
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

To be a God or not To be One

A strong surge of Holy mana erupted from the throne as the Seraphs started to kneel one after another.

It was a power way too familiar to them.

'Father's Holy Aura!' The four of them thought in unison.


Faraway in a castle above clouds was a castle in which an Old man with one eye was sitting on a golden throne.

"He returned!?"

"No...no this is a similar presence but I can sense something else mixed in it"



On top of a Moutain covered with snow, a figure of a young boy could be seen.

He had the figure of a middle school student with shiny blue-black hair and sharp black eyes.

'That old bastard is still alive!?'

"no...this feels diffrent"

"While it seems to have a similar divinity but...I sense no concept"

"perhaps the birth of a new God?"



On the top of a structure, a very Old and Fragile looking man sat as he looked at the beings walking below him.

"Ho, Ho!"

"A new God in Biblical faction?"

"Rather than being born by faith, he was born by inheriting the divinity of the previous one"




"The divinity is not as pure as a true God's "

"But I can surely feel something similar"

"Something I have fought against in past?"



The light subsided as they all could again look at the throne the four were ready to greet their new God however froze at the sight of him.

Arakan was sitting on the throne with pitch-black armor around him similar to his monster form.

However, its look had changed completely. The armor seemed to embody the universe as galaxies and stars could be seen spread all over it.



The four Seraphs were frozen in awe as they all looked at Arakan's figure as he sat on the throne.

'So he was indeed the chosen one' Michale thought to himself with a small smile of relief.

'The one who will lead the Christianity has the blood of a devil...how ironic' Uriel thought as he bowed.

'do I address him as father or do I address him by his name?' Gabriel thought as she bowed.

'the Biblical faction and the world are going to experience changes very soon' Raphael thought as he too bowed.

"I Michael the first son of God welcome you as the inheritor of his position and Power," Michale said out loud as he stood up.

"May you lead the World to prosperity, May you bring forth peace, " Gabriel chanted as she too stood up as well.

"May you smite the evil-doers, May you bring forth Justice" Uriel chanted as he stood up.

"May we be your words, May we be your sword, May we be your shield" Raphael chanted as he stood up as well.

"Let there be Light" Arakan responded back not showing any signs of movement.

As soon as those words were spoken by him trails of white light was emitted from the armrests of the throne and went towards the four seraphs.

The trails of light surrounded the Seraphs and then turned into various objects.

The trail of light that approached Michale turned into a wooden staff decorated with multiple feathers.

The trail of light that went for Gabriel turned into a double-edged sword that floated in front of her.

The trail of light in front of Uriel took the shape of a Spear with a crimson staff and a golden blade.

Raphael's trail of light took the shape of a Grimoire that he gently held.

"Take these as the gifts for attending the even" Arakan stated.

Suddenly cracks started to form all over him.

"Lord!!" Gabriel exclaimed as she and the other Seraphs tried to approach Arakan in panic.

In a burst of pure white light, Arakan exploded. The whole place was covered with smoke as the Seraphs blew it away.

"Lord!" Michael exclaimed as he approached Arakan who was now in human form.

"*cough* *cough* argghhh" Arakan coughed a couple of times and then moaned in pain as he slowly stood.

"Dear Lord, what happened?" Raphael asked in confusion.

"despite being his successor I still possess a mortal body"

"I was only able to tap into God's true power due to training my body for almost my entire life"

"Despite that, I only managed a couple of minutes" Arakan responded as weakly stood up.

"Does that means you won't be able to inherit God's will?" Michale asked.

"No, however, I would need to disregard the mortal body and get a divine one," Arakan responded.

'My demonic blood is getting rejected by The Heaven...I only managed to keep up this far because my monster form evolved past it'

"fuuuuu" Arakan released a deep breath as the slight injuries from the bast started to heal themselves.

"Worry not, I know a way to ascend the body" Arakan stated.

"I would need the Holy Relics, they are the things that have been stained by God's blood"

"I can use the essence of the blood left," Arakan said.

"Rest assured Lord, me and the rest of the Angels will set out immediately to look for them" Michael responded as he kneeled.

"No need to take such measures, Michael, I already looked at their location before since I know the area they reside in I will personally retrieve them," Arakan said.

"But Lord how we just let you go! as your servants it is our duty to help and support you" Uriel stated.

"It is as brother Uriel said it is our responsibility to follow your words," Gabriel said as she insisted to help out as well.

"Worry not if I suddenly become active as the God of Biblical faction people will start to question our motives, to hide the fact that God died or that someone inherited his will"

"I will...protect it so rest assured" Arakan responded as he patted Gabriel's head.

"I will take leave for now, while I cannot fully gain control over Heaven and the Sacred Gear system I still possess some sparks of divinity as the Seraphs you can contact me using the artifacts I gave to you," Arakan said as he vanished from the heavens.

"Brother...his words.."

"I know Gabriel...his words are very similar to what father used to say," Michael said with a smile on his face as his hands traced the staff Arakan blessed him with.

"To think that a Devil would be the chosen one," Raphael said with a smile as he looked at the Grimoire that was blessed to him.

"It is as father's words ' there is always a little evil in good and a little good within evil, there is nothing in the world without a Shadow' " Uriel said as he admired his spear.


[Hope you enjoyed the chapters so far]

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[Also this chapter was supposed to be posed like a couple of hours ago however Tobi legit forgot to do it so...sorry about that ehe~]