

As the sun set,Dianah opened the door to her house before slipping and evantually blanked out.

"It is all your fault mr.fluffy,you were the one suggesting that we pour flour on the floor"mr.fluffy responded"mow~".

Dianah opened her eyes to see two idiots discussing something right in front of her.

"Why would you pour flour all over the floor?"Hanisah widen her eyes as she looked beside her.

""Your awake!! that's great now let's disown mr.flu- OW!!"mr.fluffy scratched Hanisah's arm and started walking towards Dianah in a pitiful state.Hanisah watched mr.fluffy act pitiful and murmured.

"If you were human right about now,I would have bet all my money that you will win the best actor award ever".Dianah got up and grabbed mr.fluffy as she walked towards Hanisah.

"Tell me...what happend while i was gone?"Hanisah also got up from the floor and explained everything that happend in the super market with every detail.

The next day,news were told that Aisha had escaped the murderer which injured her eyes and is now healing from the trauma.Syazana suspected that Aisha was lying and decided to call a sheriff from another city to arrest Aisha.While in the dark,Hanisah received a letter from the sheriff she asked for stating that he'll bring his men in two days to discuss the case with Detective Zahirah but knowing the letter,Hanisah could see that the sheriff was lying about him going as he placed someone else in charge but who?

Aisha in the end couldn't keep low and so she secretly put sleeping pills inside Syazana's soup since plan A failed.

Finally a day past by again as Detective Zahirah knocked on Syazana's door trying her luck to convince to not call the sheriff as she also prepared soup which Dianah had made.

"Syazana!! the soup is ready"but to no avain,no answer was heard."I am coming in!"She turned the door knob to open the door only to see the empty bed,clean and neat like no one had ever laid there.She rushed in opening the closet and the bathroom door bot to her suprise,Syazana was still no where to be found.

Overcome by fear,Detective Zahirah started panicing as if imagining a gruesome scene later to be found and losing another life even thought she told them that it would not happend.

Suddenly Zahirah heared footsteps coming closer to this room but sighed in relief after knowing that it was only Hanisah.

"Detective Zahirah!!"Hanisah stopped in front of the door as she catched some breaths"Syazana's hat was found laying outside the house behind the bushes"She showed Zahirah a black top hat similar to Syazana's hat.Just before Zahirah could respond,Dianah came in and told them a shocking discovery.

"I found sleeping pills at the top counter where all the medicine was stored in"The room went silent as no one dared to breath'There's only one solution,She's Kidnapped'.

"I thought that she ran away but....where's Aisha?"Hanisah glance toward Zahirah as if hinting about something

"She went to a near by town to by some supplies just this morning"Zahirah recalled the morning the morning note and suddenly widened her eyes.

"We can go inspect her room without her knowing!Now i can prove to you that she is innocent"Zahirah glanced back towards Hanisah.

"Hhmmm you should go first,Dianah and i shall go search for more clues"Hanisah smiled as they all walked away.

Happy new year and happy single year ah i have been single for like the whole year now lol

meh10creators' thoughts