

A guy died and wake up in the void. He gets a system and will show a certain multiverse about another omniverse

david_vazcano · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs



Two weeks later, the students have already prepare their costume and ready for a road trip. The students are now in a bus to go to their road trip.

Zak :" Teach can I ask where are we going ?"

Ellen :"Don't worry zak, you will know soon enough."

They are confused by this but they still waiting where they were headed and they continue their conversation with their friends.


They arrived at a building that was supposed to be their pace to stay and it was pretty big.

Ellen :"Class you guys go to your bedrooms and with your roommate but we will do it by lottery."

One by one they go to pick the lottery

Ben and rex

max and dexter

jake and danny

zak and luffy

kim and mal

sattelizer and jen

korra and mirajane

moka and saeko

After they got thei roomates and their room they go to their assigned room, teacher ellen also inform them to gather at the field camp at the back.

After they are organized with their room, they headed to the field to meet teacher ellen. Teacher ellen is wearing her sport outfit. "Alright then class now we are going to have a spar with your respective partners ." Teacher ellen said.

AFTER A Few hours later

The spar is already over and they go to their own rooms to change and have a shower, teacher ellen also said they will gather at the campfire outiside.

They are gather the campfire and teacher ellen is already there and there is also marshmallows and meat to eat.

Dexter :"Teacher why are we gather here?"

Ellen :"Well I want to talk to you students about the school, so how was it?"

They are confused of what their teacher said, but they answer her question while eating marshmallows.

Luffy :"Yay, there is meat." his eyes are staring at the meat and eat it hungrily.

Kim :"The school is great and good education."

Luffy :"There is so many good food and many meat."

Dexter :"There is also a good lab that me and my friends sometime used."

Ben :"There is also a training simulation to make us strong."

Teacher ellen nod at this and glad the students like the school.

Moka :"Teacher ellen may I ask you a question?"

Ellen :"Go ahead moka I will answer your question the best I can."

moka :"Teacher do you used to be a student in our school and how strong are you?"

Ellen is surprised and smiled at this "Well for your question moka yes I have been a student just like you kids."

Max :"How was your school life that day, teach?"

Ellen :"Well my school life just like you guys training, studying, all that stuff and also play with my friends. I am also very strong, I can destroy a whole country If I have to."

They were surprised their teacher can destroy a country if she wants. That means she was strong.


union academy

Denki :"What this woman can destroy a country?" she was scared.

Weiss :"It...it can't be right?" she asked for confirmation but nobody answered her.

Kiba :"This woman is very powerful is she can destroy a country."

Ironwood :"This woman is dangeruos if she was capable of destroying a country." he said seriously.

Nezu :"I agree."

The others agree and keep watching

Avengers tower.

Johnny storm :" That woman is that strong?" he asked scared

Natasha :"That woman is dangeruos."

The other are also see this woman is strong and also dangeruos if she was let loose.

Justice league watchtower

The league is surprised how powerful she is, batman is now very serious to make a contingency plans for ellen.


kim :"Teacher ellen why is our school feels like it was abandones and empty, I mean I see students other than us from different class."

Ellen :"Because the school need requierments for the students to get in the school and it is less than one persen to get in the school and you kids are meet the requierment to attend this school."

Theyr were surprised that the school even need more requirements to do and the people who get in the school is less than one persen.


union academy

athey listen to their conversation and shocked of thia school.



Yang :"Is this school really hard to attend?"

Weiss "It can't be right." she was shocked the school acceptance is so low not even the union is that low.

seekvaria :"How the hell does that school still operate?"

Sona :"They must have a huge backing and a huge funds if they're school is this famuos and hard to get in the school."

Azazel :"A school with that low rate of acceptance?" he ws stunned as the others.

Nezu :"It is interesting this school must be very diffucult to get in, If they're acceptamce is that low."

Glynda :"But what school do need an acceptance rate that low?"

They are still thinking and discussing.

Avengers tower

Ava ayala :"What it's that hard to get to this school."

