
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

A worm!?"

"Rias-taicho" Issei weakly called to Rias as he barely crawled through the rubble that was now Kuoh high.

Hie was covered in multiple wounds ranging from scratches to three-degree burns spread all over his body. He was barely crawling as he called out to Rias.

"Issei!?" Rias exclaimed as she recognized his voice along with the rest of the peerage that was present at the moment.

"president, what happened?" Issei asked his vision was blurred and he could hear high-pitched screechings in his ears.

"Asia quick heal him! Thank Satan you are alright I assumed you died after the strike." Rias exclaimed with a forced smile.

"President...what is wrong?" Issei asked as he make out the sadness in Rias's tone.

Tears dwelled in her eyes as Xenovia and Kiba looked down in shame and defeat.

"Issei, we lost"

"The faction leaders have been defeated!" Rias announced shocking Issei as he immediately sat up despite the pain to look at the situation at hand.

There he could see it clear as day, Arakan was still standing strong with the Primordial Jade Winged Spear still in his hands its head pointed at the ground.

Arakan's face and body were covered in blood yet no wounds could be seen on him. His head was tilted upwards his eyes seemed lost ignoring his surroundings it looked as if he was possessed.

Grayfia and Hanma stood behind him as Sara and Kasumi still intended to be against him. Hanma and Kasumi both were badly injured and were on their last legs.

In between the now separated peerage were four bodies that laid on the ground unmoving and riddled with injuries.

Azazel's artificial scale male was broken in pieces as his face was riddled with bruises and blood and his mouth seemed to be missing a couple of teeth.

Sirzechs was not in a better shape either he was half-buried in the ground face first as his wings were on display. Of the twelve he originally possessed now three were slashed in half while the other nine seemed damaged as well.

Michale and Serafall both were in a better condition as opposed to the leader of the Fallen angels and the Lucifer. While they too were riddled in wounds and unconscious they had the least amount of visible injuries.

"What in the world happened?" Issei questioned in shock as he witnessed the strongest beings he had ever encountered in the supernatural world lose to a guy about his age.

"It went like this..."


"RAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Kurama let out another beastly roar as multiple orange orbs of pure mana appeared in front of his mouth and started to shoot multiple beams at the faction leaders.

The four of them were quick on their feet and managed to avoid the greeting strike of Kurama.

"Arakan-sama! please stop it" Sara begged at last.

"No one wishes to see such a state of you, so please"

"Please return back to us"

"I have made my decision Sara, you and Kasumi have been great assets and...friends however if you wish to oppose me I won't hold back" Arakan stated confidently as he pointed his palm at Sara.

A mixture of black and light green energy formed in front of his palm as he aimed the blast at Sara's face.

"This is your last warning," Arakan said coldly as the energy in front of his palm released small flares to show its immense concentration.

"I-" before she could even say another word Arakan fired the blast of concentrated energy at Sara creating an explosion that sent her flying down to the ground.

"Dragon Gate!" Azazel exclaimed as he dodged another ray of pure mana that Kurama constantly bombarded them with.

Three massive gates opened in the skies behind him. Each of the gates had golden embroidery and multi-colored gems surrounding it.

With a loud noise, each of the gates opened to reveal three massive dragons of different colors and sizes.

The largest one of the three had crimson scales around him, while the smallest had emerald green scales and the last one had light gray scales.

"all as planned" Arakan muttered under his breath as flames started to gather around his palms.

'and this marks the second quest' Arakan thought as flames spread out from his palms and took the shape of twelve spears behind him.

With each coated with a layer of invisible armament haki, Arakan and Kurama started to overwhelm the dragons in an instant.

While Kurama decided to distract the Dragons with his constant blasts the faction leaders did not miss the opportunity to sneak behind Arakan.

Michale with his righteous heart still struck from the front as he released waves after waves of light weapons at Kurama and Arakan.

Azazel immediately dived in head first as he covered his Downfall Dragon Spear with a strong holy aura.

Serafall released a wave of aquatic creatures created from water and Sirzechs continued to release multiple blasts of Power of Destruction.

All four waves of attacks encircled Arakan in deadlock from all directions and it seemed almost impossible to move out of the attacks unscathed.

The haki-covered spears changed their direction midway as out of the twelve four clashed against the wave of aquatic creatures that Serafall released and Sirzechs Power of Destruction blasts. While the three clashed with Michale's wave of weapons created from holy light.

Azazel using the Downfall Dragon spear crashed against Arakan's back. Despite the momentum and the advantage of using a weapon enhanced with the holy attribute, the spear was unable to pierce through Arakan.

Of the rest of the five flaming spears, four of them continued to target the Dragons while the fifth one too turned back and headed straight for Azazel.

Seeing the oncoming spear Azazel barely managed to avoid it from hitting his lungs however it managed to pierce through his diaphragm causing him to bleed profusely.

Arakan did not even look back at the faction leader and immediately spread out his wings. Despite sharing similarities with devil wings Arakan's seemed even more crude and huge version of them.

In a burst of speed, Arakan appeared in front of the Dragon with Crimson flame. Before the dragon could even breathe out flames Arakan punched him in the jaw shutting it instantly.

With his overwhelming strength, Arakan easily grabbed the rough ends of the dragon's horns and struck it at its neck piercing through it and killing it in one fell swoop.

Shadows under Kurama extended as Kurama slowly dissolved back into it. Arakan let go of the Dragon's carcass as it slowly fell into the pool of darkness under it.

Suddenly a ginormous worm-like creature erupted from the darkness. It opened its mouth to reveal that it was filled with an uncomfortable number of razor-sharp tooths.

In a single bite, the worm devoured the Crimson Dragon and returned back to the shadows. Everyone present had their mouth open wide at what they witnessed.

"What in the Satan was that!?"

"Even I have not witnessed such a creature throughout my life"

"An earthworm!?"


[Hope you guys enjoyed it but this concludes the battle against the faction leaders as well]

[The next chapter might be delayed as it will be longer and will have more conversations]

[Hope you all enjoyed it]

[Leave a review it helps the fic a lot!]