
017 Mom's fine

On getting to the hospital, Audrey could barely keep up her pace with Nathan as he was literally running, she followed him as fast as she could. She was still finding it hard to believe Nathan's family finally found him. She was thrilled he got reunited with his parents as it was always weighed on him in the past, she remembered the first time she met Nathan, he was all tangled up in the search for his real family.

Her stepped slowed down when she saw who he walked up to then embraced!!! She couldn't help but feel sad as her heart sank.

Nathan. 'What did the doctor say?'

Chloe. Worried... 'mom's appendix ruptured, the doctor on duty had to rush her into the theatre... I think it's serious than they told me.'

Nathan. Serious tone... 'Where's dad?'

Chloe. 'He's on his way. He left to play golf earlier, he should be close by now...' paused... 'I'm so scared Nate, what if there're....'

Nathan. Couldn't let her finish her sentence for the fear of chloe saying exactly what was going through his mind. 'This situation will sort itself out Chloe, please try thinking positively...' he smiled at her weakly.

Nathan left his sister's side walked over to sit as he felt his feet could give away if he didn't try to calm himself then at that instance, he met the eyes of an inquisitive Audrey... Damn!!! He totally forgot about her...

Nathan. Apologetic... I'm so sorry D, I completely forgot about you.'

Audrey. Smiling 'its fine Nate...' trying to keep her feelings under check 'How's your mom?'

Nathan. Composed... 'there's no word yet, she's still in the theatre.'

Audrey didn't know how to console Nathan, she didn't want blondie to think she wanted to steal her man. Although blondie seemed occupied with her own thoughts but it shouldn't give her the right to try any physical contact with Nathan!!! She was surprised at how close she blondie was with Nathan's family and wondered if Nathan was also close to her family Audrey immediately felt jealous she almost shed a tear.

Nathan tried getting himself to stop thinking about worst case scenarios... he had to stay on top of the situation... his mom was going to be fine and that was that... it was his duty also to encourage Chloe... he was deep in thought he didn't know when Chloe sat close to him... snapping out of his thoughts.

Nathan. Calmly... 'I'm sorry for that late introduction... Audrey this is Chloe my sister!!!'

Audrey could feel her heart somersault for joy at the news of blondie; ooh!!! Chloe been the sister!!!

Audrey. Smiled... 'it's nice to meet you Chloe, I'm sorry about your mom, I'm sure she'll be fine.'

Chloe. 'Nice to meet you too Audrey...' Looked sadly 'it's really good to finally meet my brother's girlfriend...' Turning to Nathan 'she's your girlfriend right?'

Nathan. 'Yes!!!'

Audrey. 'NO!!!.'

Chloe. Chuckled... 'This is awkward, you both need to conclude on a definite answer.'

That moment, the doctor came out of the theatre and asked for the family of Stewart, Audrey saw as Chloe and Nathan jumped from their seats and hurried towards the doctor, she also saw an elderly man in brown khaki and pink shirt rush towards the doctor... looking closer Audrey didn't need telling that it was Nathan's dad... she felt happy and at peace knowing Nathan was finally home... she silently prayed his mom would be better so Nathan can be happy again....