured like that?"

"It was kind of easy… … I don't know about martial arts, but when it comes to physical fitness, Jin Wei Jing is the best in Shanxi.

I pushed the chair aside, and Jin Moo-gyeong replied with a haggard face.

"I am fine."

It doesn't look good at all.

It's fortunate that Jin Moo-gyeong is a master at his peak, but if he was a civilian who hadn't learned a single martial art, he couldn't even walk around.

"I heard that Lee Gongja was injured, but I didn't expect it to be this severe. He wasn't even healed yet… …

"Did that guy named Poongyang really do it?"

Jin Moo-gyeong calmly agreed to the two questions.

"It was strong. More than you think."

Who is Jin Moo-kyung? It is a promising late index that attracts attention from all over the world. He, who had reached the pinnacle early on based on his dazzling genius and hard work, was defeated by the leader of the one-horse horse.

"Are you saying he's that strong?"

"Because it's Fengyang, I heard that there are quite good masters among the magicians of the highlands. well… … Suddenly, both of them looked at me. Unspoken pressure to stop eating roast duck and start talking.

He swallowed the food he had crammed into his mouth and opened his mouth.

"It's true. You know the news of the Hangsan Lake Great Treaty, right? That man is also in a wheelchair these days because his limbs are weak."

"What is hyungchoi?"

"Ah, a cart, a cart."

Jin Wei-gyeong tapped the table with his thick fingers.

"A master of that level would have been known long ago. Could it be that you were careless?"

This time, Jin Moo-gyeong shook his head without hesitation.

"I was hit by unexpected numbers, but that is no excuse. Even if we fight again, the result will be the same."

"… … Was that enough?"

"They used self-defense techniques. It was overwhelming."

Qin Yuqing and Wei Feng opened their eyes at the same time.


"Gongja Lee, is that true?"

There was no need for an answer. Since there was no reason for Jin Mu-gyeong to tell such an obvious lie, Jin Mu-gyeong continued talking to the shocked two.

"It was the strongest enemy I have ever fought. No, I think it would be more accurate to say that he has become stronger."

"Have you become stronger?"

"What else… …

"As soon as I swallowed a blood-red pill, I became terribly strong."

Finally, the story of the latent force comes out.

I tried to act as naturally as possible.

'I can't find out that I have it.'

The latent power group is a poisoned chalice. It is certainly an ominous and questionable item, but it cannot be denied that it has tremendous power.

I have already made up my mind to use the latent force as a countermeasure for the next evil that can be used in the worst moment of death.

"It was a short moment, but when he was about to take the single pill, I saw that there was one pill left in his neck armor… … Jin Moo-gyeong looks at me with a twisted tail.

"Didn't you find something in Poongyang's arms later?"

"huh? what."

"A neck glove. Like the red single ring I mentioned."

I deliberately frowned.

"I don't know. Later, I looked for something, but only a few pieces of wood were pouring out.

"Then, a single ring or a single ring?"

"I don't know. I'm going to die right now because I'm having a hard time, so how am I going to search through all of that?"

This is a pretty plausible excuse.

It wasn't that one or two people died, and it was such a fierce battle that it was only natural that they couldn't find it because they were tired. What more can I say?

"is it?"

"It could have been found by the anti-mountain checkpoints, or it could have just melted away in a widespread puddle of blood."


Jin Moo-kyung looked at me with a slightly suspicious look, but he just shrugged.

'It doesn't come out even if I look for it anyway. Hey.'

The best safe that only I can open and close, I keep it in a corner of my inventory, so not even Jinmu-gyeong, but any great sword in the world can't touch a single hair of the latent power group.

'It's so convenient.'

While I was once again admiring the convenience of the system, Qin Wei-qing and Yu-feng began to infer the identity of the latent team.

"It must be the legacy of Sama Oedo without even looking at it. I remember hearing that a lot of single rings with similar effects were used during the Great War of Jeongma."

"At one time, the northern part of Shanxi, including the plateau, fell into the hands of the Demonic Cult. Poong?] If you found the traces, you're pretty much right."

I pricked my ears and listened, then paused.

'wait for a sec. Demonic cult?'

Magyoran is a regular customer who never leaves out in martial arts novels, and is like an honorary firefighter in Licorice Gold Grass in drugstores.

Of course, it is not a religious organization that strives for world peace and the relief of the poor.

To sum it up in one line, it's a group of fanatics who don't have a single good thing about being together.

'What if the Demonic Cult made a sleep force?'

Poongyang's eyes were dyed red like a demon that had just risen from hell. Unreasonable efficacy that temporarily gave power beyond imagination.

'This, the picture is roughly drawn.'

It's embarrassing. It's so disgusting!

But nothing is gained without pain. Adequate side effects… … .

"At that time, the representative of the Demonic Cultists was the Explosive Blood Team, probably."

"I have only heard of it. I heard that after two examinations, the blood vessels throughout the body will burst and die?"

"A master who tried to gain power through witchcraft."

"Pokhyeoldan is that much, but how much did a guy named Pungyang write?"

"Well, I don't know, but the side effects are beyond imagination. Of course, the guardian of the birth will be hurt, and when the time limit is over, it will put a lot of strain on the body. After all, it's a role that uses my body as firewood to burn a short time."

Dry saliva goes over. A voice came out without my knowledge.

"What next?"

"It's something made by the Demonic Cult, so it's shocking. If the demonic energy reaches the bone marrow… … You will become a murderer who knows nothing but blood."

"… … Are you a murderer? Does Magi go all the way to the marrow?"

"If such things fall into the hands of the wicked, it will be a real disaster… … Tae-kyung, why are you like this?"

Qin Yuqing looks at me with a worried face. When I gently rubbed my forehead, sweat was welling up.

"It's just, it's a little hot."

Jin Moo-gyeong replied bluntly.

"What are you talking about. It's snowing outside."

"What do you know about noise? I'm a solar person so… … shit. I don't even know what I'm talking about now.

I smiled awkwardly at the three of them.

"Hey. I forgot something earlier."




"That illusion. Come to think of it, I have it. Heh heh, heh heh heh."


