

X warning X wish fulfilment massive harem 1st world Pokemon 2nd world (comment me )

M0RTA1 ¡ Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 Thunder AOE

After waking up Misty didn't feel sore because of Ash using aura to heal her after wearing her clothes she went out to see Ash cooking breakfast and Pikachu helping Ash

"Oh, you wake up how are you feeling now ?" I ask her

Misty come near me and peak my lips, after asking If she is feeling discomfort in any other place, after that we start eating breakfast with our Pokemon, she went to lake for training her Pokemon.

While Pikachu is meditating a Pidgeotto came near and start finding food in grass. Then I realised that universe has his ways even in butterfly effect to join their fate. But this Pidgeotto is different one its size is much bigger than normal one, Well whatever.

"Pikachu get ready for battle" I said

{Yes.} Pikachu says while looking at Pidgeotto

"Pikachu use Swift" I said

Pikachu use Swift but before it can hit, Pidgeotto Dodge it and used gust two times in row one after another.

"Pikachu use dig" after hearing my command Pikachu goes underground and gust become ineffective then tell Pikachu to use electric shock ,

Pikachu come out from ground just under Pidgeotto and use thunder shock, as I don't want to take risk of it flying away, as I am powerful but I don't have any flight ability to chase after him. So,

"Pikachu use Thunder Punch with extreme speed" just when Pidgeotto was about to touch the ground Pikachu arrived and give him a strike using Thunder Punch. Pidgeotto crash on a tree destroying it I throw PokeBALL and




It's a success

"Welcome to team buddy , let's become strong together and help each other ok." Pidgeotto looked into my eyes and cooed

{Pidgeotto will be with master} Pidgeotto

After that I use aura to heal Pidgeotto and give him food while I check Pikachu and his status.

Name -Pikachu

PL - 250

Bond -100

ability - static, lightning rod, volt absorb.

Moves-( Thunder, extreme speed, double team, rain dance, electric Web, Swift, Dig, Thunder Punch )

Name - Pidgeotto

PL - 180

Bond - 50

Ability - Kine Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks

Moves - ( Steel Wing, Uproar, Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Whirlwind )

Oh nice it knows Steel Wing and Uproar it will be interesting to train him.

After few minutes of talking with misty I was wondering how should I train Pidgeotto

Then I hear a voice of a woman laughing.

" Ahaahahah " Jessie

"So, We meet again." James

"TO save..." Before they can finish saying their dialogue I throw PokeBALL in air

"Go Pidgeotto, use tackle on Meowth." Pidgeotto lunch an attack on Meowth, as Meowth was on James and Jessie shoulder he fell down and fainted from receiving direct hit

'but, one think I have to he as his ribs where broken it heal faster than I thought

It really a place were human and Pokemon have strong physique that can resist many types of attack and heal quickly.' I thought


As both see Meowth fainted Jessie and James called their Pokemon

"Go Koffing" James

"Come out Ekans" Jessie


PL- 50

abilities - Intimidate,shed skin, Unnerve

Moves -( Leer, glare, wrap, poison sting, bite,dig)


PL- 60

abilities- levitate

Moves- (Tackle, Poison gas, Smog Self-destruct, sludge, smokescreen )

Hmm, they are improving slowly but surely.

"Koffing poison gas."

"Pidgeotto reverse it, using whirlwind"

As both Pokemon are poison type nothing happened to them.

"Pidgeotto go in front of Ekans." Jessie smile hearing this and told Ekans to use

"Ekans bite."

Just when ekans was about to bite Pidgeotto

"Pidgeotto now slash Ekans with Steel Wing"

Ekans fainted then I told Pidgeotto to go near Koffing and use gust then I told Pikachu to use thunder on them and it's final blow


Team rocket blast away..

(Well that was awkward )

While we making our way towards Pewter City

A boy in samurai cosplay costume come running toward us and behind him I can see a swarm of Beedrill chasing after him

" Run, run a group Beedrills are coming" he warn us

"Ash Hurry up reverse the cycle they are are coming" Misty

"Misty clam down and trust me ok" after listening that misty keep quiet.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt" after listening my command Pikachu used aoe Thunderbolt

and paralyzed all Beedrills shocking both samurai cosplayer and Misty.

After that he ask who am I and just after I said I am from Pallet Town he was about to challenge but remembering what happened to Beedrills he changed the topic, after some talk we say goodbye to him.

We reach Pewter City after few hours of cycling...

To be continue...

Vote for evolution







See you in next chapter

Well English is not my first language

So, I hope you enjoy it and if you like it please support😁