
Murim login (system )

Important -add to collection, it will be a mass release up to 950 chapters I lived as a F rank hunter. I thought I would die as a F rank hunter. “How is it? Is it usable?” ”Where did you pick up this tr*sh?” I found an antique game capsule in front of the tr*sh at my house. -[Jin Taekyung] is registered. -Will you connect to [Murim]? And in front of my eyes, a new world. The five senses that breathe alive! Tremendous freedom! O Oo Ooo Warning - not my work just come across the manhua of it and decided to translate as it's a master piece Current manhua have 173 chap - around 256 or 257 novel chapter I Note - I'll update fast, MAYBE I'll use some MTL (machine translation ). Again it's a masterpiece....so don't get addicted to it

Gnome_Bob · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 111 -

Doo doo doo!

Four course horses run through Guandao.

The horses, exhausted from lack of rest, gasped for breath, but could not relax the reins.

[16 hours 25 minutes 32 seconds, 31 seconds, 30 seconds.]

It's already three o'clock, six hours. On the way back, I stopped at a small village to get a change horse, but all I got was a pack horse that was small and slow.

'I should take a break, but.'

It's an outsider.

I am continuing my forced march, but the time limit is close, and if I run like now, my horse will not be able to withstand it.

'It can't be helped.'

He was about to tell Wolhwa and Jin Moo-gyeong to take a break at least for a while.


"Gongja Jin! Before!"

Even if it wasn't for Wolhwa's cry, I was already watching them. Dozens of pages ahead, black men blocking the road.

All of them are dressed in sloppy clothes, and a sword sticks out from their waist. My mouth hurts from talking now.

'The Red Winds.'

Those who had surrounded and threatened those who appeared to be good citizens turned their heads at the sound of the horses' hooves.

The bandits who spotted me running in the lead from a distance laughed, showing their yellow teeth.

"Oh, the next guest is already here.


uh yes

They say stop, but I have to stop, is there anything special?




The courser I was riding stopped only after I trampled on a couple of guys who were blocking my way. The bandits as well as the captive bystanders stare at me with their eyes wide open.

"You, you bastard," he asked, leaping from the saddle.

"I'm asking you in case you don't know. Red wind squad, right?"

"What kind of guy are you!"

"Looking at the reaction, it seems right. We're running out of time, so let's finish quickly."

Without hesitation, I kicked the leg of the nearest guy.

Kwajik, the guy with the broken shin bone collapses with an eerie sound. What happened in the middle of the day. Those who had lost their senses for a moment quickly pointed their swords and spears at them.


"Men, always watch your back."


"Be careful behind you."

The time when ten pairs of eyes looked back as soon as I finished my words.

Quadruped! Wow!

The three Junma, who ran at full speed, wiped them out.

The battle was over before it even began.

Those who were hit by horses and knocked out like bowling pins lay like living corpses, and the others were easily overpowered.

"Sah, just let me live."

"It doesn't kill. I'll have to fix a few places, though."


While Jin Mu-gyeong shredded the limbs of the surviving bandits, Hyuk Mu-jin dragged the horses tied to the side of the road.

"I think we can change to the smart guys here? There are ten of them, so I take all of them and replace them whenever I get tired."

I am of the same opinion. Unlike the previous ones, it was fortunate that the magicians I met this time had their own horses.

'by the way… …

How many of these Red Winds are there?

According to information obtained from the shrine, more than 100 remnants of the party were scattered throughout northern Shanxi.

Some go to the foot of the mountain, others hide in secluded villages or busy places, and gather at the assembly point according to orders.

'These guys are not defeated soldiers.'

They are an ambush trooper in action. Jeokpungdanju replenishes troops in the plateau and moves southward, while sending the remaining subordinates northward. It is enough to guess the reason why Wolhwa evaluated Jeokpungdanju as a scary person.

'The ability to quickly retreat when the war situation is going unfavorably, the meticulousness to prepare the next plan even in the midst of it, and the driving force to execute the plan.'

