
Multiverse selection 1 Fairy Tail Karna

This book is supposed to be a part of a series this book is fairy tail world based and will have a few au elements. Karna a 16 year old orphan gets killed by a truck and finds out that it was done by a god who wants him to reincarnate into the fairy tail with his magic decided just by his name. He is now tasked with changing the world's fate that is spiralling towards destruction..

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 12 Reality

Today I decided to take Cana on a hunting quest near the outskirts of the city just like Laxus took me once before . I hope nothing happens today like last time .

Mavis too was with us and she was flying and talking with Cana while we were walking . In the last few weeks while we were training , Cana and Mavis came closer with each other , I didn't know whether it was a good thing or bad thing but I find them most of the time whispering among themselves and when I ask them about it they say it's the secrets of being a lady .

I have no idea what that means to them and I have no intention of asking them about it .i feel like I am making the best decision

So while we were looking through the outskirts I gave Cana the duty to look around and inspect the surroundings this was a way of training her skills as only using magic sense might backfire one day when we meet skilled opponents.

My magic is still not improving much when I tried there seems to be some kind of blockage inside me . when I asked Mavis about it she used her magic a bit on me

"hmmm" she was touching my head and looked like she was pondering something and then she stopped and took her hand away

"so" I asked " did you find something"

"hmm" she then opened her eyes and said "I don't think I can help you with this Karna , and I don't think anyone can"

"is it that bad "I asked

"well its not bad per se but "

"what "

"well this might take some explanation I guess , Karna how much do you know about true magic ?"

"what's that " I asked I knew it was something that Hades searched about and in a lot of episodes it was mentioned as love but I knew it will be different since this is a real world

"good we have to start from the beginning so listen closely alright . in this world magic can be said to have come to instead of readily existing given that only 10% of the people have magic and almost every child of that 10% has magic so if magic had existed from the creation of this world , every person should have magic right "

I nodded along

"so this theory proves that magic is kind of like an energy that fused with this universe and that is what caused the birth of dragons and other magical creatures among whom all the members of their species had innate magic talent as well as large magic storage

Humans on the other hand can be said to have a few that adapted and a few that learned to use magic so therefore only a small amount leaned magic

Now the magic used by humans and most magical animals even the dragons uses magic from the atmosphere where in a way we can say magic is contaminated not by anything impure no but by everything since magic flows through everything

This makes magic a bit unstable inside us not to cause any kind of harm but when we use magic , most of the spells do not show their true level , its like increasing the taste of a juice we can increase its sweetness by sugar but its nutrients remain the same "

"I don't get the last part "

"well you know about fire magic right as you get stronger we can increase its temperature but if its purity is not increased as an element it is actually not improving and elemental magic can be easiest to improve even though slightly , and it is by concentrating the magic and increasing its purity , it might not completely purify it but still increases as an element "

So all that years Natsu will be using magic in a wild manner was wastage huh should teach him to do it by concentrating the fire then but all the damages he might cause is making me think otherwise so should i teach him or not ah well whatever a few years are left I will think about it then.

"Karna are you listening "

"ah yes yes " damn it must be careful not to monologue in front of others

"hmm you have a habit of thinking something else all the time make sure to reduce that alright .well then moving on true magic is said to be a theory where they talk about magic at its purest form , the magic that was uncontaminated and also led to the creation of beings "

"so are you saying that my magic is contaminated so I can't use magic " damn that asshole god messed it up again

"just give me a chance to explain " then she stared pouting

"sorry Mavis "

"mhmmm" she ain't budging damn it guess I have no other choice

"sorry big sis Mavis "

And that made her grin like she won . damn it who's the child here

"well then make sure not to interfere again alright "


"well then as I was saying magic when pure used in with small amounts can reach the magic power of impure magic used with large amount of magic "

Wait did I now hear a clear explanation of the power of friendship of the entire series is this why their magic was stronger when they used against stronger opponents

"Karna" I heard a menacing voice

"I'm listening I'm listening" I said quickly

"alright then , so pure magic is said to come out at intense pure emotions and are said to flow freely and strongly"

"so you are saying that my magic is impure so it won't flow freely "

"nope just the opposite , your magic is so pure that it might be that it might be the purest magic closest to true magic "

"what does that mean "

"remember Karna when I said magic is related to emotions, your magic is so pure that a deep seated problem in your mind is stopping you from using your magic "

This happened a few weeks ago and right now we almost reached the hunting space

We started looking around but we did not find anything

"huh that's strange , there is no reason for rabbits to disappear from here "

Suddenly we heard a low howl that seemed like a reason

I pulled Cana behind me and in front of us there was a wolf with red blood eyes and grey fur coat stared at us I remembered this type from the guild archives that granny made me read .

blood wolves these creatures like the blood of their prey the most they are not biased in drinking blood and will drink from all animals and is therefore dangerous to humans

I made my bow materialize and formed my arrow . my eyes never left the wolf I knew that the wolf has no particular weakness so wasting mana on elemental arrows will bite me back later

I also take a few seconds to summon my arrows and I don't think it will wait during the time I make it

"Karna " behind me Cana was shivering in fear , I have to save her because according to the quest I had got before she is needed in Analogia's final battle

The wolf suddenly jumped towards us and I let out my arrow luckily the arrow penetrated his eyes and being in mid-air made it fall towards the side .

