
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 29: Unexpected.

Chapter 29: Unexpected.

~Liam POV~


Replying to Pearl about my answer there was no way I'm returning the Gem.

Not after I have gone through the effort of taking care of Steven oh no.

Plus I have plans for this Gem in my hand since I'm going to research them to begin with.

Recalling this Gem abilities has the power to revive the dead somehow and also add the fact I was wondering if I can recreate the Gem in question.

I mean the Diamonds have created the other Gems but then that leads to an important question on who created them?

Injectors are used to create them.

Injectors drill into the Earth, injecting a Gem deep underground. The implanted Gem then drains the life force/energy from its surroundings in order to grow. It then forms a gemstone, and emerges from the ground, leaving behind an exit hole.

The main ingredient was confirmed to include the Diamonds' sweat.

But if I used a literal Diamond ingredient inside one of the Injectors will it destroy the Diamond and recreate a new one?

Such an interesting experiment really.

But Pearl expression shows despair as I won't let it show and kept the Gem into my PDA for the time being seeing how I'm not giving it up.

With that I began to walk away from this travesty as the Crystal Gems stopped even fighting at this point as all the fighting spirit vanished.


Hearing the splashing sound I see that Lapis is beginning to leave a bit as I was a bit dishearten at this as I replied, "Not going to stick around any longer Lapis? The Diamonds are bound to call you traitor after your involvement with the Crystal Gems. So I was wondering you want to stick with me?"

Lapis shakes her head at this as she began to reason with me about that, "True. But I would get you more in trouble than help. Besides I want to see how Homeworld has changed."


I can understand this as I shake my head.

The feeling of wanting to be home after being apart for so long…

I can understand this completely.

Glancing over to the unmoving Crystal Gems I gestured towards the group as I spoke to Lapis with some curiosity, "Even learning the truth huh? Just make sure to never reveal it. Hell just say I killed Pink Diamond and I took it. So… what are you going to them?"

Tilting my head towards the Crystal Gems Lapis frowns and scowls them before she gives me her answer, "As much as I would like to shatter them myself… I think learning the truth of their fruitless fight made them lose their spirit. And made me lose my anger towards them."


Guess that makes sense.

Nodding my head I handed over a trans-dimensional communicator after some test of examining my own portals as Lapis took hold of it as she questions it, "Liam not to be rude but… what exactly is this?"

Smiling a bit I began to reply with some mischievous smile on my face, "That right there is a personal contact info to me Lapis. Call me if you ever need to get away from Homeworld once awhile. Or if you need to leave. It would be a pleasure talking to you again."

A small smirk appeared to her face as she accepted it into her Gem as she began to fly away.


And after I spent so much time to get her to my side.

Oh well…

Guess you can't convince them all now can I?

Now gesturing towards the destroyed Crystal Gems I see that they are arguing about this hidden info.



Opening up a portal whatever is going to happen is not my issue.

With that I enter inside the portal for a quick trip to my lab to heal my broken arm.


Getting out from my portal then teleporting to my lavatory I began to enter inside the medical bay as mechanical robot arms began to inject my medical serum from side projects to help progress my healing of my body.


Still going to need time to adjust to the changes of my life going to the Steven Universe dimension as I began to place my PDA on the side and get a new one holding the Pink Gem inside.

As of right now though I have no means to get rid of the concious or sentence of it inside.

For the time being thought with the Gem trapped in cyberspace for the current time is the best choice till I obtain the means to render the sentience of it to be dead or moved out for the time being.

Still though the research of resurrecting the dead and obtaing a new minion in the form of a Diamond is still good to have with their unique abilities.

Shame Lapis didn't join me.

But I can understand the feelings or longings of home.

Had them since I had to run away from an alien invasion of Viltrimities to which aren't much a threat in the grand scheme of things.

The point stands though they invaded my home.

Those alien dictators doing what they want with their own powers with no control.

And I want it back.

My home and my memories where originally from Earth taken away from this alien pest.


What has it been like though?

Two years after the event happened?

Everything in my life has been unexpected thus far but won't stop me.

Not till I get my dimension back at least.

That was the main point getting allies in the future to help me out but maybe I should deal with my own problems like this.

Regardless though I only need to get to the Era 1 space ship and the Hourglass from the Steven Universe dimension and my collection will be complete.


Glancing at my arm being casted around and move around it's good enough to continue my search.



Exiting out the portal I began to rush it this time as I don't have time to spare playing around this dimension anymore.


Entering inside the Warp Gate I began to play the Warp Whistle alerting any caring Crystal Gems to fight transporting me in a flash of light.

When the flash show was done I began to use the Magic Compass to help locate myself somewhere else for the time being finding the Space Ship. Glancing around the place and running full speed ahead following the compass I managed to find the Era 1 ship.

The Ancient Gem Colony Ship is an Era 1 Homeworld Dropship and one of the only colony spaceships still remaining on Earth. The bad news with it is because currently in a state of disrepair and is no longer fully functional.

These ships were used by Gems to reach new worlds before the establishment of Warp Pads.

They have become obsolete due to the advent of more advanced spacecraft, such as the Gem Warship and the Roaming Eye.

The Ancient Gem Colony Ship looks similar to a flying saucer and is made of a dull gray, stone-like material with three legs most likely deployed as landing struts to aid in landing the ship.

On the exterior of the dropship, the pink paint has completely eroded away apart from a small amount on the rim of the far edges.

The interior is mostly a dull, stony gray, with salmon-pink crystals and consoles that have become overgrown with mushrooms and other vegetation over thousands of years.

The ship appears to be made primarily of stone or a material with a composition similar to stone. The ship also has signs of being older technology, having devices such as metallic spikes and gears

Old tech but good tech.

Hopefully I can reverse engineer some of the parts.

However, it seems to me it won't open to anyone.

Let's see about that.


Forcing it open using my Telekinesis I began to open inside to see what this beauty has to offer.

The entrance area is the first area of the ship with a large vaulted ceiling. There is a long communications center with several features to communicate with the control room.

One salmon-pink, hexadecachoron gem projects a holographic screen and another salmon-pink, hexadecachoron gem accepts audio input that goes to the control room, with a slight time delay. There are seven salmon-pink hexadecachoron gems attached to cords that can shoot lasers.

To the left is a triangular hallway which leads me to some spikes.

Like a LOT of spikes.

This tiled hallway contains stone spikes that can extend from the floor and walls. Beneath that is an octagonal trapdoor leading to a pit trap. In the end, it opens up into an upside-down trapezoidal prism.

Seriously though having a pit trap is a classic.

This really is an old space ship.

This is a deep pit with two layers; the top layer contains gem-powered gears and a screen to the area below. Once someone/something falls in, teethed doors close them in. The lower level is a stone pit that, when powered by the gem gears, slowly contracts.

Moving away from the pit trap following the Magic Compass I couldn't help but smirk seeing the prime of resistance here.

The Control Room.

The control room is located directly below the smallest circle on the roof of the spaceship. It contains several consoles that project holographic screens displaying the interior layout of the ship.

Sadly, though most of it is just a hunk of junk now.

Hopefully though I can change that soon by studying the machine.

Well, that's for later though as I'm going to need to take this Spaceship piece by piece because my PDA can't hold something this huge.


Note to self-make sure to somehow increase my inventory space.

For now, I should take this apart then next the time traveling Hourglass.