Jean :"Their acceptance rate that low." she was shocked.

Miles morales :"But is this serious, how do this school still operate with this little students?"

Justice league watchtower

Vixen :"Okay I don't know if this school is exagerated or the way their thingking is different."

She was thingking this school acceptance rate is way too low and the others are also thinking the same thing.

Kid flash :"What kind of school have acceptance this low?"

Ms martian :"Well they are."

Batman is thingking what kind of school who have acceptance rate this low and what are the requierments the students need to get in this school.


ellen :"Well the school make a test for all of you students, they show your powers and skills right?"

They nod and still remember of the test.

Ellen :"Yes you all pass the test but there is this specific requierment to get you to this school.

They were confused "What kind of specific requierment is that?" mal asked.

Ellen :"Sorry students but that Information is classified."

They were dissapointed but still keep moving on.

Jake :"Teacher, can we know about the principal or the founder of this school?"

Ellen :"well the founder of this school is classified but the principal is a kind man."

They were surprised that the founder is classified and the principal was a man.

Mirajane :"Teacher, can you describe the name of the principal and what kind of people is he?"

Ellen :"Well the principal is a kind and powerful man, although he never always at school beacuse he has important matters, also his name and information is classified."

They were listening to their teacher said.

Jen :"Teacher have you met him?"

Ellen :"Yes I have met him actually, but that is a long time so I don't know anymore."

They were talking about different things, luffy is eating many meat and they go to their dorms and go to sleep.


Union academy

Denki :"Hey you guys what do you think of the principal?"

Yayurouzu :"I think the principal is mysterious kinda do you think?"

Yang :"What kind of principal has a clasified information and has his name in secret."

Sona :"Well it is said he never alaways in school, maybe he goes on missions."

Weiss :"The principal maybe a very important person if he always go to do something."

Glynda :"The principal is classified and never always at the school." she said in disbelief.

Azazel :"everything about this school is classified even the requierment to get in the school is classified."

Ironwwod :"There must be a secret in this school that is very important."

They are discussing about it.

Avengers tower

Ghost Spider :"Hey guys do you think this school is suspicious?"

They look at him confused " what do you mean gwen?" ask kaine parker.

Ghost :"Do you not hear what she said, this school everything is classified from the requierment and even the principal is classified."

Miles :"So what do you mean gwen?"

Gwen :"What I mean is they must kept something there very secretly."

Steve :"They must have a reason for that."

Natasha :"Or they kept something important there that nobody supposed to know."

Justice league watchtower

They are thingking the same thing as the avengers, this school is very suspicious.

Batman is beggining his paranoia and thinking of what is this school about and what did they hide.

There are so many secrets of this school, that was completly hidden from the ouside world.


We can see now it is already midnight and every body is already sleep. But there is portals open a few hundred meters from the camp and come out multiple figures out of the portals. They are 20 of them and there is a big one, it was supposed to be the leader who command them.

??? :"There it is the camp of the infinite academy."

After a mysterious person said that they go to the camp to kill all the students and children.


Union academy

They see a shadow humanoid figure along with the others, they feel an enormous power coming from that shadow.

Denki :"Who...who is that?" he was scared beacuse the power emit from that person.

They arw also scared too and the principals also the teachers are on guard.

Avengers tower

The avengers are feeling uncomfortable about the energy that person is emating.

Thor :"What an enormous energy."

Dr. Strange :"Yes I can fewl enormous pwer from it."

Justice league, watchtower

The league are also looking at the person and they feel the energy from that person just like the avengers.

Batman see this become serious about that person energy is powerful and dark.


The shadow people are going in to the to camp, we see a person is hacking to the door and trying to get in, five minutes later the door is open.

??? :"All right everyone split up, if you dind the kids kill them and the teacher she is mine."

They nods their head and go unknwon to them there is a shadow that's watching them.

There are two men are walking but there is a shadow past through the two men see their backs.

They found nothing so they keep going forward, but whne they were going to continue to walk they're heads were sliced and they are dead.

