
Multiverse sign-in system

A young man named Nick died and got a powerful system This is a story about Nick who got a chance to travel to many worlds and see many different beautiful women , cough*cough*.... I meant different cultures and scenarios - First world - Boku no hero academia - Mc is in the cover pic P.S( 1.This is a harem novel with many girls 2. The mc will be OP bt at the same time his powers will be slowly trained and deveolped to become op This is my first story, and I am writing this to practice for my original story( and I won't leave this story unfinished once I start to write my original one ) , so if there is any mistake, I will be correcting it once the story progress. ** The characters of the anime and movies except the O.C in this story belong to their creators and authors and has nothing to do with me. Only the OC belong to me

kenpatchi_zaraki · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: Training together with momo

When nick came downstairs , he saw both chikasi and akari sitting on the couch drinking tea. When akari saw nick coming towards them , she poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him " drink while it's hot nick kun" , she said with a gentle smile which made him strengthen his decision of staying here. 'I really wanted to enjoy being taken care of by someone' he thought.

He received the cup and drank it slowly while sitting on the couch along with momo. After finished drinking it , he stood up from the couch, " Chikasi san and Akari san , if what you had said is real and if you think that I won't be a burden to you all ,then please accept me to be a part of your family", he said and tried to bow his head but was caught by akari and was pulled in her embrace which almost suffocated him. " That's really great Nick kun , from now on you belong to this family and I will be taking care of you okay , you can also call me okasan if you want" her words once again made his heart full of warmth. Momo was jumping up and down on the couch happily after hearing what he said.

When akari released him from her embrace,he felt a hard warm hands patting him on his back and he looked back to find that chikasi was standing beside him saying" Welcome home nick kun, I always wanted a son , so if you don't mind you can also call me otosan " he smiled warmly. Nick really felt like crying and tears nearly welled up in his eyes , even though he is an adult inside a child's body , he never experienced this so called familial love , so he was really emotional at this time .

Seeing him like this akari once again hugged him gently and patted him on his back, seeing this momo also joined the hug and tried to pat him with her small hands. chikasi also felt happy to see his family like this and hugged them together. This formed quiet a beautiful picture.

When akio came back at night chikasi told him his decision of adopting nick. Akio was also happy to hear about it, he knew nick will be in good hands because he knew chikasi for many years and he knew about his noble character. Then he had dinner with them and bought nick back to his home since nick told that he needed to pack his things and wanted to spend one last night in his old house, which they understood.

After returning home akio offered to stay with him but nick told he wanted to spend this night alone, so akio left. Nick went to his room and laid down on his bed. A lot of unexpected things happened today that made him tired but he gained a new family which made this day worth more than anything. God told him to enjoy his life and live his fantasies, having a loving family was also one of his fantasies in his past life and today it got fulfilled.

Then he called sarah, " sarah, now start fusing shunpo",he said and, suddenly he recieved a lot of informations about using shunpo and methods for training it.

After fusing the skill with him , he immediately wanted to try it and activated shunpo , he disappeared suddenly and got stuck on the wall of the room, 'Ahhh! , shit, that hurts a lot' he wailed while rubbing his hands on his left shoulder. 'I easily activated it but I couldn't control it, if it was not for the observation haki, I would have injured my head or even fractured my hands', he muttured and went to his bed and laid down on his back while looking at the ceiling thinking about his life from tomorrow, he closed his eyes and slept with a slight smile on his face .

Next day he finished his daily excercise and had a simple breakfast. He took a long cold shower and started packing his things, there is not much to pack. He didn't want to bring everything from this house, he just wants to keep this house as a memory of dead nick and his parents. He only packed his clothes and some necessary items and waited for akio to pick him up.

Akio arrived sharply at 10am in a Suv type car since they can't keep much luggage is his sports car. After they moved Nick's luggage. Nick gave one last look towards the house, 'Goodbye nick , Rest in peace my little friend " he prayed silently in his heart and got inside the car.

