
Multiverse selection 1 Fairy Tail Karna

This book is supposed to be a part of a series this book is fairy tail world based and will have a few au elements. Karna a 16 year old orphan gets killed by a truck and finds out that it was done by a god who wants him to reincarnate into the fairy tail with his magic decided just by his name. He is now tasked with changing the world's fate that is spiralling towards destruction.. fairy tail is the work of Hiro Mashima i have no claim to it and this is just for entertainment purposes along with other anime developments the cover is not mine and if yours please tell me

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 78 Island

Within a few hours, we managed to reach Galuna island. And from a distance, we can see that island has a lot of problems. Because many parts of the island seem to be on fire. Though it has not become big enough to warrant danger to the entire island, there were a few places from where the smoke was rising.


"Natsu" Erza commented, and Ur nodded. The chances of someone else hazardously using fire magic in forests of the island where they are using it for rituals are very low. The only idiot who uses fire magic without consideration for his surroundings is Natsu and so the islands condition can be credited to him.


But suddenly with my enhanced vision, I saw Lucy running in the beach. She seemed to be wounded and was carrying a wounded happy as well.




Seems like the story has gotten in an even dangerous path. Looks like I need to show my skills.


I summoned my bow which attracted the attention of both Ur and Erza. Right now, we are still far away from the island that they cannot see Lucy clearly. Lucy was currently being attacked by a group of people using magical staffs, so they can be considered to be using holder magic and should not be that difficult for Lucy to defeat with her capability. So, the only reason for her to lose is someone had battled her and was able to hold on long enough for her ethernano to decrease and decreasing it had recalled the celestial spirit thereby making her open for attacking and then send out goons after her.


If the person who battled her had been strong enough to beat her celestial spirits, then Lucy would not have survived till now.


So, it looks like I should show them what messing with a fairy tail wizard means.


I summoned a Nagastra as my senses had determined the people following Lucy are using magic energy stored in the staffs and their magic was almost non-existent showing that they were ordinary citizens. So, let's lightly take them down.




The training to complete the million Zakura arrow art has not been completed to its full potential, but he had completed enough to learn a few basic arts among them. Karna's current attack was something which accurately targets the locations selected by him before shooting the arrow. With his higher-level perception and comprehension, it takes less than a second for him to select a hundred targets accurately and when the arrow he shoots multiplies, they target the predetermined locations. This art does not make the arrow similar to homing beacons and if the target moves, the selected location also changes.


But the speed of Karna's arrows and his calculations honed by him which predicts the next location of a moving opponent ultimately makes this technique to be seen by most as..




Shuk tuck shuck…..


It ended within seconds and the people struck down by the arrows were not even able to make a sound of protest due to the paralysing nature of the arrows that immediately shut down almost all their voluntary functions of the body.


Hearing the voice, Lucy turned back to find out that all the people that followed her seemed to have fallen down with each of them having an arrow struck on them. She looked around and when she looked at the sea, at a distance she saw a ship coming towards them. She knew that members of her guild were here, so she let out the breath she was holding and started relaxing.



Karna seeing that there are no enemies shot an FRJ arrow towards the beach and turned to the pirates.


"you can go back now, this much distance is more than enough" then he moved towards Ur and Erza and held their shoulders with each of his arms and teleported to the beach.


Ur and Erza were shocked at what just happened. They saw Karna shoot an arrow towards the beach and then touch their shoulders, next moment they know, they teleported to the island. They immediately deduced that the magic used had made them teleport towards the location of the last arrow Karna had shot with his bow. This kind of teleporting technique deeply intrigued them.


But seeing the wounds on Lucy they immediately went towards her. Even though the wounds did not look that much dangerous, they were still wounds and they needed to be healed.


Ur began to use her magic to slow down the bleedings but suddenly Lucy began to speak.


"Listen you guys, you can punish us if you want but please, we need to save the people of this island



At the time in Cait shelter


Ultear began to explain the reason they were here. About the s class quest taken by a few of their guildmembers without permission and about Karna's information about Cait Shelter being connected to the happenings of Galuna island.


Listening to what they were speaking about, Roubal closed his eyes. Meredy noticed at the time that the emotions of guilt in his body had increased again.


He seemed to have let out a deep breath and then began to speak.

"if the information you brought is correct, the chances are the people are using the island's temple to perform the moon drip ritual capable of removing any kinds of unbreakable seal magics, especially the iced shell"


Ultear and Meredy's expression became serious with the explanation. Seeing that Karna's guesses were confirmed told them that the danger they will face on the island will be very high.


Roubal seeing them being attentive continued

"and about the people of the Galuna island, the truth is they have connection to Cait shelter or more accurately the kingdom that was here before the establishment of this guild. The founding members of the guild were part of that forgotten kingdom.


As one of the guildmaster of Cait Shelter, I would like to request the help of Fairy tail members"

"in what" Ultear asked


"in completely destroying the temple present in the island and free the people from the curse that had been inflicted on them centuries ago!!"


A/N- hope you like it and every 100 powerstone get extra chapter of Jason.