

"What was with that odd-looking dish he served you?" Fangluan inquired as Ling Yue and he walked back to their inn.

"Oh, nothing. It's just I had a hunch that this high master person was actually the seer, so I tried to find out. Turns out it was him, haha," Ling Yue awkwardly replied, not knowing how else to, but she was well aware it would suffice; her uncle is such a fanboy, after all.

"Oh, that explains the atmosphere and unique list of dishes and the aesthetics and the choice of plants and paintings and the..."

||Boy, there we go again.||

>Can you location track your other half?<

||I can't. I only have a general idea of where he could be unless, of course, he is really close where I can sense him.||

>Is that so?<

||What's next, then?||

>I contact Yuan. I am supposed to call my father and tell him I reached safely, so<