
Multiverse: The Outer God Alexander

Ah, shit, here we go again. Another wishfulfillment by your dear horny author who couldn't find what he wants so, he create one for himself. ### A guy from the blue star (earth) died and somehow landed in the Void where he literally spent trillions of years and somehow became a outer god? Follow his journey through the mutliverse and in the process, create a large harem? ### Pokemon harem will be included in this fic, there are other several controversial tags too like mother and daughter, etc so read at your own risk. ### To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara ### ~Note: For this fic to have a continuous supply of chapter, throw in all your everyday powerstone, tip and reviews are required. Based on the interactions and support thus story gather, I will continously upload chapters...

TouchSomeGrassBruh · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Arexsuraros, The Realm Of Outer God's

[{<Congratulations Alexander, you have been promoted to the status of Outer God after your years dedication>}]

"So, I've already become an Outer God, huh? That's... kind of unexpected but acceptable," he thought with a small smile. "Since I've become an Outer God, are there any benefits?" he asked the monotonous voice that sounded emotionless.

[{<No, there aren't any benefits; you just get recognized by other Outer Gods.>}] The monotonous voice replied directly to his brain.

"Eh!? Then what's the use of such status if there aren't any benefits?" he said, replying to the monotonous voice in his mind.

[{<... >}] The monotonous voice fell silent because nobody had ever asked for benefits; all of them just quietly accepted it with happiness.

"Sigh, if there aren't any benefits, then how about I create a benefit myself!?" he thought, his eyes widening with excitement rushing through his veins.

[{<How so!?>}] The monotonous voice replied, confused as to how he would create a benefit himself.

"I'll just rebuild the Outer God community from scratch and become the only ruler of it," he replied, shocking the monotonous voice.

[{<No, you absolutely cannot do that. Besides, there are a lot of beings stronger than you.>}]

"So what? I wouldn't know if I never tried, and besides, I don't care if I die; that's something that I've already experienced and learned throughout the trillions of years I've spent in the Void. So, I'll actually be kind of grateful if they could do that," he said in his thought, silencing the monotonous voice.

"So are you going to stop me from doing that?" Alexander said, his piercing gaze looking through the endless darkness ahead of him, but the monotonous voice sensed it clearly.

[{<Well, I don't really care what you do... I'm just a voice created by the first Outer God who died anyway.>}] He replied in a nonchalant tone.

"Alright, then how about we head to the Outer Gods realm first then? What's the name of that realm? Creation of the first Outer God?" Alexander said in his thought.

[{<My name is not "Creation of the first Outer God"; it's Azy, and Gods realm Arexsuraros, inhabited by Gods.>}]

"Damn, the name sounds majestic," Alexander said.

[{<It really is majestic. It was a name given by "Azor," the first Outer God to ever exist.>}] He said in a kind of sad tone.

"Oh, so that's the name of the dead Outer God," Alexander said.

[{<Yes >}]

"Okay, anyway, will you take me there or do I have to find it myself?" Alexander said.

[{<I'll teleport you there.>}]

Saying that, a glitchy portal opened up in front of Alexander, making him curious about how the portal was made as he could sense immense power from it.

[{<Go on now.>}]

As azy said that, Alexander slowly walked toward the portal.

"Finally, I'm leaving this shithole," Alexander said, giving a glance at the endless darkness behind him with a smile. And then he entered the portal...


Arexsuraros, the home realm of the Outer Gods, is an endless, ever-changing realm with floating islands that span across millions of miles. It also has ethereal mountains larger and longer than the highest mountain on the blue star, Mt. Everest, by at least a hundred thousand heights.

And in this realm, there is a floating island spanning across billions of miles, floating in the center of the Arexsuraros realm, made from pure clouds and ethereal, Primordial energies with the highest purity, lays the majestic Celestium.

Celestium is the place where the welcoming ceremony of new Outer Gods takes place, with all the Outer Gods of the Arexsuraros realm gathering to celebrate. It's a joyful occasion for them as it only happens once a quadrillion years.


[Alexander's POV]

"Woah, this place is really damn majestic," I said, looking at the grand structure of Celestium.

'Though is there any occasion taking place here? Why are there so many people drinking, looking around, and talking so happily?' I said to Azy.

[{<Today 50 is the welcoming ceremony of new Outer God, aka you, so it's natural for them to celebrate and be happy about it, as Gods aren't like humans, producing in bulk every day, there are only people actually living Arexsuraros realm.>}]

'Huh? Why such a low number of population here? Do they not have sex here or something?' I said, confused as to why they only have a handful of people here.

[{<Well, Outer Gods aren't like humans. They don't engage in intercourse, and they've been freed from their worldly desires, so it's natural.>}]

'Damn, they're missing the real fun then,' I said, feeling pity for them missing out on so many great things.

And as I walked closer to the extremely large double door in front of me, made from enchanted, extremely rare materials, I could see two guys wearing heavy armor standing there with stoic faces.

And as I reached the extremely large double door, the two guards' faces became clear: they were both males with slightly tanned skin, equipped with heavy armor and spears.

"Stop right there!" the guy on the left side with tanned white skin said as they both used their spears to make a cross in front of me.

"I'm Alexander," I replied with a smile on my face, trying to appear friendly.

"Are you the new Outer God?" the guy on the right said.

"Yeah? It seems the information already reached here too," I said.

"Yeah, we all heard the monotonous voice of that Azy announcing the birth of a new Outer God, and since you're a new face, I thought you might be the new guy," the guy on the left politely said.

"Oh? So, can I enter now?" I said with a smile as they realized they still had their weapons crossed, guarding the door.

And as they realized this, they both retracted their weapons with awkward expressions on their faces.

"You can!" the guy on the right said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

'It seems they still have spare Outer Gods to make them guards, huh?' I thought.

[{<Yes, they do. Actually, most lesser Outer Gods are just guards.>}]

'There are even ranks, huh? What are the ranks?' I asked, curious about it.

[{<The ranks are: Lesser Outer God, Higher Primordial God. There are still more too, but they for people who have evolved from God to a Cosmic and there under the just like in Gods.>}]

'Damn, there are even more powerful beings? I guess that quote was right, "If you think you are a God, remember that the Cosmic/Omegaverse is huge and there will be countless other beings more powerful than you."' I replied.

'Is there any rank higher than that?' I asked, getting a feeling that there are more.

[{<There is only one, and that's "Supreme Cosmic God," which the highest rank one that nobody has ever reached. Even first Outer God didn't reach reached up to Higher God.>}]

'Damn, then what rank am I right now?' I asked.

[{<You are in the Primordial Outer God rank.>}] Azy replied, making me kind of surprised as well as shocked.


Which world should Alexander go for first? I'm think of high-school of the dead or some "ecchi" type anime world and since you're can't decide it, I'll let ya'll choose it. If ya'll don't want to choose, I'll just randomly go with what world I'm best at.

Also, the goal of today is 100 powerstone, complete it :)

Btw, head to my Buy Me a Coffee page and leave a tip ;) it'll motivate me a lot to continue writing for you guys. :)


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