

Awakening in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing headache, a 18-year-old discovers he's trapped in an alternate world as Hisashi Igou. Suddenly, a holographic screen springs to life, revealing the mysterious Lust System. ┝┿┿┿┿┥ Worlds: 1. Highschool of the Dead 2. High School DxD or Naruto ┝┿┿┿┿┥ For advance chapter or support me: https://www.patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Relief After Pain

An unknown amount of time passed, and Hisashi managed to overcome this ordeal without fainting. After the pain, came the refreshing relief; the feeling was that if before was hell, now it was heaven.

The only thing interrupting his sense of happiness was the sticky fluid on his skin and the foul air around him.

Luckily, he chose to do this under the shower. Although all the dirt didn't come off his body, at least he prevented it from impregnating another room in the house, and he started scrubbing his body skillfully.

"It's so hard to clean this..." He murmured.

However, no matter how difficult it was, he continued scrubbing.

Even after finishing, he had to wash his body several times, scrubbing well with liquid soap.

When he finished, he sighed.

"Finally done."

[Good job, master!] The Little Fairy, who had been silent until now, floated before him as she said.

"Mm." Responding with a murmur, he went to the mirror and was surprised by what he saw.

His gray hair had turned a platinum shade. It also had a shiny texture that made it seem like it had undergone a beauty treatment at the best salon.

His brown eyes had taken on a more vibrant shade of bright green and sometimes shimmered in purple. And although these changes were already surprising, the biggest change was his skin. Now, it was softer to the touch and healthier than most women's. His skin looked as soft as a baby's and was whiter compared to his dry, pale skin of the past.

Hisashi's face was already attractive, but it improved to the point of becoming more symmetrical, now with a face a bit better than average for a model.

And maybe it was just his impression, but... Did he seem a little taller?

After dressing in just a pair of dark blue cloth shorts, he returned to his room. There, Rei was still in the realm of dreams but didn't seem very happy, appearing to be searching for something on the bed.

Smiling a bit, although he wanted to, he didn't go to her. Knowing she must be looking for him, Hisashi grabbed a pillow and gave it to her as his substitute, which worked.

Then, he started picking up his and her clothes scattered around the room and took them to wash.

By the bed, on the nightstand, he placed a set of clothes. It was a pair of short blue silk shorts and a loose white shirt.

Later, after putting the clothes to wash and then to dry, Hisashi returned to his room. Seeing that Rei was still asleep, he lay down beside her, and that was when the Little Fairy appeared back.


[New missions available!]


Seeing the holographic window that announced the new missions available, he looked at the fairy and murmured: "Fairy, show my profile."

[Yes~] She sang.


Profile: Hisashi Igou

[★] Level: 4 [3,950/4,000]

Points: 2,250



╠═ Mystic Eyes of Lust (Passive) [★★] ═╣

╠═ Child Creation Mode (OFF) [★★] ═╣



Mission 1: Ask someone to give you a blowjob! Reward: 500 Points (0/1)

Mission 2: Have sex with a married woman! Reward: 2,000 Points (0/1)

Mission 3: Have sex with five women in one week! Reward: 10,000 Points (0/5)

Mission 4: Take the virginity of five women! Reward: 12,000 Points (0/5)



[Conquered Women]


"Have sex with a married woman..." He looked at the Little Fairy: "Fairy, are you trying to tell me something by giving me this kind of mission?"

[Not necessarily, master. The choice is in your hands.] She said: [Since there is the option to discard the mission you do not wish to complete. And even if you discard a mission, there is no penalty; you will only lose the chance to earn the reward for completing the mission~]

"I see." Hisashi asked something else: "Tell me, why isn't Rei in the conquered women selection?"

[Because the master hasn't fulfilled all the necessary requirements to make her appear in the conquered women tab.]

She invoked her teacher mode while explaining, 'raising' an imaginary pair of glasses, but instead of looking intellectual, which seemed to be what she was aiming for, she looked more like a cute little girl trying hard to explain something.

[Only after having sex three different times with the same woman will she be added to the 'Conquered Women' section.]

"I see." Hisashi asked, "And I should assume that achieving this will be advantageous for me, correct?"

[Exactly!] She exclaimed enthusiastically: [There, you will see the Loyalty Meter, with 0 being deceptive and untrustworthy. And 100 means they would have the utmost trust in you! At that point, you can trust them with anything you need to do! Believe me, when I say everything, it's everything. Because a woman who reaches 100 loyalty will not betray you even if someone tries to hypnotize her!]

Hisashi felt there was something sinister at the end of her words, but he decided not to think too much about it.

While he could see the lust meter with his Mystic Eyes of Lust, Hisashi understood that the loyalty index was a different concept. He pondered while looking in the direction of Rei, who slept beside him.


[Rei Miyamoto [★☆] (Level: 2)]

[Sex Count: 1 (Times she reached orgasm: 9)]

[Number of Partners: 1

[Sexual Desire: 86]


Even seeing that her sexual desire had increased significantly towards him, although he believed that increasing this could also raise a girl's loyalty to him, it didn't mean they would be on the same level.

In any case, this was something that wasn't worth worrying about now. Everything would be resolved when he met the requirement and managed to turn her into one of his 'conquered women'; then he would know how loyal she was to him.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt movement in the bed beside him, and his eyes, which seemed to see nothing but the holographic screen before him, refocused, seeing that Rei was waking up.

She seemed a bit disoriented and sleepy. When she saw him, she was confused and rubbed her eyes as she began to sit up in bed: "Hisashi."

"Yes, it's me." Hisashi replied.

"Where am I-" She was about to ask something, but when the sheet that covered her slipped down, her pair of beautiful E-CUP breasts, with some visible hickeys and even a mark that hadn't faded yet around the areola, came into Hisashi's view: "Kyahh!"

Realizing this, Rei let out a little scream of surprise and pulled the sheet to cover her body. Soon after, she looked a bit dazed, like a drunk person starting to remember everything they did the day before after waking up...

Now, with the white silk sheet covering her up to her eyes, she cast a shy glance in Hisashi's direction.

"We... we did that, didn't we?" She asked rhetorically.

"As proof, the blood of your-"

"Don't say it!" She lunged at him, placing her hands over his mouth. However, she forgot she was trying to cover herself before, due to her embarrassment at being naked, and now that all the sexual tension had passed, she began to think more clearly and all her shyness came to the surface.

Holding her wrists, moving them away from his mouth, Hisashi laughed: "Rei, don't you think it's a little late to be shy, especially after all the things we did?"

"Urghh..." She groaned. When she noticed the direction of his gaze, she blushed even more. Pulling her arms, she covered herself again: "I don't know anything!" She shouted.

"Hahaha!" Hisashi laughed, making her look at him through the sheet, puffing her cheeks with a cute expression.

Rei stared at him like that until he said: "Rei, if you keep looking at me like that, I'm afraid I'll need your help... Actually, it's a bit late, my 'little friend' is already awake because of you." He smiled mischievously: "You'll help me like before, right?"

When he pulled the sheet off himself, a tent was formed in his shorts without underwear.

Seeing this, though with a red face, Rei swallowed dryly, with obvious desire in her eyes.

Something inside her seemed to scream: I want to suck, I want to suck!


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