
Multiverse with the Ultimatrix

This is your typical isekai story where our protagonist James dies and is reincarnated into the Multiverse. He will obtain the Ultimatrix. The story will be exploring different worlds from a hub world. Each universe will largely follow the cannon with a few twists and turns. The girls will be present in the story and have their own story. They might fall for our protagonist a bit easily. There is no system so the protagonist is on his own however the hub world will provide basic resources. The character will be strong but not overpowered. Current World: Family Guy Kino Der Toten Now I'm a Demon Lord! Happily Ever After with Monster Girls in My Dungeon Aladdin High School of the Dead The list will be updated as the story progresses. All characters will be 18+ that will engage in a sexual activity Additional Tags NSFW Scenes 18+, harem, adventure, fun, zombies, mechs

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59 Chs

Chapter 59: Saeko Resolve

Saeko and James woke up, the soft light of dawn filtering through the window. Saeko slowly opened her eyes and saw herself drooling on James`s chest. She remembered last night, she told him everything and he accepted and made love. She could feel a slight sting on her ass. He did slap it a few times. She smiled and thought what a naughty man. 

She looked up to James. "Danna-sama," Saeko called, her voice tender yet commanding.

James blinked, still groggy. He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful Saeko. Despite it being early morning, she looked natural and beautiful. There was a bit of drool in her face. She still looked pretty. "Why do you call me that?" he asked, curiosity piqued.

A serene smile spread across Saeko's face. "Because I accept you as my husband," she replied. She thought about last night and how they made love. He was a dominant person, someone like him was her ideal partner. 

James chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "What if I say no?" he joked.

Saeko's eyes narrowed. A wicked smile spread across her face, sending a shiver down James' spine. She took a slow, deliberate step towards him, the air thick with playful menace. 

James quickly backpedaled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Kidding! Just kidding!" he exclaimed. He added, "I love you," 

Saeko's smile softened. "Good answer," she said, her voice a silky purr as she looked at James. 

James gently pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her as he pressed his lips to hers in a deep, heartfelt kiss. Saeko melted into warmth, her eyes fluttering shut as she responded to his embrace. She felt a rush of emotions, love, security, and a newfound strength, all igniting within her. Her arms slid around his neck, pulling him closer, savoring the connection and the comfort it brought. They kissed for another minute until they let go. 

James saw she looked at peace. There was a smile on her face. He thought she did look a bit crazy and had a murderous face for a second. 

Saeko's smile softened, she looked at James and smiled. "Danna-sama," she whispered as she picked up her clothes and got dressed. She had a smile on her face as she put her clothes on. James took the sight of ehr addressing. She was a pretty woman. She finished buttoning her shirt up and looked at James looking at her. 

"Privacy?" she joked. 

"You said I was your husband," James replied. 

She smiled and grabbed his clothes, "You are Danna-sama," she replied. "Let me help you," she added. James nodded and got up. Sakeo helped him dress up. He felt like royalty for once. 

"Thank you," James replied. 

"I will always help you Danna-sama," Saeko softly said. 

James nodded. "We should get going," James said. They both gathered their things. Saeko held Slasher close to her chest. He saw there were two katanas in the shrine. He thought of keeping them with him for now. 

They stepped outside, they saw a horde of zombies shuffling nearby. James saw a group of zombies. There was a middle-aged zombies, wearing a torn business suits, splattered with dried blood. His tie hung loosely around his neck, and one of his dress shoes was missing. His lifeless eyes stared ahead. The second zombie, a young woman, wore a sundress that was ripped in several places, and her bare arms were covered in scratches and bite marks. Her hair, a tangled mess, clinging to her gaunt face. She moved with a jerky, uneven gait, one shoe missing and the other barely holding onto her foot. There were more zombies. He looked and sighed. He turned his attention to Saeko. 

Saeko hesitated, her feelings in turmoil. She blushed, torn between fear and excitement. "I can't, I" she murmured.

James sensed her conflict, and grabbed her. He pulled her close and pressed against her chest. He grabbed her breast and squeezed it hard. Saeko moaned. "I know you're conflicted," he whispered. "But I love you. The real you. Whatever you do, whatever happens, I will be there, you are not alone, Lois, Jasmine, Saya and even Rei will be with you," he stated. 

Before she could respond, he kissed her passionately. She thought about James, her husband, her love, her everything. Saeko felt a surge of confidence and determination well up within her. Her hesitation and worry evaporated, replaced by an unwavering, fierce resolve. Her eyes narrowed, focusing intently on the approaching threat. Every muscle in her body tensed with purpose, her grip on her sword, Slasher tightening. 

"Danna-sama," she said, igniting her fighting spirit. 

With a swift motion, Saeko drew her Slasher, the blade glinting in the morning light. She went to the first zombies and cut through him with ease. Blood spattered from his wound onto Saeko`s face. She had a large smile on her face. She rushed towards the second zombie, the man in the tattered business suit. She swung her blade as she sliced cleanly through his neck. She pivoted seamlessly to the young woman in the sundress and slashed her chest with a swift strike. She then stabbed her in the chest. The zombie groaned. Saeko pulled her sword out and more blood splattered her face. She smiled. She felt Slasher wanted more, she wanted more. 

Two more zombies lurched into view, one dressed in a hoodie and jeans, the other in a bloodstained, sports jersey. Saeko moved towards the two zombies. She swung Slasher and cut the zombie wearing the hoodie. His head went flying away. She quickly moved and stabbed the other zombies. He went down. She flicked her sword, getting the blood off and smiled. 

James watched, his heart pounding with a mix of admiration and relief. Saeko was perfect for him. She was the perfect zombie killer however she had no powers. That does not matter to him, there will be others for that. He looked at Saeko enjoying herself. A beautiful woman.

As the final zombie fell, Saeko stood amidst the carnage, her chest was beating fast. This feeling was like with James but different. With James it felt loving and raw and this felt raw and powerful. They both were equal but different. She needed both. She turned to James, her eyes shining. Sweat glistened on her brow.

"Thank you, Danna-sama," she said, her voice full of warmth.

James smiled back. "You were amazing," James replied. "Let's go to see the rest," he added. 

Saeko nodded and bowed. "Yes, Danna-sama," Saeko replied.