
015 A love triangle?

Audrey wondered what Nathan was saying her child she also quietly prayed he didn't suspect Zane was hers, she saw that same blond woman with Nathan, she wondered how Nathan could go as fast as from her to Sophie and then blondie he even kissed her not long ago!!! trying to recollected herself to the moment, she decided it's 100% better for Zane to think his father was dead than to know the truth of who his father was... as she sat at her desk trying to finish up a task, she couldn't help but think Nathan was cruel...

Looking up from her work, she saw Charlie looking at her smiling...

Audrey. Smiling in return... 'can I help you with anything?'

Charlie. Surprised at how beautiful she looked working... 'not really, I just wanted to ask if you'll like to eat lunch together today?'

Audrey was surprised and didn't know what to say, looking for way to turn him down without hurting his feelings. She was about saying no when she saw Nathan looking like he heard their conversation...

Audrey. Decided... 'sure that'll be nice, let me wrap up here and grab my jacket.'

Charlie. Thrilled... 'wow, ok... I'll be waiting out there.' Turning around, he saw Nathan... 'Ooh hi dude, I didn't see you come in.'

Nathan. Boiling inside but try to act cool.. 'I just got here.' Deciding to state his reason for going over.. 'I remembered you miss hanging out so I thought to come ask you if you'd like to have lunch together.'

Charlie. Stammering... 'Ooh.. right... I was ermmm... actually can I take a rain check? I already asked Audrey to eat lunch' he replied shyly.

Nathan wasn't going to let it go easily... the main reason he was there was to convince Audrey to have lunch with him so he could try make her answer some of his questions... how can Charlie like his girl? He won't let this happen, never!!!

Nathan. Smirking... 'come on dude, are you guys dateing? I'm sure we can each lunch together... don't turn me away, please... I really don't feel like being by myself...'

Audrey. Pretending like she didn't hear what they were just talking about... ' Charlie, are you ready to leave?'

Charlie. Sadly... 'I'm sorry Audrey, can Nate join us?' Paused... 'please?'

Audrey. Turing from Charlie to Nathan... she didn't want to do this in the first place for crying out loud!!! 'Sure, whatever.'

Leaving the two men behind, she strolled out of the office to the direction of the office cafeteria...

During lunch, Charlie kept trying to make small talks, Nathan was angry and Audrey was praying for an opportunity to escape...

Nathan. Suddenly... 'Charlie, do you have feelings for Audrey?'

Charlie. Suddenly chocking on his drink.. 'coughs huh???'

Audrey. Shocked... 'what does his feelings or no feelings for me have to do with you?'

Nathan. Getting impatient. 'I asked him not you Drey, Charlie please give up incase you do have feelings for this woman as I've been in love with her for six years and I am definitely not backing out now...'

Charlie. Shocked to the bone... 'wait, what? Audrey is this true?'

Audrey. Angrily... 'I don't own his feelings, he don't own mine either... If he feels that way then its good he know I feel exactly the opposite of that!!!'

She stood up to leave while Nathan hurriedly rushed towards her the held her wrist to try stopping her from leaving...

Nathan. Pleading... 'dont fight it D, I forgive you, let the past stay in the past please stop avoiding me or bottling your emotions...'

Audrey. Looking sternly at him. 'Forgive me? For what? What exactly did I do to you for you to want to forgive you? You stole 5years from my life and now you forgive me?'

Nathan. Surprised. 'What are you talking about? Stole 5years???'

Audrey. Biting her lower lip... she wasn't supposed to say anything. Forcefully removing her wrist from his hand, she stormed of the cafeteria without looking back.

Nathan looked at a surprised Charlie smiling and apologetic...

Nathan. 'So sorry Charlie, this one is mine, I'm never letting her go....'