
006 The Reconnection

Audrey couldn't belive it was five years already... she was busy preparing for Zane's fifth birthday, sitting by the foyer, taking notes and watching her son play in the yard Audrey was thankful. She recalled how her life seemed hard few years back and was appreciative on where she presently was... she smiled thankfully.

Aunt Lucy. Smiling... 'I told you it'll get easy with time, remember?'

Audrey. Still Smiling... 'yes Aunt, I am grateful to you and mom and Samantha... Sighing 'I am a little worried though, how am I supposed to leave Zee?'

Aunt Lucy. Shook her head... 'you're not leaving him child, it's just for a little while till you make preparations for him to join you in Los Angeles.' Paused... 'unless you feel I can't take care of him for few months?'

Audrey. Feeling guilty 'not at all Aunt, I'm so sorry for making you feel that way... I ermmm....'

Aunt Lucy. Smiling at herself 'then stop worrying child, as soon as you're ready, I'll bring him to you... you know you're lucky to get this job right? Don't let it slip by worring'

Zane. Shouting from the yard... 'momma see, I can fly like this butterfly...' he stretched out his hands flapping and giggling he ran round the yard...

Audrey and Aunt Lucy laughed hard watching Zane and cheering him on...

Audrey recalled how after 2years of birthing Zane, she decided to go back to her former profession; law... with the help of her Aunt, she got employed in a small firm and now, was planning on moving to Los Angeles after applying and getting employed from a big firm in Los Angeles... she was grateful for her growth and felt she had to leave Canada as she still gets jumpy whenever she remembers Nathan and pray their path doesn't cross...


Few months after Zane's birthday, Audrey was ready to leave, at the airport, there was tears and smiles and laughter... it was really hard to say goodbye to her son and her Aunt. Her Aunt kept reassuring her that they'll be together again soon... it took her last strength to separate herself from her family... she walked fast to board-in without looking back...


It's three weeks since she started working with her new firm "Stewart and associates"

Compared to her old firm, the work load here is way heavier although, her new job came with a very attractive pay, an apartment and other nice benefits... she is one of the paralegals she had to work from 9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday.

In as much as she was really enjoying her work, she missed Zane so much to the extent of always drowning herself working to try filling up the void. She was going home to spend the weekend with her son she already told her superior that she needed to leave on time and was happy her excuse was granted even as she just started working with the firm. She was excited as it felt like a very long time she last saw him... filling her mug with coffee in the break room...

Audrey. Sighed... 'I miss you Zane' taking a long breath 'momma will be with you soon'

Charlie. Looking at her said 'who's Zane?' Scanning her fingers for a wedding band 'is he the boyfriend '

Audrey. Looking surprised as she thought she was the only one in the break room... 'it's for me to know and for you not to ask questions' She let out a loud laugh and went back to her office...

Charlie is a coworker, famous for his good looks and nice personality, he definitely fell in love with Audrey the very first time he saw her... he's still trying to ease his way into her heart.


It's been 5years since Nathan moved to Los Angeles, his parents were glad to have him in their life, Chole was very happy to be able to finally do what she loves. Nathan was grateful to finally have a family and was already adjusting... sitting in his office, it was Friday and he was ready to close for the week as he had to visit his parents and spend time with his mom...

Nathan. Reached for the intercom.. 'Judith, please come to my office...'

Judith. Knocks and enter... 'do you need anything?'

Nathan. Moves his attention to her 'make sure you go over the files for the shopping mall case and drop it on my table, I'll love to see it here on Monday morning, I'm leaving for the weekend already so handle all my calls..' he hesitated like he wanted to say something else then, 'that will be all, thank you and have a nice weekend.'

He stood up to leave... he knew the effect he had on women and he knew there was nothing he could do about it, he saw the way Judith acts in his presence he just needs to keep their relationship professional... he immediately remembered the only woman he ever gave his all to, he immediately felt angry.. he brushed the thought away and strolled to the elevator. He got to the first floor of his firm, he strolled through the reception he could feel all eyes on him then suddenly he heard a familiar voice.

Audrey was trying to hurry out of the firm so she won't miss her flight when she bumped into a delivery person..

Audrey. Confused... 'I'm so sorry.... I didn't really see you coming...' looking at her time 'shit!!! I really have to go, I'm sorry again.'

The delivery person was dumbfounded he just nodded and picked up parcels that fell off his cart...

Nathan felt like he just saw a ghost, he was glued to a position. Memories kept flooding him... he turned around and went back to his office... he really need to find out what Audrey was doing in his firm....