

A guy died and wake up in the void. He gets a system and will show a certain multiverse about another omniverse

david_vazcano · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs



We can see now that the submarine is approaching the destination, it was slowed down and docking to the underwater base.

We can see the submarine goes to the base and there is some kind of shield to prevent water to coming inside. The submarine dock to the bay.

There was an announcment that they have arrived at the secret base in america."Oh~seems like we have arrived," said kizaru already wake up and have a coffee.

Kizaru then look at kuzan "seems like we need to prepare." kuzan see this and nod.

Both of them get up from the canteen and go outside to the bay, They are walking to the port and the marines are saluted when they see them.

Marine officer :"Sir welcome to america."

Both of them nod, "Please allow me to tour you of this place and show your quarters." marine officer said to both of them.

They nod their head they are touring the base there are canteen that is big for thousand of people, there is also many transportations and military vehichles, airbase, etc, this place is very big and wide.


The world was jawdropped at the base because it is very huge and wide, also there are so many advance tech.

Union academy Hatsume :"Oh my god look at all those babies." she is screaming.

Midoriya is still drawing and scetching all those technology and weapons they shown.

Glynda :"It is not surprising all these tech given their naval base."

They nod their head they want to study all that technology especially ironwood, ajuka and azazel itching want to study it.

The same goes the tech people in the avengers and justice league altough it is not impressive as the naval base it is still good.


Kuzan and kizaru are going out to see the people in the base are practicing and then they hear a warning.

"WARNING, WARNING, danger to the east and west of the base, underwater monsters are attacking the base two kilometers from the reach."

They hear the warning along all of the base so they are getting ready to go to their battle stations

Kuzan see this and contact commander of this base, commander ash.

Kuzan :"Commander ash, do you hear me?" said in his com and hud.

Ash :"Yes sir."

Kuzan :"Do not worry about the west, I will hande it on my own."

Ash was surprised about this "But sir, the numbers of the monsters are hundreds and there are some of them the size of a giant building." he was worried about it.

Kuzan :"Don't worry about it, I will go to take in my own problems."

Ash heard what the admiral but still nod "All right admiral kuzan I will inform the others about this."

Kuzan nod his head and cut the communication.

Kizaru :"Oh~kuzan do you need my help on this one?"

Kuzan :"No I will take care of it my self."

Kizaru :"All right then, be careful out there, I will go to the east to help the others if they are in trouble."

Kuzan nod and they parted their ways to help their mission.


The world see that the base is going to be attack by underwater monsters and they could hear that some of the monsters are in the size of a giant building. What surprise them is kuzan will handle them in the west alone and there are hundreds of monster coming through.

"Seriously monsters in the size of a giant building?"

"Oh man this is going to be bad, they are going to get killed."

"What the fuck, is that kuzan crazy he wants to fight all hundreds of monster in the west alone?"

"Is he arrogant that he could handle them alone?"

Union academy

They could see kuzan is going to the west alone to fight hundreds of monsters alone.


The others see this is also in disbelief or ridicilous see kuzan is confident fighting monsters alone.

Glynda :"Hmph, this kuzan it to confident or arrogant."

Azazel :"Confident or arrogant more like crazy."

Falbium :"Is he seriously going to fight those monsters alone?"

They really look at kuzan in disblief and see him going out without hesitation.

Nezu :"But remember he is an admiral one of the highest combat in space marine, so we can see what is his caoabilities and powers."

They agree to what he sais they wanted to see how strong is so called admiral.


She hulk :"Okay I don't know if this person is crazy or what."

Steve :"Well he is a soldier so it is his duty to sacrifice himself to protect his country."

janet :"Yeah captain, we get it but this guy is fighting hundreds of monsters alone without any backup."

Hulk :"I think this guy is fun, I want to fight him."

Thor :"Aye friend hulk, this man name kuzan is brave to sacrifice himself, I also want to meet hima and have a training with him."

They look at them both in disbelief and shook their heads.

Justice league.

Flash :"I don't know why but I think he is crazy."

Hawkman :"I am not for what I see he is a warrior trying to fight his enemies to the death."

John stewart :"He is also a soldier so it is his duty to kill his enemies and to fight them."

Black canary :"Also we will see how strong is admiral kuzan."

They are discussing about admiral kuzan and wanted to see of how strong he is.


We can see now in the west sea there is a shining glowing eye underwater there are hundreds of them and they are very big. Some of them look humanoid and some of them are very long it looks like a snake.

They begin to submerge and ready to attack the base. Kuzan already arrive at the scene and look at them with calm face and not panicked.


The world see this in horror, they can see many monsters of how big and scary they are, they are swimming towards the base without hesitation and ready to attack and they see kuzan arrive nad do nothing.

"What the hell why is he just standing there?"

"Is he in frozen because he didn't expect to see that many monsters and how big they are?"

"He is simply too ignorant to see this."

Yayurouzu :"What the hell is he doing, he is just standing there doing nothing and just look at them?"

Ruby :"Is he scared to see them?"

Bakugo :"WHAT AN IDIOT, he is just too arrogant to do it and ignore the others for help."

'Aren't you also will go too and ignore everyone?' the others thought and sweat.

Denki :"Oh man look at all that monsters coming at him straight."

Rias :"WHAT?"

They see rias and confused "President why are you yelling? if you are scared there is me." issei said in confidence.

Rias :"So...sona did you feel all their power from here?"

Sona :"Yes."

They are confused by them "Um guys what are you talking about?" jaune said.

