
Multiverse: Starting With Killer Queen in Fate Series

I've arrived in Fuyuki city and have just become a Stand User. Currently, I work at a convenience store in the business district, and I finish work at the latest by 8 PM every day. I don't smoke, and I only have an occasional drink. I make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep every day. My colleagues say I'm quite normal. *** Roland, who had traveled back to 1994, didn't have grand ambitions or pursuits. He simply wanted to live a peaceful life. However, it wasn't until the Fourth Holy Grail War erupted, and he witnessed the frequent appearances of disturbing individuals in his life, including the self-proclaimed artist and serial killer, the Mage Killer, and the eccentric priest, that Roland realized he needed to take necessary measures. In summary, anyone who disrupts my peaceful life must die.

Ryuuen · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Roland, right? Your Japanese is quite good... Have you been living here for a long time?"


"Impressive. You're so young, yet you've come to live independently in Fuyuki City. Have you had work experience before? Most young people would prefer to go to a big city, so are you feeling okay in a small place like Fuyuki City?"

"It's fine," Roland hesitated for a moment, feeling something wasn't quite right. He added, "I used to live in a small town called Morioh, and compared to that, Fuyuki City is quite impressive."

It was a simple job interview.

The convenience store manager chatted casually with Roland, observing him closely.

With his neat attire, healthy complexion, and proper posture, even though he was quite young, the manager could tell that Roland was a young man with excellent manners, a product of a good upbringing.

He was right; Roland was a good kid.

"So, one last question. Can you start working today?"

Roland put on a long apron and began familiarizing himself with his new work environment.

Leaving aside the Holy Grail War, if he wanted to live in this world, having the right identification was essential.

Contrary to most people's beliefs, this country didn't require identification in many aspects of daily life.

So, as long as he could secure a source of income, Roland, with his current skill level, could blend into this society like a drop of water merging into the ocean.

For that, he needed a job.

Even though the bursting of the economic bubble had caused a prolonged period of stagnation, commonly referred to as the "Lost Decades," with mass layoffs in many industries and economic troubles, Fuyuki City seemed relatively stable, perhaps due to its smaller size.

However, the salaries were not very high.

With his familiarity with Japanese and his attention to detail, as Roland had predicted, the kind-hearted store manager didn't mind his lack of identification.

Instead, the manager treated him as a young man who had immigrated to a small town in the past and had now ventured out due to circumstances.

"That's right, arranging products like this is essential... You're really impressive, a young person like you who works diligently and has great abilities, they're quite rare these days."

As Roland observed the manager's approving expression, he couldn't help but nod because, for him, this was only natural.

Although there were still some unsatisfactory aspects, the results showed that he had drawn a good card this time.

Roland glanced at the Key of All Spirits on his hand, and the information appeared in his mind:

Spirit - Kira Yoshikage (Contracted)

He was once a nightmare hovering over the people of his city. However, the conclusion of his existence, a fate that didn't even allow him to be reincarnated, twisted his remnants into a force with an obsession. If someone can eliminate his obsession, regardless of who it is, his powers will permanently belong to that person.

Manifestation: Your fingernails will grow at an abnormal rate. The greater the mental pressure you experience, the faster they will grow.

Influence: You gain Kira Yoshikage's famous hand fetish. You have a strong desire for a peaceful and stable life. Any significant changes, positive or negative, in that stable environment will cause you great restlessness and anxiety. During the contract period, you become more self-disciplined.

Bestowed Abilities:

The Third Bomb: You gain a boost to your knowledge and work abilities equal to Kira Yoshikage's in his human life. You know how to maintain an appropriate distance from the people around you, hiding yourself perfectly without being underestimated.

Killer Queen: You gain the Stand "Killer Queen."

Strong Luck: You possess extraordinarily good luck. When facing adversity, you always find opportunities to turn the situation around.

Assimilation Requirement: Maintain a calm life for more than one month according to the standards of your own principles during the contract.

In Roland's eyes, the spirit, Kira Yoshikage, emitted a faint yellow light, indicating a second-tier spirit.

According to the Key of All Spirits' classification, spirits were divided into five tiers: white, yellow, blue, purple, and red.

The level of a spirit wasn't determined solely by the strength of their abilities.

The relationship between spirits and contract holders wasn't equal.

After all, spirits were created by the Key of All Spirits to become contracted spirits, and except for a few special cases, most of them were in a pitiable state, caught in the limbo of life and death with no self-will.

Contracts were necessary to make better use of these spirits.

The color of a spirit in Roland's eyes could change depending on the different costs, making it more or less appropriate for him.

According to the information provided by the Key of All Spirits, the dangers of spirits were roughly divided into the following categories:

White - Almost harmless, easy to form contracts with, and complete requirements for assimilation. However, their abilities were often limited.

Yellow - Required a certain price to be paid, but still within the realm of reality. Both the upper and lower limits of their abilities were high.

Blue - Might have specific requirements for the contract holder, such as personality, willpower, and talents. These spirits were often highly skilled but had strict assimilation conditions.

Purple - Special spirits with unknown costs. The cost could be extremely high or surprisingly low, and the help they offered to the contract holder was unique.

Red - Extremely dangerous, surpassing the contract holder's limits. The granted abilities were often at the highest level of the spirit's original form, but the cost could twist the contract holder beyond recognition.

Kira Yoshikage, a second-tier spirit, seemed reasonable in terms of abilities and costs.

The only thing that made Roland think twice was the subtle hand fetish.

Putting that aside, this spirit had resolved Roland's urgent needs, and "The Third Bomb," while it may seem insignificant, perfectly solved the current problem he faced.

As for the primary fighting force, Killer Queen, it was an excellent choice for urban life.

Although it couldn't compare to Stands like Star Platinum or The World, which were considered rule-breaking Stands, Killer Queen was one of the best among the diverse abilities of Stands.

Moreover, its assimilation conditions were straightforward, making it an ideal choice for someone just entering this world.

After the manager left, Roland stood in front of the counter, admiring his own hands.

Clean and neat, well-proportioned, with long and fair fingers.

"And this experience isn't too bad. I didn't expect that even an ordinary person like me would have such beautiful qualities. What a perfect pair of hands..."

Roland's mouth curled into a smile as he spoke, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the pink silhouette next to him.

With a face expressionless and a body hovering off the ground, a belt with a skull motif around his waist, this appearance didn't make him look unusual.

Instead, it exuded a sense of powerful beauty.

The combination of various traits made him stand gracefully without feeling out of place.

After hearing Roland's words, the pink figure didn't respond but instead turned his head, which had cat-like ears, to make eye contact with Roland.

His cold vertical pupils stared into Roland's eyes, unflinchingly.

"You feel the same way too right, Killer Queen?"