
Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,)

In the chaotic multiverse, lost stories abound as events occur across infinite timelines and possibilities. The realm is infinite, with infinite variabilities, making it a fascinating and intriguing concept to explore. Share your ideas in the comments without hesitation, and I will consider turning them into either snippets or short stories. Expect one every couple of days.

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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Snippet Recomendations

Hello my readers, I apologize that my chapters for the DC and spear boy fan fictions haven't been as reliable as I thought due to New York weather and my crappy web provider so I'm giving you guys a chapter for this one to give me recommendations for snippets you would like me to write.

Comment your ideas here they can be anything from stories using various choose your own adventure templates to essences, and I will try my best to write one.