
Multiverse Theory Dragon Ball

Reincarnation is something I didn't expect, but hey, I'll take it. Dragon ball universe If you want to know more about this story, you are welcomed to read it. NO HAREM, please don't ask for it.

JessicaSesti · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Well this is isn't so bad.

I saw a tiny aged shack with dark windows and headed for it quickly, Gohan didn't need the Dragon ball now, didn't he?

I would have knocked down the door, but I didn't want to destroy his house, I'm not a monster, well technically yes, but anyways.

I pushed at the old wood door, as I started to think about what to do with Goku, opening, the dragon ball that now what a simple rock was just where I left it, maybe I should leave the ball there, is not like I need it.

"What am I supposed to do with Goku now?" Sitting on a chair I started to ponder about the possible solutions, he was a Saiyan, so taking care of himself must be on his DNA, maybe nothing will happen if I just let things be.

{Goku will arrive in 363 days, that is more than enough time to find a solution I think}

The system was right, so what options did I have?.... Roshi, he could take care of Goku; all I had to do was deliver him to the old man and voila.

"Alright, with that taken care of.... what should I do now, nothing fun happens during the beginning of the show..." I said, putting a hand on my perfect chin to think about my possible options.

{You could learn shapeshifting, and have fun around the world}

Shapeshifting the ability to change ones form to match another, that would certainly help my endeavours, "Alright then, directions!"

I flew through the ceiling of the house, destroying the house completely. I forgot I was inside, to begin with, the walls crumbled down, "Well, there goes the house..."

{The shapeshifting academy is five thousand miles away, please follow the waypoint!}

Before taking my leave, I decided to give Gohan a warrior's tomb, and with a ki blast destroyed half of the mountain, erasing his body from the face of the earth, "I might have overdone a bit, but what that hell,"


When I arrived at the school, I could see by the bright lights that came out of the windows that people was in there.

The building was nothing too fancy or extraordinary If I had to take a guess, Italian architecture, as I entered, I saw mostly anthropomorphic animals running around the school, there were humans around but not that many.

"Welcome to UT," A small raccoon said with a smile, I was having troubles to not hug the hell out of that creature, it had a suit! A fucking suit!.

"Hello, I would like to learn the arts of transformation," I said with a smile.

"Come with me," The raccoon said, guiding me through the school, to a private room,

Once in the room, that only had one window, a desk, two chairs and a door, he sat up and gave me a scroll, the scroll had some instructions on how to transform, the scroll was overly simple and easy to use, I expected something easier.

"Is this all the curriculum?" I asked, If I had an eyebrow it would be up in a 'are you serious way'.

"It is, but don't let it fool you, it takes years to master so welcome aboar----" I stopped him by transforming into him, the technique was freaking easy to master, it took me five seconds to understand how to use it.

"Well, this is quite simple," I said stretching my body, my voice sounded exactly like the one the raccoon had, "The energy consumption is nonexistent, maybe it's because of who I am, but is safe to say I can maintain the transformation indefinitely,"


"Dunno, I read the instructions, besides is not that hard, all you need is good energy control and a good image of what you want to change your body into," I said transforming into what I looked like as a young man my past life.

"I... can't...." The raccoon was having a hard time, believing what just happened, "Please stay with us, someone with your talent could be the best professor in the UT history!"

"Hahaha no!" I flew out, threw the window, not even bothering to see what he wanted to offer; there is no amount of money that could entice me to teach.

{As expected of you own Genius, Cell was made to be a genius, and your intelligence as a human was above the average by a decent margin, so learning techniques should take you less than others}

"To be honest I don't know what I expected, Cell learned the instant transmission just by looking at Goku using it a couple of times," I said stopping mid-air, "Talking about instant transmission, let's go to Yandrat, I wanna go there and learn some advanced Ki manipulation, and after that, I would like to go and see the Saiyans before they...explode"

{Alright, setting coordinates!}

An arrow that pointed me to the sky appeared, following my own personal GPS I flew following the arrow, many thoughts came to my head, maybe I should save Bardock and Gine, that way Goku would have someone to take care of him, and besides Bardocks doesn't look like a bad person.

{You are just thinking is way to morally feel better about killing Gohan aren't you?}

"God damn it, let me have my own personal thoughts, and yes," I was already out of the earth, funny enough I was able to breathe, what? I don't know but I was breathing, which makes zero logic, space has no oxygen... right?

Well fuck it, this world already violates everything I know about science so what that hell.