The others are also like that some are fighting back but they are getting sliced through and dead.

The leader is still walking through an empty hallway. "Well well well what do we have here." he turned back and see ellen there standing.

??? :"I know you would show up."

Ellen :"Well you can know as I suspected yiu are targeting the children because you and the others saw them as a threat more greater than the avengers, justice league, overwatch, union heroes, etc."

??? :"If that's what you know so why are we still talking?"

Ellen :"Well sorry for talking, john, The knight of darkness."

John reavel himself he is wearing a black armor and he is wielding a sword. You can feel a sinister aura around him and it feels dark.

John :"Ah so you know my name well then let's see who wins vice admiral ellen."

The both of them charge at each other both using a sword they swing their sword so fast, they were aiming for a killing blow they were fast and precise not giving etheir an oppurtunity to kill.

Ellen is behind john and touch him to teleport out of the camp. They are now at the forest a km from the camp. They again charge at each other.

john jump high in the air and gather a magic into his sword he swing and create a horizontal slash and make a vertical slash made out of magic.

Ellen using a shield to block them the area around ellen are destroyed but ellen is still standing there and nothing happened to her.

John was about to attack again but he was frozen and he look at ellen "We shall meet again vise admiral ellen."

He teleported out of there she see the area around her is destroyed so she go back to the camp. She summoned all her summons and give the reports to her.

The summoners are saying all of them are dead, she was glad the students are okay. So she retreat all her summons and go to the bed to sleep, but he need to clean the body and all the blood stench. An hour later she finish all and got to bed to sleep


Union academy

They are watching ellen and the man name john is fighting some people cannit see the movement of them and they were stunned at the fire power of ellen.

Kirishima :"THAT WAS SO MANLY."

Tetsutetsu :"I agree with you, that was so manly,."

Irina :"Woah." she was stunned at the the two of them, they swing and slash at each other she can't see it even kiba and Xenovia cant see it at all.

Sona :"Wait they are afraid because they are making more heroes that a threat to them than us?"


Issei :"I bet I am more powerful and more dangeruos than them."

Seekvaria :"Interesting, so basicly john and his asosiates are afraid that this kids will be a threat than us."

Rias :"Vice admiral, so she was in a military."

Blake :"Possibly and also she must have a high rank if she is a vice admiral."

Nezu :"The two of them are very strong."

Sirzech :"I agree but why is john retreat and go away from ellen?"

Ajuka :"Maybe he got order from somebody because you can see he was stop for a minute and nod his head."

Azazel :"Wait is john saying these kids are a threat to them more than us?"

Glynda :"Possibly and they must be afraid of these kids."

Ironwood :"Vice admiral? so she was in the military then, but why is she now a teacher isn school?"

Zeoticus :"Possibly to look and teach this kids."

They keep discussing.

Avengers tower

They see and was impressed by ellen swordmanship and powers.

Miles :"Man both of them are powerful."

X-23 :"Yes , they are fighting and causing many amount of damage."

Vision :"Good thing they fight outside the camp if not the building will be destroyed and the students are dead."

Jean :"Wait, so john and his associates are killing these children because they are more of a threat than us?"

Natasha :"How more of threat are the kids then than us, they're just kids."

Hawkeye :"Maybe they are just miscalculated or just scared of kids."

Falcon :"Wait so their teacher is from the military?"

carol :"possibly and she has a high rank too."

They nod their heads.

justice league watchtower

They are see the fight and the destruction of the fight, Batman is working a plan to take both of them down. The others are still talking of how powerful and how fast they are and discussing of what john and ellen said.

Wonder woman :"It seems like this school make students that will make a threat to john and whatever organization he is in.

Hawkgirl :"So ellen is a military huh."

Hal jordan :"Her rank is vice admiral it is pretty high."

Superman :"So they are more of a threat than us?"

Batman also thingking of what john and ellen said. ellen said this kids are a threat to them than us and other heroes, he also knows that ellen is a vice admiral, a military woman. Does that mean the requierment met to teach these kids because she is from the military.

They continue watching