
Murder of Billy Jones

When some people found that in the house of Billy Jones someone was dead people called detective Arseus. Is the was of Billy Jones or the rival of Billy Jones see it in the murder of Billy Jones..........

Aditya_Gupta_9311 · Action
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13 Chs

Ch-4 The Mercury

Arseus only knew that it was a murder who has converted this case into a suicide. So, we know that there are only three people that can be doubted : Dennis, the man behind the car who was calling Dennis or the man who have taken this Mercury. But who is that man? That is what we have to brother. Andy who was a hacker said I have a list that contains the call details of Dennis. The most recent call was of a hennry. I think Henry was the supplier of mercury glass which can be seen in thermometers of both Clinical and laboratory thermometers. So there are two suspects

asked by Andy. No, sir No - one knows that they both are the murders of Billy but Andy you please trace the location of that Dennis. ' "

'Ok Sir.' Sir he is in texas, United States of America.