
Murder at a Café

Beautiful scenery - check! Family - check! Sanity - double check Best friend - triple check Camera - check! Dead man in the river in front of the Café... wait what? You heard that right! Its a beautiful and quite Café in an equally quite town, what could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG! When Rachael and Carl, her brother come home for Summer vacation,they had a lot planned. But a dead man in the river in front of their dad's Café,and their dad getting arrested for murder,was definitely not on the list! Join Rachael,her brother Carl ad their friends Cami and Zee as the make comedy, emotional and bounding filled journeys to discover the truth before it's too late.

Olive_Otamz · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Memories and Hurt

She stood by the small fountain, thinking...just thinking.

She could still remember the years when he stood by her and she laughed bit.

Twenty years ago was probably a long time but there were feelings, memories and hurt that could never be erased, no matter how the time flew.

Who ever said that time healed all things!

Time had only made it worse.

"Please Save me... please"!

She remembered crying at his feet.

He was her best friend...or at least she felt he was.

He promised to always be by her side through thick and thin. She trusted him like the ocean trusted it's shores.

He held her up and hugged her in his arms. He was tall and comforting.

He was the friend anybody could dream of. Her tears dried up immediately. Her heart warmed.

"I can't ... I ...I can't help you Gwen. I'm..I'm..so ..s..sorry".

He whispered in her ears.

Her heart shattered. Maybe she had heard it wrong.

"No..no..no You don't understand Jace! They are...they are...they are... gonna...dad's..dad's.. gonna make...he's gonna make me marry that disgusting man!! HELP ME JACE PLEASE!!!"

He looked thoughtful, and she felt hope.

"He raped me!!! Jace you have no idea how many times he raped me. He's gonna kill me Jace. Please help me!"

She clutched his shirt and looked him in the eye as if searching for an answer.

He would help her right?

He was her best friend right?

That's what friends do for each other right?

Why then was she feeling so uneasy.

"Please Jace,just help me get to the train station. I swear,I'll call you when I get to Aunt Martha's place."

She was crying.

She was desperate.

"I'll be right back Gwen."

He said with a smile.

Her heart leaped for joy.

He just said he'd be back!!

He'll help me.. oh God thank you for giving me such a friend.

He went to the call booth.

Yes! He was calling someone who would finally pick me up!

She was getting away from that monster!! That old freak!

She was leaving him!!

Her best friend was helping her.

When he was through with the call,he told her to sit on the bench and wait.

"Thanks alot Jace... thank you so much."

She began to cry.

But he said nothing. Maybe it was because he felt bad she would have to go away.

" I promise to be back Jace."

She assured him.

"I promise."

He just nodded and intertwined her fingers in his, something he always did whenever she was down.

After about 20 minutes,someone came.

But it was not the pick up guy.

No! It was her parents and the disgusting phedophilic animal they wanted to sell her to.

She tugged his shirt and began to drag him.

"Come on Jace run!! They.. how..how..did they know? R..run Jace"!

But he held her wrist and pulled her close.

She was shaking.

Why wasn't Jace running?

How did they know she was here?

Why was the pick up guy taking so long?

But it was all answered with a statement.

"I'm sorry Gwen."

He whispered through her hair.

"I can't let you ruin yourself."

And just like that,he gave her off to the hands of the man who would ruin her for the next 20 years.

She kept on shaking her head.


Her voice faded into sobs.

"Jace no."

But he turned his back..her best friend turned his back..and he left!

She felt helpless. He was her friend after all. Weren't friends supposed to help each other?

But he didn't! He pulled her out.

He pushed her away..he left her!!

A helpless girl who was his best friend for forever.



A light male voice called out.

She snapped and wiped her eyes with the back of her hands.

"Hey Zee..how are you doing?"

The tall thin blondie frowned.

"Are you crying mom?"

She shook her head and got up.

"Come on son...lets go...we don't want your dad to be pissed off ok?"

The teenager looked inconvinced but his mom had cried so many times in his life that it felt 'normal'.


She smiled wearily at him as they walked to the SUV in the garage.

Her husband was already there and he wasn't smiling.

"To..Tom..I can explain...I ... I.."

But she was cut off with a slap.

Zee motioned to help her but she shot him a look.

"You asked for a darn trip woman so you get one!"

He walked in the driver's seat.

"Are you..."

But before Zee could speak,she cut him off.

"I'm great..let's go."

She entered the car and though her face burnt,she smiled..

Yes, she smiled.

It was gonna be over soon!!.



"Are you ashamed of me? Can you not stand me because I'm an 18 year old married to a 40 year old man?"

"Gwenny you know...."

She spat. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

He took her hands in hers. "I'm on your side Gwen..I..I..I'm here for you!"

She stared into his eyes unbelievably and let out a humourless laugh.

"Unbelievable man! You're even more disgusting than I expected.

I begged you...I knelt down and begged you to help me out because you claimed to be my best friend and I believed you!"

Her tears were building up again.

"I hate you so much! I..I..I hope you rot in hell FOREVER!

Believe me...even if it's the last thing I do,I'll make you pay!"

Those were the last words.




"Snap out of it Gwen!"

Her husband's rough voice yelled.

She flinched at the sound of his voice.

It would be over soon Gwen...soon!

"Don't you have any shame? Thinking about your other flirts in my prescence!"

Her large brown eyes looked pleading.

"I..I'm...I'm. .. sorry.."

"Just shut up!"

Zee heaved a sigh at the backseat.

This would be a long trip!