
drogo vs Jon

Jon flew towards the land of dothrakies and landed there, while some men surrounded but he just waved his hand and they're pushed back while he said," bring your leader her, I'll defeat him and become your leader", the dothrakies didn't understand but some slave women they captured understood and told them while they scoffed and said something, the woman again said," they said your still young to challenge him and asked if you have grown down there".

Jon said," bad joke", and used his heat vision to kill al the men there except one and told him to bring drogo here, the man ran and after hearing that the man ran without even hearing the translation and a dothraky army appeared there shouting jon just used his heat vision again killing most of them and asked again," bring drogo here", the woman is looking at him in horror and told the dothrakies who are trembling his words, a man appeared there who is looking like Jason momoa, he then said something and the woman translated it," what magic are you using to kill my man? if you're a real man fight me and won".

Jon looked at him and took out his sword while didn't use any of his powers and even suppressed his perks as the system sounded:

{ mission :

defeat khal drogo without any of system benefits.

reward : dragon god bloodline, space - time manipulation.


Jon smiled and started his fight with drogo he has to admit drogo is a force to be reckoned with but also trained in his fighting and swordsmanship with Syrio and Ned Stark, he won against them without any advantages, khal drogo is on another level compared to Ned stark and Syrio, but he is on par with him.

Jon blocked the strikes that drogo threw at him and punched him in the back while drogo rushed towards him, Jon dodged while moving his sword to injured him but drogo blocked it with his hand and Jon then kicked drogo while he blocked it, he then used his sword hilt to hit drogo and he succeeded he didn't give drogo time and threw a punch against him followed by a sword to his neck and said," I won".

drogo lowered his head and while telling jon to kill him which the woman translated but Jon didn't kill and asked him to join in his conquest of westros which drogo nodded while jon looked at the dothrakies, then he said," I know you won't accept me as your leader, but I'm warning the moment you try to attack another village and loot it you'll met your demise, drogo you can choose to follow me or you can stay here and be their leader choose one", drogo said something in his language while the woman translated," I'm defeated by you by our customs I've to follow your command, you can even be the leader of dothraki by that, but seems like they're unwilling to follow you or me, so I'll join your conquest".

Jon smiled and waved his hand a portal appeared which surprised everyone he motioned the woman to go through it which they obeyed, while drogo looked at him curiously but also go through the portal he cast one last glance at the dothrakies with a hostile gaze before entering and disappearing through the portal. the dothrakies sighed in relief and fall to their knees.

Jon told the unsullied about drogo and let him join as a captain to a part of the force while the woman is taken care of by missandei, grey worm and daario informed him of the wealth they discovered in treasury while Jon told them about his plans in westros.

he did all these things secretly and didn't alert the westros, he didn't want to make any moves for the time being to alter the timeline, the events far in the future is enough to be altered, in this few months he gained a powerful force enough to deal with several kingdoms in westros like the kingdom with Catylin's sister as the Queen, he can even deal kingdom of borne and even conquer dragon stone with this army alone not to mention his dragons, but it's not enough, tywin Lannister is a man of schemes and can brought more soldiers from the iron bank of Bravo's, he need to weaken the iron bank first as it may lead to threat on future.

as there is not much to conquer in this continent he decided to take rest and build an army in mean time, Daenerys is spending time with him and they both saw as the army is rising with astonishing speed and more people are joining, while jon made sure abolish slavery completely, he also saw the dragons grew up very big and ordered everyone not to go near them while he also ordered the dragons to only ate the animals and not humans, he didn't want a rebellion like the one in series.

a few months has been passed and his dragons are as nig as they're in the final season, he nourished them properly, he also taught Daenerys about magic and she formed a mana core within her, it's orange in colour for now while his core is upgraded to violet and soon he'll break through to rainbow the highest stage of a mana core, this is due to the upgrade to dragon god bloodline and his space time magic that constantly emptied his mana core, and make it grew in huge of amounts of magic, his chakra reached the level of kaguya otutsuki, and his soul force reached to peak heavenly axis realm, his mental energy grew to that of pioneer in psionic.

he can now create disasters and submerge kingdoms with a command of his power, but he chose not to invade as it'll bring some consequences, lately he can sense gazes of 7 gods of sept of balor all over westros and went to confront them but he is disappointed in their power and killed them, but an island is destroyed due to their fight if it's on land it could have created an earthquake, so Jon chose not to use his powers.