
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 1: The Dimension Shifter

Chapter 1: The Dimension Shifter

~Liam POV~

Liam Angstrom is just your ordinary teenage boy living in Los Angelo, California.

My mom had named me after my father Levy Angstrom after he went away one day.

But I have a feeling he died from a dangerous attack or death.

Best bet dead.

At least it will keep me have a sense of peace.

Since my mom never explained much about him and stayed silent about it.

So I never knew much about him but I had already forgotten him and if he was alive and abandoned me then he better stay dead for making my mom work herself hard to the bone.

Been here for the last 15 years and it has been a very normal life I have been living the usual teen things that we do.

Watch shows, movies, video games, study, and the norm…

At least I would like to think that without the constant need for danger in this world.

Bloody hell.

Omniman this Invincible that and guardians of the globe dead?

And the next day alien invasion after that superpowered threats down the streets.


I have had it with these people around the world!

For a normal person like myself, we are left as casualties waiting to happen or we are unlucky enough to die.

The superheroes are something else alright and what's worse is the fact that I have to live in this world without my parents.


I miss them very much at least my pa and ma had been kind to me but…

Dad went missing or assumed dead and mom died after the alien invasion making me lonely.

I freaking hate this feeling but whatever life happens like this wheatear I like it or not it just happens…

Shaking my head for a bit I began to get ready for school as I talk to myself, "Sigh… no use worrying Liam. Mom wouldn't have wanted it that way."

Yeah, better make a living getting for myself to live.

With this chance, I began to get up and get changed for class soon…

But I feel an annoying feeling in my head but I ignore it for today as nothing bad happens today.


Except for classwork but hey that's the future me problem.

Once I finally got to school and lived my usual school life I was bored as fucking hell when everything has been said and done with.

Fuck why do we even need schools at times?

To be slaves to the system perhaps?

Reginald Vel Johnson High School was a high school that students attended. B.N. Winslow was its principal for a while. One of its faculty members was David Hiles.

Later on the day, I saw Mark being the arrogant ass he was today.

Strange he feels somewhat more arrogant today than usual but for now though I ignored it as I began to hurry up to my home when school was over.

As I leave I see Samantha leave in a hurry?

Seriously what's the rush for someone like her to do?

Not with her annoying parents through the grapevines, I heard but hey what do I know every kid has their own shit to handle and I don't know what she's going through.

Still, though I began to go home as I usually do since I have the day off today from work as I began to get a tingling sensation from my head becoming more stronger than it was today it first began.


It was starting to annoy the hell out of me now.

Maybe some more pills would help out.

As soon as I returned home I began to take my medication but to no effect as I still feel the throbbing pain in my head.

But I choose to power through it and hopefully ignore it for a later time.

Maybe time will pass for me to get better for now I have been watching my favorite pass time…

Listening to some jamming music.

I enjoy my time watching anime or playing video games. Hell, I even watch cartoons to pass the time since I have plenty.

Workout as well since I have nothing else to do except homework.

Still, though watching the anime going on I couldn't help but envy them at times.

Their world is so much better than my own that's for sure. No worries of alien invasions, supervillains, or worst crazy people.

Man if I had power, I would try to make myself become powerful but also travel around.


What the fuck!

That was when I saw an eerie green portal open out of nowhere as I hid back of my couch seeing the portal seemingly come out of nowhere. Like what the literal fuck is going on here and why here?!

But to my surprise, I saw a portal appear in a green light as I stare at it with some fascination as I talked to myself, "No fucking way. My power is teleportation perhaps? Or something else more but…"

I have no idea where it leads though is the main issue?

First I have to close the portal but how do I go about it?


How about I just think to close it though?

Will it work?

Guess it's worth a shot at least.


Holy shit it worked!

So, these portal creations are related to my thoughts that are so freaking sweet!


I don't recall my mother's side having any superpowers in her family but…

Maybe this power belongs to my father and I do recall some info entering my head about what that portal leads to.


So, my portal lets me also know some info about where to go as well as their locations with some info.

Hell, I was surprised of the info I got from my own power telling me. It's like a powered-down version of Tattletale power from Worm with only minor powers or more like 4th wall info provided or somewhere.

Whatever it was telling me was that my portal or whoever is telling me is that my powers only work in the direct location to where I'm in at and time.

No time travel, or teleport anywhere on the planet.

It only works in the exact location and time period I'm at.

For example that at the other end of the portal could be a house on one end could be an ocean on the other due to planetary events playing out differently. Making it dangerous to use his powers at first.

Essentially taking me to a parallel world or alternate reality of my choice at a random location to this one.

