
The bad news

It was a sunny evening and all the townsvill decided to hold a meeting at the towncenter.Syazana stood still at the center as all the townfolks sat down.There was silent for nearly 30 seconds but luckily Aisha broke the silent by slightly coughing as she asked:

"Why did you call for us in such a trivial time?".Syazana took a deep breath and said:

"As you all know by now the tragic story that happend yesterday night as our mayor was found dead laying in his office with stab wounds all over his upper body and we are all wondering who and why she did it.

As you may also know that we are here to discuss and investigate the murder that took place in this very town.

You will cooperate by explaining some details you did to Detective Zahirah so now let us see what she has to say herself".

Syazana signaled Zahirah to come up,as Zahirah walked toward Syazana she could see the fear on the townsvills faces except one.That person semmed to notice her gaze and looked up to smile:

"Good luck Zahirah"Aisha had her thumbs-up with a bitter smile.Zahirah smiled in respond throwing the idea of Aisha veing the murderer.

Zahirah stood at the center and said:

"I am here today to listen and inspect who might be the suspect and find clues which might lead us to the culprit

i need your help so please will you listen and line up here"Zahirah pointed towards the desk in front of her.Seconds pasts and the townsvill started forming a line after some quick talk.

Not before long,Zahirah looked at the group and asked:

"So....Dianah,Hanisah and Ayu, what did the three of you did last night as the murder was processing?"She stare at the three of them intensly testing them.Dianah spoked first:

"It was a friday so we just had to play games that whole night and even Ayu joined in".Dianah stopped and glanced at Hanisah.Feeling the chills,Hanisah looked down and glanced back towards Zahirah.After slightly coughing,Hanisah spoked:

"Sorry Detective but Dianah does notlike to speakfor too long and as she was saying,Ayu came shortly after she heard that we were playing games all night so we played board games,ate pizzas and watched movies

And after a while,we all felt tired so we had to stop the fun".Hanisah stopped and looked at Ayu signaling her to continue the story.Ayu realized what was going on and continued:

"It was around 2 am when we realized it after some fun,before i could go home Hanisah told me to stay at thier place for the night since my house was opposite from the center

So we sent mr.fluffy to send a messege to my partner.Zahirah glanced at the trio and nodded:

"You guys may go,Next!"Dianah,Hanisah and Ayu went their seperate ways and Masyitah was next.Masyitah knew what she had to say and explained:

"I was reading a lot of books at my study room all night while waiting for my partner to come home when i heard scratchings on my window.

I placed my book down the table and grabbed a broom since no one scratches windows at 2 in the morning but as i opened the curtains i saw mr.fluffy staring at me with a note on his collar in the dark.I took the note and it red:

"Ayu is staying with us for a night xoxo" so i decided to sleep after locking the doors and making sure the windows were closed shut"Zahirah nodded and shouted:

"Next!"and not before long,Aisha walked upfront.

"I was already asleep remember,so i did not know anything that happend after sleeping"Zahirah nodded and remembered seeing Aisha going in her room before she her self went in her own room.

Finally Syazana stepped in front of Zahirah and said:

"As a co-mayor it was my duty to finish my work and fell asleep at 11 pm"Zahirah looked at Syazana with suspiciousness and said:

"Okay CO-MAYOR,i will be searching the office since that was where the mayor was killed and after that search the body for DNA"Zahirah's eyes quickly darted around but to no avain she did not see what she had thought she saw.

Zahirah headed towards the mayors office along with syazana.But little did they know that the murderer would strike again that night....

was there any grammer issues here?

meh10creators' thoughts