In the chaotic multiverse, lost stories abound as events occur across infinite timelines and possibilities. The realm is infinite, with infinite variabilities, making it a fascinating and intriguing concept to explore. Share your ideas in the comments without hesitation, and I will consider turning them into either snippets or short stories. Expect one every couple of days.
(Shoutout To Ehsan_Zarghani. Here is the snippet you desired.)
Essences Used: Mad Doctor, Spark, Boltgun, and Dimensional Shop
(Peter Parker POV)
I still see the blood flowing from Aunt May's bullet wound.
I remember going to the hospital with MJ and trying to secure some aid for her wound as I couldn't go to any large hospitals due to my status as a criminal after Civil War. I have never run faster across the city with MJ following behind in a cab as I rushed May to the closest hospital.
It took too long, just like always, and by the time we arrived May had already gone into shock and was on the verge of bleeding out. Luckily, the doctors took her from me before any of them recogized my face, and she was rushed to the ER.
Mary Jane arrived 15 minutes later and sat beside me as I crushed the chair's armrest in worry. Mary Jane simply stayed next to me as we waited for the verdict.
And I never wished it came as the doctor came out, he said "I'm sorry as her condition is fatal and without further operation she will die, the only thing keeping her alive is the machines here."
"How much does it cost?!" I nearly yelled as he sighed and showed me the numbers, and my heart shattered seeing the amount. Again, due to being a criminal, all of my accounts have been frozen, so I can't pay for this, and neither can Mary Jane, and all my friends won't help me. I crush the paper in my hands as the doctor places a hand on my shoulder.
"You know you saved my kid once, so I won't tell anyone you were here, but I know that look in your eye you're about to do something drastic. I wouldn't. The woman is old young man. You have to let her go." He then walks away as Mary Jane cries on my shoulder, and I sit back down.
I sat next to May's bed along with MJ for what felt like days, but after getting up and walking outside, I began to scream and yell while punching the trash cans next to the hospital. But then I saw something out of the corner of my eye: a man muttering to himself in a lab coat as he fiddled around with some device, and knowing thees types, I sighed in frustration and walked over to him.
"Hey I wouldn't use untested tech around a hospital if I were you." As he seemed not to hear me I gripped his shoulder, but he simply kept muttering to himself.
'Hello! I am talking to you." I yelled at him, and he then turned around, and as I saw his green eyes, he seemed to recognize me and smiled.
"Canon event, man! No, wait, that's not your name… I know it was Arcahna, boy! No too old." Okay, this guy was insane, and when I tried to grab at the weird device that looked like a small glowing cylinder, my hand simply phased through it.
Okay this may be serious but before I could do anything, he gripped me by the face and looked me over. " Signs of definitive stress. Lack of sleep, malnutrition multiple bruises, and unhealed injuries unaccaptabel! What ails you, my good arcahnid?!" It is like dealing with Deadpool here.
"Look, I don't have time for this. I need to find a way to get some money. Can you turn yourself, please?" he seemed offended by that as he stomped his foot on the ground.
" I have not once committed a criminal act in this universe. This is slander, but I see that you are angry and stressed. Why is that my intrepid spider?!" Taking a breath, I sat down against the wall.
"My aunt was shot, and I dont have the money to afford the surgeries. I'm not sure what to do." The man then scratches his head wildly as he nods his head fervently and then begins to ask multiple questions at once.
"What is the severity of the injury? How long has the patient been in comatose? What is her blood type? How old is she? I need details on the web center! A patient's life is at risk!" I don't know why, but his attitude seemed to show both madness and sanity yet great knowledge, and for some reason, maybe due to the tiredness and seriousness of the situation, I told him the info.
He then smiled and lifted me up with one hand, which was a bit alarming, and said, "Well, you are in luck, my caucasian Virgo. I shall offer my services now to save the patient!" he then began to barge into the hospital at speeds almost as fast as quicksilver. By the time I reached her room, I saw MJ still asleep as the doctor. Hopefully, the doctor stabs my Aunt gently with a needle.
I then slammed him into the wall as he looked on with utter seriousness, and even as I almost choked him, he seemed unfazed and simply pulled me off of him and watched. And as I tried to web him up, he summoned some kind of forcefield around himself, and even my strongest punches did nothing but amuse him as he sat there and waited.
Yet, as I began to slow down, I saw May's vitals get better and her wound close as if it was never there. She then opened her eyes and looked around, and as she laid eyes on the doc, he smiled and said, " Welcome back to the world of the living, Mrs. Parker. I tell you what, your nephew has the most amazing jokes, I tell you! Now, how are you feeling?"
He then takes out some data pad and begins to write off whatever Aunt May says, and as I look at him with confusion, he does what I assume was his attempt at a subtle wink, but everyone notices that Aunt May is smiling as Mary Jane who had just woken up was confused.
"Well, I tell you what, Mrs Parker, you are fortunate that your son carried you all the way to this hospital as fast as he could. I would kill to have a kid like him. I do remember when I had to deal with an entire world infested by these shards in their heads. Made them all a bit Loco, if you know what I mean? But I wouldn't start walking for a day or two since the bacta hasn't made its way through your system quite yet." Wait, bacta like that is the stuff from Star Wars!
Wait a second, when we were talking, he said he hadn't committed a crime in this universe…Oh no, not another one! As he finished his "checkup," he looked over to them and gave me another wink, which I admit almost made me laugh at his almost cartoonish mannerisms.