"huuu" I let out my breath I didn't even do the proper step of letting my breath out while letting my arrow out

Looks like I am not able to handle tense situations I should work on that later

I looked towards Cana

"don't worry every-

"Karna look out " Mavis suddenly shouted

When I looked suddenly another wolf jumped from the side towards Cana I was able to push her aside but still she got a scratch near her elbow but then the wolf suddenly bit my elbow


I never expected the sound to be like that and just as the teeth began sinking deeper I summoned my armor


The armor broke the teeth but the penetrated teeth is still inside I knew the pain has still not come because of my shock and I knew when it came I would not be able to control myself

I immediately summoned an arrow and thrusted it towards the wolf's eye

Thankfully the wolf was still in the shock of losing its teeth and was not able to react quickly and becase of the arrow penetrating its brain it died quickly

""Karna"" both Mavis and Cana shouted at me and began running towards me

It looks like Cana only had light scratches . I immediately sent the communication arrow like last time I hope gramps comes soon , if something happens to Cana I won't be able to use her to save the world

Wait a minute ,

Use her?

What am I thinking , she's my friend why am I thinking of using her like an object

And suddenly it dawned on to me

"your magic is not working cause of your deep seated problem " Mavis's words made sense now

I still haven't accepted that this is my reality , I still think of this as an anime or game

I looked at both Mavis and Cana . because of blood loss and shock I was not able to hear anything and my vision was slightly blurring but I saw how worried they were of my condition

They were crying as well . I felt like hitting myself, no wonder my magic is failing me why should it help me when I am not even able to accept reality, why should it when I was not even aware of what I was doing .

I suddenly heard the sound of trees being destroyed and Gildarts screaming from afar . At least Cana will be safe. Suddenly everything went dark

I woke up in a bright place when I looked around the room was entirely white with two chairs facing each other , seeing no exit I went and sat on one chair

Suddenly a guy appeared on the other chair

"hello there nice to see you again "

"you "

"yes me all powerful god looking good like always "

Still a narcissist

"still can hear you "


"well seems like you died kid , seems to be of blood loss"

"yeah I know"

"had any regrets "

"I did not live a life , I thought that world was not real and did not even think about others "

"yes , even though you interacted with them , you never thought of them as real so subconsciously you were never able to love them fully "

"I know, and I feel like an asshole for it " I put my head down , if I could have gone back to the past I would have slapped myself

"well lets send you back then"

"wait what you said that I died"

"nah you just fainted, I just messed with you for all the times you called me a bastard in my mind "


"Ah yes because it is a dark universe there are also new enemies okay bye"

I woke up in granny's home with everyone around me, Cana was still crying , so was Mavis

Gildarts and Cornelia also had worried expressions and Cornelia looked like she had cried

Many of the guild members and master were also outside

From what they said I was in critical condition due to blood loss and when they found me they rushed me to granny's

After finding that I was alright granny made them all run away with her broom .

Cana fell asleep while crying and granny decided to let her stay

Laxus just looked at me and hugged me and then went out .from what I heard the entire blood wolf population surrounding Magnolia died that night

Gramps and Granny looked at me after Gildarts and Cornelia left after telling they would visit tomorrow

Granny said "don't worry I will find a way to remove the scars after it heals , you would look like it never happened "

"I want it to stay"

"what "

"granny please" granny just looked at me for a few moments and then sighed

"fine , but make sure to rest you are not allowed to use magic or get out of this house for one week understand " granny sighed

"yes" I knew it was irrational but I needed it to stay to remind myself about what happened and what condition I was in

Granny then went out gramps just looked at me and then sat near me

"you know Karna" he started speaking softly "ever since you started walking and speaking your granny and I were not that surprised because we knew how smart you were and we knew you will be different from other kids

But we also didn't think of that as a problem at first

After you started to grow up, you had a look in your eyes like you were detached from this world and we were worried you might not look at reality "

Then he looked in my eyes

"but it seems like you found it huh"

I felt like crying and I suddenly hugged gramps , they knew how I looked at them and they still loved me , while I was hugging and crying I felt gramps slowly patting my back

"you never cried after you grew up and when you really grow up it will be hard for you to cry so at this time cry as much as you want "

I kept on crying and made a vow to protect all around me no matter what it takes.

A/N- hope you like it and 100 power stones give Jason extra chapter