
003 The Runaway

Nathan is 32years old 6'7inches a little build with blond coloured hair, blue eyes and long lashes. There's this aura around that make any and everyone around him feel at home, every girl wants to secretly date him and every guy wants to be him of which he is unaware of this charm.

Gerald is Nathan's friend from college unlike. Nathan's boyish charm, Gerald is 6'7inches lanky with brown hair. They both met on orientation day and clicked immediately especially when they found out they were roommates. Gerald needed a friend as he was finding it hard blending in after moving from America to Canada to further his education. Their friendship continued even after school and even grew closer. Gerald is Nathan's go to for everything, according to Nathan Gerald is more of a brother than friend.

It's been 2months without hearing from Audrey, he's search everywhere he has thought of and even called everyone he knows that's connected to her but still no word... he sighed and said to himself loud

Nathan. 'I hope Audrey is happy and safe wherever she is....'

Gerald. Confused... 'dudddeee.. are you still on that matter?' Sighed 'we decided last night to let shawrty go as she wants you out of her life!!!'

Nathan. A little pissed 'no... you decided that for yourself not for me!!!' Took a deep breath 'I didn't decide anything yet, it feels more like a dream to me.'

Nathan looked around him in the cafe they were hanging out and wondered to himself about what really went wrong... recalling how Sophie kept avoiding to see him or returning his calls.. he shook his head, took a sip of his coffee and said to Gerald

Nathan. 'I'm really sorry about getting about this issue this way, you know how much she meant to me'

Gerald. Concerned 'Yea... on the other hand, is it enough reason to get about it this way?'

Nathan. Sad 'what else am I supposed to do that backtrack and ask questions?' Took a deep breath 'I love her so much!!!'

Gerald. Sighed 'I always had an off feeling about you and Audrey, I....'

Nathan. Giving Gerald a serious look 'an off feeling? Where is that even coming from? I thought you liked her?'

Gerald. 'Don't get me wrong, yes I like her, a lot but I think you went about your whole relationship too fast, how long did you guys dated for you to literally feel like killing your self after she ghosted you? Say 6months? A year? No hard feelings but I think you over did everything '

Nathan. Stared blankly... 'you really think all this?'

Gerald. Regretting 'I'm sorry if I offended you with my words.. I had to say this for you to get a hold of yourself.'

Nathan. Sad 'I have to go... thanks for the advice men...'

Gerald. Trying to hold Nathan back 'Nate I'm really sorry for this situation but I think....'

Nathan. Standing up to leave, 'no no... its fine, you're right.. I need to get myself together... I'll see you later.'

Nathan strolled out of the cafe into the street, he walked aimlessly.

Nathan. thinking to himself 'I do need to get myself together... I guess it is time to move on'

Nathan stood in front of his office building, remembering the last conversation he had with Sophie...

Nathan. Smiling boyishly 'Hey Soph, it's been forever, how is it possible to be in the same town and it's hard to get hold of you????'

Sophie. Surprised to be caught off guard.. 'Hey you!!' Smiled sheepishly 'so sorry, it's been a very difficult couple weeks, work has me all over' Smiling 'how have you been? It's really been forever' grins

Nathan. Now Smiling 'I've been alright..' paused for a moment... 'any news about Audrey? I miss her sooo much'

Sophie. Shocked ' wait what??? I didn't do anything who said I was responsible?'

Nathan. Shocked 'woaw.... hold on, what are you talking about? What the he'll did you do? Spit it out right now Soph!!!'

Sophie. Shocked at her outburst.. 'I emmm.... I'm sorry, I didn't get your question... I emmm.. please repeat your question.'

Nathan. surprised.. 'no soph don't spin this, I need to know what happened!!!'

Sophie. Visible shaking ' I really don't know, I swear... I don't know!!! I heard Drey has a new boyfriend I guess it's why she skipped town to escape your wrath...'

Nathan. Shocked... 'no Soph, Drey wouldn't do that... not Drey, she's not that kind of person '

Sophie. Laughed... 'yea says the dude that barely knows her...' smirked 'trust me, there's alot you don't know about Audrey, be grateful she left before she actually ruined your life'

Nathan stood dazed, he felt his whole world crushing before him..

Sophie. Smiled... 'move on Nate, you deserve better..'

Remembering the conversation, Nathan decided there and then to get Audrey out of his heart. Looking at his time, he decided it was time to get back to work as he was already 5mins late to work after his lunch break...