
016 You'll be fine

Nathan wondered what Audrey meant when she accused him of ruining her life for 5years? She abandoned him yet he's still very much forgiving of that. Contemplating on dropping by at her place or trying to talk to her as she was still at work, he decided against it, remembering how she acted the last time he visited her unannounced. He should definitely give her time to calm down firs then he'll reach out... for now he should just keep his cool... then his phone rang.

Chloe. Sobbing... 'you need to come over to the hospital Nate, mom is sick.'

Panicking, Nathan couldn't say anything but immediately dashed out of his office trembling.

Audrey was on her way to Nathan's office to asks about some facts from the case she was helping him out with, she kept trying to keep herself collected as the event of when she last saw him was still playing in her head... she decided to play it cool ones she gets to his office then all of a sudden, Nathan collided into her at the entrance of his office, he immediately steadied her from falling. Looking surprised at him, Audrey saw a Nathan she has never seen before and she immediately felt chill throughout her body.

Audrey. Shocked... 'what's wrong?'

Nathan. Still shaking... 'I really don't know D, I don't know what to do.' Paused a while 'my mom's in the hospital.' Sobbed 'I don't know what to do.'

Audrey. Concerned... 'I'm so sorry Nate, you need to try putting yourself together for starters...' holding his hands 'hope it's not a serious matter?'

Nathan. Shaking his head.. 'I don't know, Chloe just called... I think I have to go.' Turned to leave...

Audrey. Holding back 'I don't think you should be driving in this your present space of mind, if you won't mind, maybe I should come with you.'

Nathan. Looking into her eyes... 'I'll very much appreciate it D, thank you so much.'

Audrey. 'Let me grab my things, I'll meet you at the front of the office.'

Audrey immediately left to get her things and wondered why she was this worried about Nathan... he was Zane's father afterall, so she should be this concerned.

On their way to the hospital, Audrey kept trying to calm Nathan that was still all jumpy...

Nathan. Trying to look calm... 'I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to my mom, I just found her...' looking upward 'Lord, please keep her for my sake'.

Audrey. Controlling the steering with one hand and placing the other hand on Nathan's hand. 'Try staying calm Nate, you'll know what really happened soon and that she'll be fine soon.'

Audrey kept her focus on the road trying her best to get to the hospital on time without speeding pass the road limit.

Nathan kept praying silently that it has to be a false alarm as he loved his parents to loose any of them as soon as this. He kept wishing he had met them sooner or he didn't get separated from them in the first place....