
019 Who's he?

Nathan had a sweet dream, he could still vividly remember all about it. He remembered his lips on Audrey's lips, his hands all over her body, he remembered her whispers the moment he pressed his lips on her neck, the warmth he felt when he ran his hand on her thigh. He remembered how supple her skin was, it felt very real to be a dream... the buzzing of his phone brought him back to reality.

Nathan. Nonchalantly 'hi chloe.'

Chloe. 'Hi Nate, so I just ran into Audrey, apparently she has a child. I'm calling to check and make sure you're already aware of that.

Nathan. Shocked... ' wait... what? What are you talking about.'

Chloe. 'I figured you didn't know about it, I'm so sorry bro...'

Nathan. Felt uncomfortable. 'Hold on Chloe, kindly tell the way it happened from the beginning.'

Nathan was finding it hard to believe everything Chloe just told him, how can this be? Then he remembered the little boy at the airport, no... that can't be!!! When exactly did this happen? How can this happen to him and Audrey? He wanted to spend his forever with her but then, this means she belongs to somebody else... he immediately decided he needed a break...

Nathan. 'Judith, I need you to clear my schedule today, I don't have any serious consultation so kindly don't reach me for the remainder of the week. Reschedule everything and everyone till next week.'

Nathan knew he needed to process this news, Chloe was sure that was Audrey's kid... he needed to be sure too...

Audrey felt her whole word going under, she secretly prayed Nathan doesn't Find out about Zane as she didn't know how he'll take it plus she was still hurt by what happened with Sophie... Chloe was the wrong person to see her out and about with Zane!!! She was comfortable telling every interested party that Zane's father wasn't in their life and trying to explain to Zane that when he gets bigger, she'll explain why his father wasn't in his life.

Waiting for James parents in the principals office, Audrey couldn't help but wonder if her decision to cut off Nathan was a good one... he seemed to have changed!!!

James's parents eventually arrived and the issue was settled, after testomies was given, James was suspended for 2weeks as it apparently wasn't his first time bullying his peers. His parents left angrily threatening to withdraw him from their school to somewhere new. Audrey marveled at how shallow minded they were... if they withdrew their child, it was for everybody's Good as she prefers her child growing up without bullies like James.

Tonia. 'I'm sorry Zane had to go through that Drey.'

Audrey. 'It's all fine Tonia, if anything I'm glad he has Charlotte in his life, thanks so much for coming.'

Tonia. 'Don't mention it, I'm more than happy to help'

Audrey. Checking her wrist watch ' damn it... I have to go, I'm already running late.'

Tonia. ' ok, I'll see you when you get back, bye.'

Audrey felt lucky to have a friend she could rely on, she felt more blessed of the fact that Zane was already making friends too as she remembered seeing other kids say hello to him earlier. Indeed she was blessed... what she had to figure out next was how to deal with Nathan.... oooh Nathan, Nathan!!! If only he knew how much her heart yearn for him... she instantly told herself to snap out of it as she had to think of how to face him...

Audrey hoped she'd run into Nathan in the office but he was no where to be found, even when she had to go meet him for consultation, his secretary firmly told her he wasn't available, she tried asking why but wasn't given any answer... the remainder of the day just dragged on and on with Audrey, she was glad when it was finally time to head home.


Nathan spent the whole day planning on what to do and what to say to Audrey when he finally confronts her, he decided to hover around her apartment till she gets back from work. Not up to 30 minutes of waiting, he saw the blonde child with a young girl who should apparently be his babysitter. He kept giggling and trying to walk ahead of her, judging from their conversation, they were going on a walk. He considered following them when he suddenly saw Audrey coming home from work.


Audrey felt really tired, all she did at work was worry about what to say to Nathan and it was already taking a toll on her. How was she even sure Chloe said anything about Zane to him? Just then, she saw a sight that made her heart leap for joy.

Audrey. Opening her arms wide. 'Hi baby' planting kissed all over his face.

Zane. Shouting 'momma... I missed you so much momma.'

Audrey. Laughing. 'I miss you too my baby' paused 'Thanks Allison, we'll see you tomorrow.'

Audrey didn't know when or how but she immediately noticed another person present in their company, looking up to see who it was, she completely froze in her track...