
021 I am ready to talk

Audrey was confused and surprised!!! How can her emotions get the best of her right now? She couldn't express her anger how dare Nathan accuse her of cheating? He cheated!!! He did that not her. She slowed down her walking pace, she needed to control herself, her emotions. Zane and Alison shouldn't see her in this mood, she stopped in front of the elevator and tried organising herself and her thoughts.

Audrey. Thinking to herself... 'yea, sure... let's talk about this Nate and get it over with...' saying out loud... 'maybe it's time Zane meets his father.'

Getting into her apartment, she met an inquisitive Alison.

Alison. 'Is everything okay miss? I was about calling the cops, then I saw you come in.'

Audrey. Smiling weakly... 'everything is fine Ali, thanks for the care. You can go home now.' Bringing out her purse... 'do I have to pay you extra?'

Alison. Smiled... 'no miss, I'm always happy to spend time with Zane, he is a well behaved kid... but there's actually something you need to know.'

Audrey. 'What is it dear?'

Alison. 'My family is moving to San Francisco in 3weeks time, I'm so sorry for letting you know in such short notice.'

Audrey. Worried... 'it's find dear, can you help find a replacement before you leave?,

Alison. Relived 'sure ma'am I'm already doing that!!!'

Audrey murmured her thanks, she couldn't help but wonder why this events are popping up now!!! Putting herself together, she went to tuck Zane in bed...


Audrey looked forward to seeing Nathan but he was no show. She even went as far as asking his secretary that clearly hated her, still no Nathan. She tried getting his home address but Judith gave her a stern look that made her whole body shiver... she gave up and went back to her office...

Charlie. Playfully. 'Hey beautiful, what's with the long face?'

Audrey. Sighed 'nothing Charlie... do you need anything?'

Charlie. Moved closer and looked into her eyes... 'Something is definitely up, if you won't tell me it's fine. Just know you're free to talk to me anytime as I'll readily listen and offer help anyway I can.'

Audrey. Smiling... 'ok, thanks charlie.' Paused 'on the other hand charlie, do you happen to have Nathan's contact or home address?'

Charlie. Blinked. 'Yes, why?'

Audrey. Impatiently 'there's something I need to discuss with him, it's kind of important. Please Charlie.'

Charlie. Reluctantly 'I'll give you his number just because you seemed desperate.'

Audrey. Smiling 'thanks Charlie.'


Nathan spent his morning in bed, spaced out... when he asked Audrey if Zane was his child, he prayed she'd say yes but he was disappointed that she didn't give him an answer... he did looked like that when he was that age but what if Zane wasn't not his? He couldn't think straight, he kept wondering what to do when his phone buzzed... checking to see why, he saw a text message from Audrey.

'Hi Nate, I'm ready to talk, can you send me an address to come to you?'

Nathan immediately felt his stomach churn with excitement, he quickly replied her message with his address the hurriedly try organising his apartment as he was expecting a special guest.