
Chapter 110: Papi to the Resue

James watched Papi eating and sucking the ice-cream. She looked very cute. Her eyes were closed. He smiled and thought it was peaceful. However their peaceful moment was interrupted by a sudden cry. James's head snapped to see a young girl clinging to a high tree branch, her face pale with fear.

James looked at the girl and thought how did she get there in the first place. He thought kids. 

Papi finished her ice-cream. "It is all gone," Papi said sadly. She wanted more ice cream. 

She looked at James. Papi saw he was looking at a tree. "Is there something there?" she muttered. She looked to see a child on a tree. She thought that was normal.

"James, is something wrong with that child?" Papi asked innocently. 

"Papi, that child looks like to be in trouble," James remarked. 

Papi looked closely. She saw the child's face which looked scared. "I'll get her!" she said, her wings carrying her effortlessly towards the branch. As Papi was flying, the girl lost her balance and fell off. Papi kicked it into gear and went towards the girl. She grabbed the girl by her feet. However she was heavy. Papi was also at an odd angle and she was coming down. 

James rushed forward and caught both the girls in his hands. He had saved them from crashing on the ground. "Are you both okay?" James asked. 

"We are," Papi responded as she hugged James tightly. Her slim body clung to him. The girl nodded as well.

The girl's mother rushed over, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she cried, hugging her daughter tightly.

"No worries Madam, it was a team effort," James responded. He thought using the Ulitmatrix might have been easier but oh well. 

Papi released James from the hug. "All in a day's work," Papi said proudly, puffing out her flat chest.

"So Papi, do you want another ice-cream?" James asked. 

"I do," Papi responded. 

As they turned to get to ice-cream, another familiar figure approached. Kuroko stood at the edge of the park. She looked at James and Papi through her glasses. 

"James, she is the one," Papi said. 

"There you are, you flew away," Kurko said.

"I don't want to get eaten," Papi said as she stayed behind James. She peeked from behind looking at Kuroko.

James smiled. "I am assuming, she does not have a family so it would be illegal," James responded. 

"You are correct," Kuroko said. 

"Well, I can be her family, my special status would mean I can," James said. 

"Yeah that is fine. I am off now. I will bring her card tomorrow," Kuroko said as she started to walk away. James saw her round ass and long sexy legs. She was something for sure. 

"James, does that mean she is not going to send him to a monster to eat me?" Papi asked. 

James smiled. "No she won't. I will be there to protect my girl," James said, looking her in the eye. 

Papi smiled and blushed. "My girl?" she whispered. She liked the sound of that. Her stomach grumbled. "I want ice-cream," Papi added. 

James laughed, patting her head. "Sure, Papi. Let's go," James responded. 

"May I join you as well?" a woman asked. James looked to see a woman with long silver hair in a braid. Her hair went down to the ground. She had red glowing eyes. She wore a gothic style outfit, with a black and purple lace umbrella in her hand. She had a long, flowing black dress. The dress had a high-low design, revealing purple stockings. Her slim stomach was exposed. The stockings are striped in black and purple. She wore black high heel shoes. She had black gloves and a choker around her neck. 

Papi looked at her eyes. "Scary," Papi remarked as she hid behind James. 

"Scanning new lifeform," the Ultimatrix said. A green beam scanned the girl. It scanned from head to toe. The scan finished. "New life form acquired," the Ultimatrix added.The faceplate went back in the watch. James thought it was interesting. He wondered who she was. He vaguely remembered the series having a game as well. He thought was she part of the game? 

"The more the merrier, I am James by the way," James responded as he extended his hand. 

The woman extended her hand forward like a lady. "I am Halifa," Halifa responded. James saw this and dropped to his knee. He took her delicate hand and kissed it. 

"A pleasure to meet you," James responded. 

Halifa smiled. "My, you are bold," she responded. "Kissing the Goddess of Death`s hand," she added. 

Papi eyes widened. "I will not let you take him," Papi said, moving her hands up and down and fluttering her wings. 

"She is joking," James responded as he got up. He still held her hand. 

"Am I?" Halifa said as she smiled at him. 

James could not read her. Her facial expressions were neutral. He knew the Ultimatrix would activate if his life was endangered. 

"Well, I would be happy to have an ice-cream with you," James responded.

"Papi, you want one as well?" James asked. 

"I do," Papi responded as she forgot about Halifa. James, Papi and Halifa went to the ice-cream truck and brought two ice-creams. They walked to the bench and sat down. 

James held the ice-cream and Papi started to suck on it. "Here is yours," James offered Halifa. 

"You are feeding her, you can feed me as well," Halifa said. 

James nodded. He brought the ice-cream near her face. Halifa extended her tongue and gave it one single lick. "It is delicious and unique," Halifa said. "Unique like you," she added.

"Unique, what makes you think I am unique," James said. 

"You have the license to breed with every species and only you," Halifa said. "There were many anomalies," she added, looking at his watch. "There are many who want you," she further added. 

"You want to tell me who?" James asked. 

Halifa giggled. "That would be telling," she responded. 

"Do you want me?" James asked once more. 

"A lady never tells," Halifa said as she got up. "We will be seeing each other soon," she added as she walked away. 

Halifa thought he was different for sure. He had a unique smell. He did not fear her. His watch was something godly. She smiled, things will be interesting. 

James thought she was hiding something for sure. She seemed nice though. He looked at Papi who had finished her ice-cream. "Let's go home," James said. 

"Home," Papi said as she hugged James.