When they reached the Yaoyorazu mansion, he was welcomed by the butler and a group of maids who bowed thier heads and greeted him "welcome home young master", which made nick startled for a second but soon calmed down and he also greeted them back "Thank you all for the hospitality and I hope we can get along well in the future" he said it with his signature smile made many young maids to go " kyaaaaaaa".

The butler's name was alfred( A/N: Yep it's same as Batman's butler , I like that character a lot,so I just gave him this name). Alfred along with other maids carried his bags and arranged it on his room which was situated near momo's room.

Akari and momo happily bought nick to show his new room while chikasi and akio were discussing about nick's adoption procedures.

Nick was bought to his new room and he found the room to be quiet spacious just like momo's room. It had a large master bed and a couch along with a big closet to keep his dresses. There was also a book shelf,not as big as momo's but it's quiet big for him . Then there was an attached bathroom which was also quiet big with a large bathtub. Nick was very much satisfied with his room and smiled happily which also caused akari and momo to smile happily.

Then they went downstairs and met with chikasi and akio who were discussing about adoption. After everything was settled , they asked nick to sign some papers. With Chikasi's influence and akio's help the adoption procedure went smoothly and nick officially became a member of Yaoyorazu family. But he still kept his old family name since he made a vow to the child nick that he would keep his name and carry on his family's legacy. Chikasi and akari had no problem with it , infact they were happy with his filial piety and how responsible he was,in such a young age.

Then after having lunch akio left the mansion. Nick decided to practice his quirk and asked momo where to train. She brought him to their gym which made him understand the difference between rich and normal people. The gym was huge like a basketball stadium with various training equipments and weights. There was even a swimming pool for relaxing after training. Now I can train to my heart's content he thought.

Momo also followed him to train with him since his enthusiasm affected her too. Nick told her many different objects that she can make like pistols, machine guns and bazooka etc.., because he remembered that momo often uses cold weapons instead of hot weapons and her powerful move was her canons which maybe useful against small villains but not that much useful against a powerful opponent, so he decided to teach her about hot weapons slowly. Momo also started to read about molecular structures of these weapons after nick told her to use hot weapons.

Nick went near the swimming pool and stripped his shirt and dived inside it. once he was inside the water, he felt like he finally came back to his home when he felt the water molecules around him, it felt like they were trying to communicate with him and he started to move like a fish and he found out that he can even breath under water without any difficulty. Then he started to practice his water control.

After 3 hours, chikasi and akari came to see them in the gym to know what they were doing, and when they reached the entrance they found that momo was staring at something intently, they also followed her gaze and what they saw made their eyes go wide open.

Nick was standing on top of the water while his eyes were closed , he was surrounded by four half a meter long swords which were floting around him . Nick suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the steel wall that was situated at the end of the gym and waved his wrist towards the wall, and once he waved his wrist the swords that were floting around him immediately moved at a very high speed and hit the steel wall making four dents on the wall. Nick nodded with satisfaction after seeing the power of his water swords and when he turned back he saw three pair of eyes staring intently at him. He had already sensed akari and chikasi when they arrived but he was concentrating on his new move and didn't greet them.

Momo was looking at him with full of admiration. Chikasi and akari were still shocked because they knew how much power was needed to make a dent in that steel wall even though it was just a small dent but considering the fact that nick was just a child and thinking that his powers will grow more powerful in the future they could not help but exclaim in their hearts.

Nick just scratched his head looking at them, " I was trying a new move but didn't expect it to make a dent , hehehe " he said it with a silly smile.

Seeing his silly expression, both chikasi and akari finally came out of their shock . Akari smiled at him and walked towards him who already came out the water being drenched. she took a towel from the table nearby and started wiping his face and hair. Nick was really touched and enjoyed being taken care of by his new mom. momo also joined them and asked various questions like how he made the water so strong, last time he smashed quarter of rock with his water fist, but she didn't ask anything at that time, but now she really wanted to know. akira who finished wiping him and chikasi who was standing aside was also interested in it.