
Multiverse: Starting With Killer Queen

I've arrived in Fuyuki city and have just become a Stand User. Currently, I work at a convenience store in the business district, and I finish work at the latest by 8 PM every day. I don't smoke, and I only have an occasional drink. I make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep every day. My colleagues say I'm quite normal. *** Roland, who had traveled back to 1994, didn't have grand ambitions or pursuits. He simply wanted to live a peaceful life. However, it wasn't until the Fourth Holy Grail War erupted, and he witnessed the frequent appearances of disturbing individuals in his life, including the self-proclaimed artist and serial killer, the Mage Killer, and the eccentric priest, that Roland realized he needed to take necessary measures. In summary, anyone who disrupts my peaceful life must die.

Raja_Sihir · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 88 Death of Tokiomi

  Being transferred out of thin air, Gilgamesh first glanced around vigilantly, and then understood everything in an instant.

  "Hmph, there's not even any trace of a Servant. Was he beaten like this by a magician?" Gilgamesh questioned Tōsaka Tokiomi with cold eyes without any hesitation.

  "What are you messing with, Joker?"

  Originally Gilgamesh thought that Tōsaka Tokiomi, apart from being disloyal, stubborn and stupid, was marginally capable and responded to his calls quite quickly. However, he did not expect that this guy was nearly beaten to death by other magi and had completely lost his ability to fight, so he had no choice but to call him, and he just happened to run into him.

  This coincidence plus the fact that both of them were now half-crippled made Gilgamesh plan to directly execute Tōsaka Tokiomi to vent his anger, but when he saw Kotomine Kirei next to him, he withdrew this plan.

  Such a quick death is too easy for this traitor.

  "My Lord of Heroes, please forgive me for my incompetence. After fighting against the Berserker Master, I no longer have the strength to fight. Yet Kirei betrayed me at this critical moment. Please lend me a hand and punish the betrayer."

  Although he was extremely anxious, Tōsaka Tokiomi did not show it and asked Archer respectfully.

  Seeing Kotomine Kirei standing there silently after Archer appeared, Tōsaka Tokiomi suddenly realized that he had unknowingly fallen into a very bad situation.

  After the conflict with Archer, Kotomine Kirei's betrayal, and the destruction of the Tōsaka family, he can only hope that Gilgamesh can distinguish right from wrong and let bygones be bygones.

  "Since you have admitted your own incompetence, why should I accept an incompetent subject like you?"

  Gilgamesh walked to the side without any hesitation, glanced at Kotomine Kirei, and spoke in a mocking tone.

  "But you don't have to worry, Tokiomi. Although you have not fulfilled your responsibilities as a subject, I will not ignore the relationship between master and servant. Therefore, before this contract ends, I will not punish you for this."

  Tōsaka Tokiomi was stunned for a moment.

  It would be fine if Archer rejected his request normally, but couldn't he see what was going on now?

  Even if Tōsaka Tokiomi encountered the agent of the church intact, he would not dare to say that he could handle it, let alone his current half-crippled state?

  Hearing Gilgamesh's words, Kotomine Kirei seemed to have received a hint and slowly walked towards Tōsaka Tokiomi.

  He could hardly suppress the excitement on his face. With every step he took, he needed to steady his mind. With every step, the blazing fire in his eyes grew brighter.

  "No, Kirei! You can't do this... What on earth do you want!?"

  At the moment of facing death, Tōsaka Tokiomi finally started to panic.

  He really couldn't understand why this situation had occurred. His trust in Kotomine Kirei was built up bit by bit from his past experiences. The other party's seriousness, caution, and respect were all actions that came from the heart.

  This is the only thing he couldn't be wrong about.

  And what could Kotomine Kirei get? He gave up the bright future of the church and chose to come to Fuyuki to join the Tosaka family and fight. Was it just to seize the Tosaka family's property?

  But the other party clearly knows the current financial situation of the Tohsaka family, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a hot potato.

  When Tousaka Tokiomi, who was puzzled, saw that he could not impress Kotomine Kirei, he turned his head and looked at Archer.

  He was looking at Kotomine Kirei expectantly, without any intention of helping his Master.

  "Archer! Why are you just watching? Are you really betraying me?"

  "Clown, when you used lies to cover up the truth and fool this king, you should have thought about your own end."

  Gilgamesh didn't even bother to look at Tōsaka Tokiomi. Such disregard was the most ironic punishment for Tōsaka Tokiomi.  

  "As a servant...even if I die, I will..." Tōsaka Tokiomi's eyes became ferocious as he prepared to activate the last Command Seal.

  But before he could make any move, a gleaming silver sword had already cut off his wrist.


  Although he looked seriously injured, as long as he was not dead, Gilgamesh was not an opponent to be underestimated.


  A hint of anger appeared on Gilgamesh's face, but he still did not kill Tōsaka Tokiomi, because the scene he was most looking forward to had arrived.

  "After all, Master, you still didn't understand me until the end..."

  Looking at Tōsaka Tokiomi who was deserted by everyone, Kotomine Kirei stopped in front of him.

  "For the past thirty years, my life has been filled with emptiness and sadness. For this, even if it is just false happiness, I am willing to give up everything to pursue it."

  "Because I am isolated from this world, as long as this emptiness does not end, I will always be trapped in a sad life. But after today, it will be completely different!"

  Kotomine Kirei gradually began to shout loudly and passionately, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

  "I have been baptized! I have been saved!"

  A terrifying fanaticism appeared on the face of the taciturn priest. He raised high the mercury sword in his hand, which symbolized trust and friendship, and accurately slashed at Toosaka Tokiomi's unprotected neck. Before the quiet death came, all Toosaka Tokiomi could hear were Kotomine Kirei's clear words.

  "Master, - this wound I cut on your neck is the tragic boundary between me and this world!"

  Kotomine Kirei shook off the blood on the mercury sword and revealed a satisfied smile.

  Tohsaka Tokiomi's wail before death was so sweet to the ear, his destruction was so beautiful, and even his painful struggle was so interesting.

  As if he wanted to release all the suppressed emotions in the first half of his life, he laughed wildly endlessly, causing him, who had always been self-disciplined, to fall to his knees without control.

  Roland once ordered him to be happy.

  Kotomine Kirei was personally experiencing this sweet, evil, and cruel despair. This fresh touch was exactly the answer he had been searching for for so long.

  But when the novelty wore off, it was followed by a deeper feeling of emptiness. But before Kotomine Kirei could come back to his senses from this feeling of loss and emptiness, Gilgamesh had already walked over.

  "Well done, Kirei. Now sign a new contract with me."

  Gilgamesh was also very satisfied with his new Master. "Although he is not very mature, he is not boring either. I believe we will get along very happily in the future. Now let's leave this dirty place and find a new place to live."

  After the contract was completed, without waiting for Kotomine Kirei's response, Gilgamesh transformed into a spirit and walked towards the church first.

  And Kotomine Kirei was still staring blankly at Gilgamesh's back, revealing a meaningful smile.

  "As you wish, Hero King."