In lesser and simpler words…

Multiverse Travel but at random locations along with some minor knowledge of that world.

But after knowing this power is it right for me to leave this world dimension to travel?

Then again with the amount of crazy bullshit issues that comes around Earth of Kaiju monsters, villains, nazi lizard men, cave people, robot army, and alien invasions.

Seriously what the hell did this planet did to deserve to get this amount hate of being attacked it's like were comic characters or something.



When someone puts it like that it sounds more like the case…?

Shaking my head I began to get to bed since I have this power I need to sleep this off wondering if I'm not going crazy about this.

I mean what's the worse to have happen next?

We get conquered by aliens with Omniman on our side?

Yeah totally not going to happen.


Waking up and stretching my body I began to change for another day but the idea of my portals never left my mind since I found out.

I mean so far, every time I go would be random unless I have some drones looking inside with some info to know but this is my mother's home so –




Hearing rumbling sounds of what seemed like an earthquake and a sonic boom from outside I didn't know what was going on but are we getting attacked or something!

And why the hell is the superheroes failing to stop this or is someone investigating it!



Hearing the alarm on my phone I began to open it up as my face pales at the news…

Earth has been conquered…

I was fucking kidding with the idea!

Till I suddenly got myself together as I saw the tv screen changed as I paled and throw up seeing the brutality of the situation with Invincible and Omniman together all bloodied up as one of them spoke, "Now! Earth is now under the Viltrume Empire! You people will be under our control! Resistance is futile! The rest of you will be working under our great Viltrume Empire! GLORY TO VILTRUME!"


Suddenly leaving is all more appealing seeing how this is going to end up as a Dark world soon enough.

Bloody hell.

There goes my life and whatever it was for a home here.

Forget about staying here any longer I have to leave this world for good and worry about my survival.

Shaking my head, I began to pack my things and hurried things up as I don't want to die as the next dead body!

For now, I'll live the life I wanted and not be dead!

Opening up a portal and going to a place hopefully getting the stuff I need for the first world I glanced at my mom's world dimension before shrugging it off.

I have been alone, and I will be for now seeing my planet is gone now with this Viltrume Empire taking over.

Maybe when I become stronger, I'll come back here again or forget it all together… for now I have to get stronger but first I have to survive leaving all of this behind.

Now the multiverse is out there, and I won't leave it alone.

Time to go beyond this little world to the very corners ahead.

But to where?


After thinking about it for a while I think I need a lot of money for what I need other than what I have on me.

What I need is some money for me to splurge on myself to get money or other valuables for me to have for other worlds like maybe drones for me to send in to make sure the locations of the world are safe.

Whatever I'll get the info on how to produce the items in the future later but the point still stands though I'm weak and can be harmed.

In most dimensions, they aren't threats but not a threat in most cases but in my case very dangerous for the simple fact I'm mortal just like them with no skills other than my dimension portal creation.

Of course, I could go to other worlds where I can get the best gear but once again the issue comes with my powers of dimension portals to parallel worlds or alternate realities as I can open the doorway…

But I can't tell where exactly I'm going to land in that world from my logical spot so it could be anywhere in the world for that one.

My power possesses the unique ability to move between dimensions, however, only within fixed space so if steps from one dimension and into another, and the second dimension has a crater, he could be falling into the said crater.

Think Liam think what dimension would provide a good benefit for me to use in my advantage but also at a short time as well… Come on there has to be some method for me to bypass all of the troubles coming…


There is one world that could help me out although I would have to be prepared for it but if I can get her to teach me in exchange for something else which I have plenty it could provide a useful means to mean.

And it's in a world where anyone would be able to learn it even if they are from another world.

Although its going to be a big pain in the ass to find that person-specific location and danger….


Wait I know an easy power-up world I could go to and they also have no gods as well so it would work out better in my case!

Might take some of my time to find the exact moment it would appear though or the right person but….

If I persuade the right character I could get just the power I need but then again the chances of me dying are also high because of the monsters…


Now it's starting to sound like a problem again risking my only life and getting future weapons is out of the question because again my I won't know in which direction or location I would be in.



Fuck I forgot I'm poor as fuck if I leave outside my own dimension. I need some cash before I even attempt to go to other dimensions since I'm going to need some serious cash but with my ability…


Oh… OH!

I just figured out what dimension I should go to first before I go to that dimension to be able to win first to get half of a trillion dollars and own a multimillion-dollar company.


Time to get ready for the player one dimension.

Time to hope for the best.

Like that, I entered the portal…


It's time to go out and beyond.

Goodbye Earth.

Like that, I left to the other side with what I can carry so I can start my new life as a multiverse traveler.