
Multiverse Vacation: Random Perk System

"Violence is not the answer. It is the question, and the answer is yes." - Sun Tzu, probably. Jason Chao woke up in the middle of a church which also happened to be under attack by otherwordly agents attempting to steal something. Oh, and he also had a few extra lives along with a rogue-lite system. What could go wrong? Current World: Valorant Future Worlds: Harry Potter, ??? Dunno about romance or harem stuff yet. Disclaimer: None of this media aside from my OCs belong to me. I only post this fanfiction on Webnovel.

Vatican_Chen · Others
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4 Chs

Incursion's Are Great

The cap was tilted low over his face as his eyes jolted open.

The teen could feel a rickety fan blowing warm air into his face and the sweat trickling down his back.

Before he could even grasp what was happening, a line of text appeared in the air before his eyes.

[ Run Or Die? ]

He felt the building shake, an old copper bell crashing to the floor with a loud cacophony.

The ground beneath him began to crack, glowing orange energy building beneath the crust.


It was almost instantaneous, adrenaline filling his veins as he ran forward crazily.

His eyes darting crazily, with one last leap, he dived out through an open window and an explosion deafened his ears.


The earthen floor behind him erupted into molten-hot shrapnel and he could hear people scream out in pain.

The teen slammed into the concrete floor outside, wincing in pain, though somehow, his cap was still on his head in all of this.

Looking back, he watched as the building- an old church, began to crumble.

"Kingdom 5A do you copy!? We are under attack by unknown Radiants! Bring reinforc-"


A male voice crackled through an earphone device plugged into his right ear before going silent as a single gunshot caused him to cringe.

Adjusting his cap, the teen lay on the ground, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

His knees and arms were scraped with blood, and a searing pain pricked at his shoulder.

He took the time to collect himself. He was dressed in plain grey cargo pants with a hefty bulletproof vest over his shirt and a ski mask over his face.

But what caught his eye the most was the logo on his vest.

It was a simple "K" made up of three cubic shapes. Very minimalistic.

But he knew where this was from.

His… Favorite first-person-shooter?

But how was this even happening?

How the hell was he dressed as a Kingdom operative?

Why the fuck was he seemingly in Valorant?

Nope. There was no time to think about this.

He had to get out of here alive first. But what was he going to do? He's already heard it on the radio.

"Unknown Radiants".


People who absorbed a substance called Radianite, gaining hypernatural abilities beyond most human and scientific comprehension.

They also usually had guns.

Nothing like people who could suck the souls out of a person's body and control fire also having the ability to put a fifty-cal through the back of your head.

Just as the founding fathers intended.

Coughing the dust from his lungs, the teen reached to the holster at his side, procuring a sleek grey pistol complete with a long blocky silencer.


That was the name of the gun. A semi-accurate silenced pistol.

There was even a small Swiss cheese buddy hanging from a small strap on its side.

His hands gripped the gun tightly and he waved it around. The weight was much lighter than he thought it would be.

Checking the magazine, he licked his parched lips with some difficulty, observing his surroundings. 

The teen had found himself in what he assumed was the church courtyard. What had once been a quaint garden had mostly been ripped to shreds by shrapnel, though the hedge bush walls that surrounded the place were mostly intact.

Behind him, the sound of gunshots thundered on, glass shattering and pillars crumbling.

Running towards one of the hedge walls, he kicked away at the shrubbery, trying to force his way through and out the other side.

Sadly for him, the sole of his foot met a hard brick wall on the other side.


He cursed, raising his middle finger.

Time to look for the more dangerous option, the church entrance.


Suddenly, he flinched as another chorus of explosions shook the church building. He had to flee quickly while the fighting was still going on and the "unknown Radiants" were distracted.

If these people decided to plant "that", then he was as good as dead.


As the teen ran forwards, from the sky above, giant smokey projectiles colored a dusty brown blasted down into the ground out of his view.

Rounding the corner of the slowly collapsing church, he saw it. 

The church entrance.

It was in quite some disrepair, half of the hedges surrounding it blown to pieces and the wrought metal gate once installed had been blasted apart.

But what was most worrying was the lone man standing guard, and the dead bodies of his "fellow" Kingdom operatives littered across the ground in pools of blood.

Ducking behind an inconspicuous steel crate, he huffed a sigh of relief as the lone man had his attention turned elsewhere.

Slightly peeking to the side of the crate, the teen assessed his situation.

Standing behind what appeared to be a giant machine gun with a bulky block of a magazine propped on a stand was a large caucasian man tanned by the sun. He wore a metal chestplate over his body with roughened military pants and combat boots. His hands were covered by thick leather gloves and an orange beret lay on his head.

This man had a darkened grey mustache and a short and well-trimmed beard, grey eyes glaring alongside his stout tough face.

He was also extremely wary of his surroundings, hand on the side of his machine gun at all times as his hand tapped on a glowing arm bracer on his left wrist.

This stone-faced man was the smoke-wielding enemy-smoking American denizen from probably Baltimore…

The grumpy old sulfur and ash burning controller…

Air raid spamming former firefighting…


"They think I'm an old dog? Heh, I'll show 'em just how many tricks I know."

That voiceline popped through the teen's head as he adjusted his cap stiffly, pistol at the ready.

This lone man was agent no. 1 of the Valorant protocol.


The teen was more than certain Brimstone would light him up as soon as he stood up from behind this crate.

Resting against the crate, the teen was completely still. He was a high school senior who had gone to a firing range about seven times in his life versus an experienced war-hardened veteran with a giant machine gun.

Great matchup.

If only he had one of those damned chea-

[ Module Loading ]

In all this shock and stupor, he had completely forgotten about that line of text from when he first found himself in this deathtrap!

[ Random Perk System activated! ]

[ The Random Perk System is a powerful tool for any transmigrator! It allows one to gain perks, or powerful abilities and skills that can be from everyday miscellany to overpowered beyond belief. Now how does one earn these perks? It's rather simple.


Every user of this system starts with five lives. When they die, they are given a random perk of a certain rank and revive after a period of one minute and two seconds. More lives can be gained by traveling to different worlds and completing different tasks.

Be warned, if you use up all your lives, you permanently die. As a starter consulation gift, you've been given a… somewhat random perk. After this, every perk will be completely random, so don't get your hopes up. 




Very Good


[ Generating Perk… ]

[ Very Good Perk Gained: Too Much For Z-Block (Counter-Strike) ]

[ Ever wanted to know how it feels to bunnyhop in real life? Have you ever wanted to push through connector like a SPEED DEMON and completely sh-t on some kids from behind, to the side, or upside down!? Grasp the power of the bhopping mystery Phoon! 

Skill.exe btw if anyone asks. ]

It was instantaneous as suddenly the teen knew… So much more. How to put a 50-cal bullet through someone's head while going at ungodly speeds. How to gain enough momentum to literally run circles around a cheetah and 360* no-scope it with an AWP…

His legs and body were suddenly bursting with a lively power that seemed infinite in explosiveness and dexterity. His vision seemed so expansive and clear right now that he could probably track a speeding bullet shooting through the air.

Like he was in complete control.

Twirling the ghost around his fingers with complete familiarity, a cool-headed confidence washed over him.

He felt like he could run through hell and back with only some first-degree burns.

This was suddenly so possible.


Just break the old man's ankles and give him a few light taps to the head.