
Multiverse sign-in system

A young man named Nick died and got a powerful system This is a story about Nick who got a chance to travel to many worlds and see many different beautiful women , cough*cough*.... I meant different cultures and scenarios - First world - Boku no hero academia - Mc is in the cover pic P.S( 1.This is a harem novel with many girls 2. The mc will be OP bt at the same time his powers will be slowly trained and deveolped to become op This is my first story, and I am writing this to practice for my original story( and I won't leave this story unfinished once I start to write my original one ) , so if there is any mistake, I will be correcting it once the story progress. ** The characters of the anime and movies except the O.C in this story belong to their creators and authors and has nothing to do with me. Only the OC belong to me

kenpatchi_zaraki · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: New mission

Next day, the yaoyorazu family was sitting on the dinning table having their breakfast fast. Momo was keeping her head low and eating quietly while chikasi and akari glanced at each other then they looked at nick with a knowing smile. Nick scratched his head in embarassment after seeing their looks and just smiled it off.

They finished their break fast silently and when momo and nick stood up to leave, chikasi finally broke the silence," You both have our blessings",he said it with a smile while looking at both momo and nick.

Momo quickened her pace and ran away shyly after hearing her father's words, while nick looked back at his parents with a smile," Thank you otosan and okasan, I will treasure her",he said.

"We know you will honey, and we are happy for you too", akari came near him and hugged him and kissed him on his forehead.

Nick smiled gently and left for his room. When he entered his room, Nick heard sarah's voice,"Nick sama, You have a new mission do you want to see?" she asked nick.

Nick immediately nodded his head," Finally you are giving me a mission after two and half years, come on, show it quickly", he urged her and an interface appeared before his eyes.

[ Mission: Sign-in at Mitsuki bakugo's room for 60 minutes

Mission rewards: Hie Hie no Mi (or) ice ice devil fruit ].

After seeing the mission Nick didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was out words," Hey sarah, what kind of bullish mission is this, if it is some five minutes or even ten minutes, I can easily sneak in and I can somehow manage to stay there, but how the fuck am I gonna stay in her room for one hour." Nick was really frustrated.

He can also neglect this mission since he can get two missions on level 2, but the ice ability will be a great addition to his powers and he don't know whether he will get this ability in the future missions or not, and another important reason is that he doesn't know when he will get his second mission. ( A/N: For people out there who were confused about the levels and missions , At level 1, nick will be assigned new missions only if he completes his existing mission, so basically he can only get one mission at a time.But at level 2, he can get an extra mission even if he didn't complete his given mission. But if he can't finish atleast one of the 2 missions then he won't be getting a new mission untill he completes it.)

Nick was thinking harder how to complete this mission because he didn't want to wait till the next mission is assigned. And he really want this ice ability, which will make his powers even more versatile.

"Sarah, give me some suggestions, I can't think of any ideas on how to get in to her room and stay there for one hour" he asked sarah.

" Master, I didn't expect an intelligent guy like you couldn't find the answer for this simple question" she chuckled and said teasingly.

" If it's that easy then tell me quickly, what is it sarah?, Don't keep me in suspense",he urged her.

" It's very simple my dear master, Just seduce her and sleep with her in her bedroom" She said so casually but nick almost fell down after hearing her suggestion.

But nick couldn't refuse her, because it was actually a good idea and Mitsuki is also one of the hottest milf in the MHA world, just thinking about her massive peaks and sexy ass made him drool. Then he immediately snapped back, 'Sleeping with her will not only fulfill one of my fantasies, it will also reward me with a powerful ability. But thinking about sleeping with a married woman made him to hesitate a little'

Sarah read his thoughts and decided to step in, "Master, You no need to worry about all these simple things, you were sent here to enjoy your life and fulfill your life long fantasies, nobody is gonna judge you and even god told that you can do whatever you want. And it's not like you are not gonna force her, if she is doing it willingly then nothing is wrong. Even gods like Zeus, Eros and Indra etc.. were involved in a life of debauchery. So you don't need to worry about these things master. Don't waste your mind in thinking about these trivial things." She said seriously.

After hearing what sarah said, nick closed his eyes to process her words properly, ' Although what she said is not applicable to normal people, but I am not a normal guy, I am destined to be great in the future and I shouldn't be bothered with these trivial thoughts. I am not the old nick anymore, I have killed,murdered and tortured many villains in the past 2 and half years. And this is not my old world filled with laws and shits. Living a life as I wish is what I wanted and that's what I m gonna do it' he finally had a little change of mentality after some thinking.(A\N: Even though he changed his mentality, he will have atleast a little morality in his actions like not killing innocent people.)

"Thank you Sarah for your reminder, as you told I m not a normal guy anymore, and I am gonna live my life as I want" He thanked her with a smile,for which she responded gently with a smile," It is my duty nick sama".

'Ok now I know what I should do, but I have no plan on how to do it. First I need a reason to go to their house and befriend her and make her to have trust in me. Then I will think about what to do. But what should I do to get in to her house.' he started to think seriously.

'I can't befriend that angry pomeranian after what I have done to him. So I need a solid reason to enter their home' while thinking he suddenly realized something and face palmed himself on his forehead.

' Ahhhh, I am such an idiot, why didn't I think of this before. If I remember correctly,in few days, bakugo will be attacked by the sludge villain and he will try to takeover bakugo's body. If I save him from the monster then mitsuki will feel eternally grateful to me and I can use that opportunity to get close to her. Great, I am such a genius,hahahahahha' he laughed like an idiot which caused sarah to shook her head and face palm herself.

After making his plans, he went to momo's room to chat with her. After they confirmed their relationship last night they both became more closer. Both of them talked till the afternoon and they also kissed from time to time. Then they happily went downstairs and had their lunch.

Then nick went upstairs and browsed to search for any informations about the sludge villain but found nothing. So he decided to follow bakugo or midoriya for next few days because, he didn't remember the exact date of that incident. He asked sarah if she knew anything about it,for which she shook her head

"But if you upgrade the system to level 4, I can get access to the time and place of any important incidents that will take place in the world which you were currently staying" she said.

Nick didn't expect he will get such a thing when he upgraded the system. With that ability he doesn't need to worry about missing any important incidents that will take place in the future, but for that he needs to upgrade to level 4,which cannot be done anytime sooner.

Then he asked sarah for his status and she showed him.

[ Name : Nick Lion

Sex : male

Age: 14yrs

Level: 2 ( needed 10000 SP for upgrade)

Current world : My hero academia

Powers: Water manipulation, Kenbunshoku haki, Shunpo, Stamina of Atlas and Pleasure giving hands.

System points (SP) - 2200sp.

Current missions: Sign-in at Mitsuki bakugo's room for 60 minutes(incomplete) ].

After upgrading to level 2, he still has 2200 system points left. He finished seeing his status and then continued to browse to see whether he can get any information.