Sona :"We are seeing hundreds of ultimate class heading straight towards kuzan."

All the supernaturals and demigods are shouting :"WHAT."

The others meanwhile are confused by this "Hey guys what is an ultimate class?" ren said.

Midoriya :"Yeah what was special about it?"

Sona explain to them "As you can see the supernarurals are divided into class low, medium, high, ultimate, super and so on, the fact that all tghose monsters are ultimate class it is no joke."

They are processing of what she said "So how strong are they?" Nora said.

Tsubaki :"They could just wipe out countries if they wanted too."

The are jawdropped of what she said, the fact the can wipe out countries it is scary to image it.

The theachers and Principals who is in suoernatural are also said the aame thing.

Present mic :",Shit does that mean they are going to be wiped countries if they destroy the naval base?"

The supernaturals are nodding their heads, they feel despair and hopeless to see it, they hope kuzan can handle this although they did not believe he can succed.

The avengers

Tony ask jarvis to scan how powerfula re they and she said they can wipe out countries, they are in panic see this and even shield is in alert of what they discovered.

Justice league

They are also in alert of what they capable of and try to find weakness of those monsters, batman sse this and glare at the screen of what he see will be a massacre.


Kuzan just walking forward relax and squat, he let his right hand touch the water, he see the monsters are coming rigjt at him and he see the water again.


After he said that the ocean infront of him is covered in ice in seconds, all the monsters are all frozen dead.

There is also come a cold air in the left side and right side of his helmet. He let go of his right hand and stood up walking back to the base with relax.


The world is in silence and jawdropped at what they see, they just see kuzan just kill and frozen the ocean in seconds and the speed of freezing is very fast.

Union academy

They were just silence of what they see.

Denki :"Ho...Holy shit." he said in disbelief and whispered.

They couldn't comprehend of what they see especially the ice users

Todoroki see this kuzan just freeze the entire monsters and ocean in seconds, he feels very inferior to him and he feels weak, he clench his fist at that revelation and determine to become stronger.

Weiss see this in disbelief although she is an ice user she can't froze an entire monsters in seconds yet an entire ocean, she feels no matter how hard she train she will not reach the level of kuzan did.

Sona see this and feels jealous about it, she just see a person just froze the monsters and ocean just like that, she maybe an ice user but she can't just do what kuzan did she feels inferior and weak to him.

The teachers are surprise and also the principals especially serafall, winter and grayfia, they were suprise of how strong kuzan is, he is an ice user just like them but the way he is doing it is very different from them and also strong even though they are also ice user, they feel weak compare to him.

Azazel :"Holy shit."

Avengers tower

They are look at the screen in silence of what they see

Carol danvers :"Holy shit."

They are look in disbelief especially ice man who is also an ice user he feels small compare to kuzan although he can freeze building, he can't do what just kuzan did.

Justice league

They were surprised that kuzan just froze all the monsters and the entire ocean.

Flash :"What the hell did I see?" he said rubbed his eyes.

Hal jordan :"You just see a man froze the entire ocean."

Shazam :"That is so cool."

They were just processing of what they see and batman is thingking of a contingency plans of how to defeat or neutralize this guy.


Kuzan is running to the base and he see many soldier are wounded and dead, he see kizaru and

approach him.

Kuzan :"Hey kizaru"

Kizaru :"Oh~kuzan, how are you, are you done with handling the monsters in the west?"

Kuzan :"Yes, I am."

Kuzan see the soldiers are wounded and some of them are dead.

Kuzan :"What the hell happened here?"

Kizaru :"Well we were handling pretty good at the enemy, but..."

Kuzan :"But what?"

Kizaru :"We are encountering a problem fighting the monsters."

Kuzan :"Why is that?" I'm sure you can handling it."

Kizaru :"You are right but there is a monster king among them."

Kuzan see this and surprise :"What a monster king? please tell me you are not joking?"

Kizaru :"No I am not joking kuzan." he said seriously.


Kizaru :"Everyone mantain position, don't let them get through."

Th soldiers are keep firing their weapons, also there are also magicians using their magic, and there some using semblance.

Kizaru then feel something is wrong and feel bad about this 'What the is this feeling and what is that ominous energy?' he thiught.

But his question is answered they see a larger monster than the others and it feels very powerful.

Marine :"Tha...that is"

Marine :"A monster king."

The monster king roar at them and after the roar they fire at the king monster.

Kizaru :"All of you stand down, focus all of your attack on the other monsters, I will handle him alone."

Kizaru then charge forward and fly trying to fight the monster.


Kizaru still remember how he fight the king monster and how destructive the battle is.

Kuzan :"Hey kizaru, are you there?" he snap his finger infront of him.

Kizaru wake up and see kuzan "Don't worry, I just thingking about something."

Kuzan see this and nod at him, they just doing their activities and help to gather the wounded because of the fighting.

Screen turn black


The world is processing for what they see, they feel goosebumps of see the monster king and sweating.

Irina :"Wh...what is that power?" she is trembling.

Xenovia :"I...I don't know" she is sweating.

The others are also not in good conditions they are sweating and trembling of what they see.

Bakugo sse his hands and trembling so he clench his fist tightly, but still see his hands are trembling, he hate to see it.

The pricipals are also notvlloking good and even the teachers.

Ironwood :"Dammit what is this power?" he is trembling and sweating.

Serafall :"I...I don't know." she is also sweating and confused.

The avengers and justice league are also feels the same thing they are teembling and sweating, it feels like they were going to be killed in the spot.

A few minutes later the world is back to normal and see the screen light up again.