In addition to that, I heard that the martial arts he carries with him are also very powerful.

At this point, it's a pity to treat them as mere magicians.

This has gotten pretty messy.'

I can see why the quest grade has changed to peak. Now that I know it through point-of-view, it's not like Jeokpungdanju is a master at its peak, right?

I asked Wol-hwa just in case, and she nodded at once.

"Yes. Is that right?"

"… … ah."

"There must be a reason for such rapid rise to prominence. Although it is not widely known yet, according to the information in this inquiry, Jeokpungdanju is the ultimate master."

I was dumbfounded and asked.

"No, why is the master at the peak of horsemanship?"

"Among bandits and bandits, there are super-high masters, but is there anything that can't be called a bandit?"

"Are you in the middle of the day? A bandit or a nun?"

"If you meet the Green Forest Lord or the Yangtze River Channel Lord later, ask them. It won't happen, though."

"… … I hope so."

I sincerely wish we never met each other.

I shook my head and got on my newly stolen horse. Jin Moo-gyeong and Hyuk Moo-jin, who tied up the pirates of the Jeokpungdan and handed them over to the civilians, followed.

[15 hours 59 minutes 13 seconds, 12 seconds, 11 seconds.]

Even at this moment, the time limit is running out. We kicked the horse's flanks behind the people who bowed and thanked us.


Deep inside the Hengsan Checkpoint, there is a flower garden that only a few people can enter. Cheolmubaek of Hangsanho was the only outsider to be granted the qualification.

"This is my first time coming here."

"Because it was a special space. Whenever my father had troubles, he would visit the flower garden."

Lee So-wol, who was walking around the snow-covered flower garden, suddenly stopped when she saw a frosted flower.

"It's my mother's favorite flower."

"Did you?"

Yes, whenever he worked in the garden, he would always bring me here and tell me the names of the flowers."

Lee So-wol, who was lost in thought for a moment, continued.

"But I don't remember now."

"It was a long time ago, so it's worth it. Don't worry."

"Uncle Iron."


"I hate flowers. I just followed her mother because she liked it, but in fact, she had no interest in flowers. It's the same reason my father visits the flower garden."

Lee So-wol looked around the snow-covered flower garden slowly. The flowers withered, and the number of burial mounds in the center of the garden increased from one to four.

Her eyes sank deeply as she silently looked at the burial mound where her family was sleeping.

'Whose fault is it?'

Perhaps it was her fault that she was born as the daughter of a Murim.

That is the reason why I had to lose my mother, then my father and two older brothers one after another ten years ago.

'I should have dried it to the end… … :Suddenly, memories from two months ago come to mind and cover my eyes.

It was a conversation between a father and a daughter that was shared alone on a dark night.

'I'm going to tie you up with Taewon Jinga's third.'

'If it's the third time, do you really intend to marry me with that idiot?'

'no. However, it will be a scandal that is hard for you to endure.'


'Is that all?'

'What can I do? It's my fault for having a heartless father.'

'You're a child you don't know. Are you really okay?'

'If I said no, would you change your mind?'

'At least I'll find another way.'

'In the end, the war with Taewon Jinga is a fait accompli.'

'Now is the right time without the Shanxi Kaikyo (山西怪俠) and Jincheon Sword. It's an opportunity that won't come again.'

'Taewon's true value is strong even without the family governor and Lee Gongja. Please reconsider.'

'Impossible. The decision has already been made.'

'Then be sure to win. Be so strong that you can't even talk about scandals about me in the land of Shanxi.'

'… … If you were a man, I would have made you a small wine.'

'I'm glad I was born a woman.

I'm not interested in the rumors in the main text.'

Concerns soon turned into reality.

It must have been half a month or so, Lee So-kun returned as a cold corpse. And after a while, Cheonbaek Lee, and in the end, even his eldest brother, Sogwang Lee, was lost.

'Now I'm alone.'

In this way, the last remaining blood relative of the Blood Rang Sword, Icheonbaek, became the new lord of the gate.