Mary Jane actually hugged him, which made him stiffen up as he seemed almost lost on what to do, and when he didn't hug her back, she let go, seeming embarrassed, but said, " Thank you so much, Doctor?"
"Ah yes, my apologies, my fiery-headed lass! I am the one who knocks, the walker of worlds, the slayer of chaos, the healer of universes. But you may call me Doctor."
"Doctor Who?" MJ asked as I wondered where he was going with this.
"Exactly, but my work here is done for now. I must be off, for there are always new places to go and more people to smash-I mean save!" I looked at MJ as she seemed both amused and scared at the same time while May had fallen back to sleep.
"Oh, before I go, I must give you this lady jackpot, a small going away present from myself to you." He then placed a bracelet on her hand, and the same shield even I could not break through formed around her. Before I could say anything, he also placed one around May and dashed away.
As I looked at MJ, she sighed and said, " Go get him tiger." I smiled for the first time in a while as I ran after this guy. If Shield or Stark finds him, we may have a problem.
Luckily, he wasn't using his superspeed and simply walking away from the hospital, and as I caught up to him, he was scanning for something with that same device. "Wait up, Doc! I need to give you my YELP review!"
He then turned around, and I saw the ever-present smile on his face as he yelled out, " Mr. Multiverse, I knew you couldn't stay away from the allure of science!" His attitude almost makes me wish that most insane doctors were like this. I could use some of that enthusiasm right about now.
As we walked around the city as he scanned for something, my curiosity got the better of me ' Hey Doc, what are you looking for exactly?"
"Yes, Mr. Sequel Bait, nothing. Most of the time, when I end up searching for something, I never find it, so I have switched my decision-making to that I'm looking for nothing, but I always find something, and it's always so exciting! Just today, when I was wondering about the city, I found many large lizards that may be alligators, but that's beside the point, and a few Rats the size of dogs." I am kind of worried for this guy.
"Hey, in all seriousness, thanks for helping my Aunt. It means a lot." he scoffs and slaps me on the back, almost knocking me over.
"None of that Bully McGuire science is to seek the enrichment of all money is the root of all evil. Besides, I can make an infinite amount of it myself, so I don't need to worry about getting paid. I do not believe in the Hippocratic oath, as I am fully willing to defend myself. Aiding others is the true goal of science!" Well, I can definitely say this is the first time I've met a helpful, insane scientist.
"Regardless, thank you for accompanying me, Spiders and Stripes, but are you not worried about the government?" Is he worried about me?
"Not really, as with Stark running Shield, he keeps away if he knows what's good for him. But I am not exactly living large." The Doctor then sighs and slaps me on the back again, snapping me out of it.
"Endure, symbiote bait, endure. Now that you've hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up! You have so many opportunities now! Create a new identity and start over. If you still want to be Spider-Man, do it under a new name or as a true vigilante. People may say with great power comes great responsibility, but that responsibility is also held to those you love, and I, for one, love science!" I stopped after hearing that as I nodded to myself and continued walking with him.
Soon enough, we found ourselves atop an apartment building in Queens, and as he sat down, I sat down next to him. "You know I wasn't always the amazing scientist you see before you. I was once scared and alone, just like you. But when I discovered my Powers, I knew what I had to do. Learn and grow at all costs. If I can't help myself, Mr. Best Ass in Marvel, how can I help others and advance my fields of study? The search for purpose and knowledge never ends, and that is the best part. There will be ups, and there will be downs over and over again. We will struggle against the futility of life, but we keep going with Bolter in hand and the light of the Emperor in our hearts!" he then pulls out a large gun that looks like something the Hulk would use and stands atop a small mountain of newspapers.
I stood up and felt the energy he radiated overtake me, and I felt the spark once more as I put my web shooters on. He took out a large device and plugged it into something. Wait is that an arc reactor?!
"Uh, Doc, what is that?" He then smiles at me with that same manic smile and pounds on the machine.
"This machine, Spider Totem, is a mememtic deletion device. Using its connection to psychic energy and a conceptual connection to the concept of collective consciousness will delete your identity from the minds of everyone on the planet! No deals with the devil are required! All information regarding your identity as Spider-Man will be deleted, which includes memory banks as well as actual memories. But do list off names you want for people to remember your identity." My eyes widen at the implication as he works on the machine, which should not be able to work with the parts he has, but they just do.
As he continued working, I listed some names but kept it small, as having Mary Jane and Aunt May was all I needed. So, as he starts up the machine, it glows in a blue light that then expands to cover the whole planet in seconds, which then collapses in on itself and disappears. As the Doc was taking some energy readings, I looked at my phone and went to the newspaper articles that covered my identity reveal and found nothing.
Tears began to fall from my eyes as I then found the Doc with his giant gun staring over me, smiling like a madman. As his smile became smugger, he shook me violently and said, " Well, Mr. Reboot, it's time for me to go, but if you wish to see me or give shelter to your friends, come to this address. Stand proud, Mr, Parker you were strong." He then pats me on the head as he disappears in a cloud of bubbles?
Did he actually call me by name?
As I looked at the card, which showed an address in Hell's Kitchen, and the place was called The Translocation. Actulaztaion. Realization. Displacement, Intitazlaization, Sensation! Trademark Pending.
I then sat down and called MJ on the Spider Phone, and as she barraged me with questions about the light show, all I could do was laugh and scream to the heavens that Spiderman would make a comeback soon enough.