
Multiverse: Violence and Chaos and Sex

Jumping through portals, stealing technology, kidnapping women, murdering protagonists and destroying timelines, now nobody can stop me.

SamuraiBR · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A smile


A smile appears on my lips.

The vibrant pulsation of the energy barrier around me finally comes to life.

I raise my hand forward and close it into a fist, then open my mouth. "I'm not going crazy!"

I breathe deeply, lift my head, and reflect on the previous night.

The earlier memories emerge like two planes colliding with two towering towers. In my dream, a voice echoed, asking, "You have permission to make a wish. What do you wish for?"

Everything in the dream seemed too distant, so control slipped away from me and I simply replied, "I wish to have two abilities: the intelligence of a Rick and a dimensional glove that allows me to explore any place, at any time, in any reality."

I inhale deeply, closing my eyes for a brief moment, allowing the air to fill my lungs and calm my mind. The feeling of anticipation runs through me as I imagine what's about to happen.

A sigh escapes my lips as I raise my right hand forward, my fingers enveloping the surface of the platinum glove. An exhilarating emotion runs down my spine as the glove starts emitting a soft glow, the light dancing on its intricately crafted surface. My smile widens, my heart beating faster in my chest.

As the light from the glove grows in intensity, my room around me transforms into a temporary chaos. A strong gust of air sweeps through the room, causing papers and objects to fly in all directions, as if reality itself is rearranging to accommodate my journey. I ignore the momentary confusion, my focus entirely on the experience unfolding before me.

With a leap, I jump toward the newly formed portal, my body radiating a mix of excitement and determination. The sensation of being pulled into the unknown is overwhelming, but there's no fear in my heart, only a voracious craving for adventure.

As I cross the portal, the tranquil scene of my room is replaced by a room of technological wonders. Complex and intricate machines decorate the environment, a mixture of steam-powered technology and iron innovations. My eyes explore every detail, landing on shelves filled with colorful books and on a green-background canvas adorned with anagrams and diagrams representing advanced technology, sketched with a peculiar chalk.

My breath mingles with the blend of emotions surrounding me, and my heart continues to beat with electrifying energy. An admiring smile forms on my lips as I murmur with genuine fascination, "This is incredible. Even though I've dreamt of doing this countless times, there are no words to describe how much I love this feeling."

Collecting myself, I allow my gaze to sweep the room once more before focusing my thoughts. 'Now I'm immersed in the League of Legends universe, in Jayce's room, the beginning of the series. One of the thousands of realities I can explore with this glove.'

I approach the canvas, my eyes fixed on the notes and diagrams that decorate it. In moments, my brain seems to absorb the information instantly, as if the complex theories represented there were as clear as day. A small smile traces my lips again as I begin to whisper to myself. "Hmm... Hextech, a crystal of concentrated energy, manipulable to grant the bearer a large amount of energy, almost like magic. However, there are some flaws in this theory, some adjustments needed here and there to make it truly functional."

After the brief analysis, my right hand rises and touches the canvas with the platinum glove. My mind spins, and my reflections take shape. 'I managed to deduce all of this in an instant. My mental capacity seems to have reached an entirely new level.

This isn't news, as I have the IQ of a Rick, I'm in this reality because of these crystals and the global runes. I'll need to improvise, as the energy shield I created with parts of a computer and some batteries ceased its functionality as soon as I entered the portal.'

With a calm movement, I roll up the sleeves of my shirt to my forearms. I head to a nearby table by the window and, for a few seconds, let my gaze wander over the scene beyond the glass. The imposing architecture of the white marble building in the city of Piltover catches my attention, but the main focus is on the table in front of me.

My mind works quickly as my fingers rummage through papers and prototypes. I come across a shimmering artifact that hovers over a triangular capacitor that catches my eye, containing a bright blue gem. An involuntary smile appears as I carefully lift the gem using the glove. My mind is in action, calculating height, weight, and energy concentration contained within.

Excitement grows within me as a flood of ingenious ideas begins to form. One stands out: a chronoblocker watch that allows manipulation of time for brief seconds, an innovation akin to the item used by Ekko, the young inventor. However, I breathe deeply and push that idea to the back of my mind. For now, my priority is clear: create a functional Hextech energy pistol and a durable shield that won't become useless within minutes.

With unwavering determination, I quickly scan the space of the small apartment. My keen eyes capture details on objects that most wouldn't notice - old gears, rusty nails, braided copper wires, engineer's wrenches worn from use. Each item seems to have potential in my skilled hands.

Carefully disassembling an old wall clock, its gears become my allies in creating what's to come. I use an engineer's wrench to dismantle a broken mechanical arm, retrieving a bundle of copper wires that will soon become a vital part of my project. In a dusty corner, I find a handful of assorted nails and some springs, all waiting to be incorporated into my creation.

My steps are agile and precise, my gaze fixed on the mission at hand. With the items I've collected in hand, I begin to organize my improvised workspace. The foundation of my invention starts to take shape in the form of a pistol body made of cast iron and folded iron. The sight of a portable bender beside the table fills me with confidence - a crucial find.

With trained skill, I place the bright blue gem in the center of the pistol body, positioning it as the vital energy source. My agile fingers connect the copper wires, electricity flowing through them like pulsating life. The gears I've collected fit perfectly into their designated places, each one playing an essential role in the pistol's function.

The assembly process is a synchronized dance between my sharp mind and skilled hands. I twist, adjust, tighten, and test each component as it fits into place, my focus on the perfection of the assembly. Every detail is considered, every connection is made with surgical precision.

As the pistol takes shape in my hands, my heart races with excitement and anticipation. The bright gem seems to pulsate in response, radiating energy as it becomes the central force of my innovation. The sound of metal being worked and gears turning fills the space around me, creating a symphony of creation.

Finally, the project is complete. I hold the newly created Hextech energy pistol in my hands, feeling its weight and potential.


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