The nailed palm gently caressed Lee So-wol's shoulder as he stared at the burial mound in silence.

"I'm sorry. I should have come sooner… …

"Don't say that, Uncle Chul. If your uncle hadn't come, this gate wouldn't have survived until now."

Due to the harsh offensive of the Jeokpungdan, the Hangsan checkpoint was being pushed helplessly. If it had not been for the pinnacle master named Hang San-ho, who came running after hearing about the misfortune of Cheonbaek Lee, the enemies would not have retreated.

"I will definitely tear him limb from limb."

Recalling Jeokpungdanju, Lee So-wol shook his head.

If it is a matter of life and death between top masters, Cheolmubaek is one step ahead.

There has already been a previous clash, and Fengyang has a history of retreating with a light internal injury.

'But that opportunity never comes again.'

The Hengshan Checkpoint was always on the lookout and collecting information about the bandits in the northern highlands.

There are dozens of bandits that exist in the plateau, but among them, the bandit led by Poongyang has grown remarkably frightening.

Among the heads of the plateau, he is particularly strong and meticulous. he is the wind

'There's no way a person like that would have a life-or-death relationship with Uncle Cheol. If you try to deal with it rashly, you'll end up in the opposite way.'

Lee So-wol turned his head toward Cheolmu-baek.

"Uncle Iron. Can you tell us about Fengyang's martial arts one more time?"

"Entrance to the climax. He was a person who had attained the level of martial arts and secret martial arts. But."

There was a deep gorge between the iron warrior's forehead.

"Each herbivore was insidious. It seemed that he had learned the martial arts of Sima Oedo."

"Sama and other people… … After the Great War of Jeongma, in the central plains, sama oedo was identified with the word death. Although there are sapas that claim to be political parties, there is no one who proudly calls out to be a sapa.

"It is still just a guess. If you stick around again, you'll find out."

"I trust Uncle Iron. But don't look down on Jeokpungdanju because he has many subordinates who can take his life."

A large army of close to 300 if you add the enemies up and down.

On the other hand, the Hangsan checkpoint is less than half of that even though it has gathered all the military personnel from each branch.

As the situation was like this, the morale of not only ordinary military personnel but also newly appointed leaders was low.

"Sowol. Can I say something?"

These are the words of a benefactor who risked her life for friendship with a dead friend. Sowol Lee politely bowed her head.

"I will listen."

Iron Mubaek opened his mouth heavily.


A word with many meanings.

However, there was not an inch of hesitation in Lee So-wol's answer.


"It is still not too late. You must survive."

"It is not over yet. You will survive."

"If Cheonbai thought that his friend wanted something like this… …


Cheolmubaek shut his mouth at the resolute voice. There was a firm determination in Lee So-wol's clear eyes.

"It is what I wanted. As the gatekeeper of the Hengsan Inspection."

"Whew… … Cheolmubaek let out a sigh instead of answering.

"I have already owed a lot to my uncle. Even if he leaves like this, he will not resent him."

"Do you really have to listen to my answer to solve your aptitude?"

Lee So-wol shook his head. It is her fervent mother who has cared for her like her own child since she was young. She was also more like a father than her father.

"I will never forget this grace. Uncle Cheol is the benefactor of me and the Hangsan inspection."

"I've seen it since I was little… … You are such a clever child."

"I was clever when I was young, and now I'm a strong bitch."

Looking at Lee So-wol with a smile, Cheol Mu-baek sighed deeply.

"Is there a chance of winning?"

"I will work now."


"But if reinforcements arrive, O'Hal. More than that."

"Reinforcements, by any chance at Jinga in Taewon?"

"Two o'clock ago, the mail sent from the Haomen Zhengyang branch arrived."

"How much did you say? hundred? two hundred?"

"Four. One of them is the Jincheon sword Jinmugyeong, and the other is… … "Lee So-wol laughed. It was because I remembered the bad relationship with him.

"Shanseo Jamrong Jin Tae-gyeong."