
Multiverse react to the multiverse

There is a screem light up across the multiverse now people will see the greatest group in the multiverse. Tehy will see unexpected and see many things DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs



We can see a teenager wearing a combat suit is now sitting in the edge of the building see the horizon of the city, he is now just looking and do not know what to do because he does not know what to do.


Marvel Omniverse, Avengers

They were weird about this and confused about it.

Hawkeye :"So what we are just gonna see a man just sit in the bulding watching horizon?"

Steve :"Easy there hawkeye, We will just need to watch and see what will happen."

DC omniverse, Justice League

Flash :"Okay, who is this guy?"

Hal jordan :"I don't know probably some random guy just sitting in the edge of the building."

Black canary :"But the screen said we will see stories or something like that?"

Spider verse

Miles :"Who the hell is that guy?" he is confused.

Gwen :"I don't know I never heard or seen that guy before." she is also confused.

Peter :"Me either."

Miguel :"Layla check if you can find and identify this guy in the multiverse."

Layla :"On it"


"It is nice to see you again paradox." ben said and the screen changes to the back and we see a man.

He seems brtitish, he wears a labcoat, a gauntlet, a lab goggles and a cane. "Well hello there my friend,omni." The one whi assume to be paradox smile at him.

"So what do you want from me now?" the one name omni ask him.

Paradox :"There will be a great threat through the multiverse, if we didn't stop it."

Omni :"What kind of great threat?"

Paradox :"Let's just say it will be the end of everything, only chaos, death, unbalance cosmos, there will be nothing left at all."

Omni just listen to what paradox said and keep looking to the horizon, Omni now just thingking of what paradox said and paradox know this.


Marvel Omniverse, Avengers 616

They were now listening to what so called paradox said to the man name omni. They just hear there will be a great threat that will cuase the end of everything.

Wonder man :"Is this guy serious, he just come and said there will be the end of everything?" he did not believe of what he said.

The others also did not believe of what paradox said but some believe of what he said.

Natasha :"So what now guys do you think we can trust that paradox guy?"

Steve :"I do not know but we need to listen more."

DC Omniverse, Justice league, prime earth

Shazam :"A threat that will be The end of everything?" he was alarmed by this.

The others are also disturbed by what that man name paradox said.

Batman :"We need to check if they are in our universe, we need to search this paradox and omni, if they exist we need to know what is happening."

Spider verse

The spiders from all across the multiverse in tge building are now in panic and alarmed of what the information that guy is saying, they are now cause a riot.

Miles :"The end of everything?" he was paled of what the screen said.

His friends are also stunned of what paradox said therr will be the end of everything does this mean each of their universe is going to be perish.

Each of the omniverse now are in panic because the information of what the screen said, each beings are now looking forward of what cause this end.


Omni :"What cause this, paradox?"

Paradox :"There is a dark entity from another dimension, he has a massive army of magicians, spaceships, superpower people, adavanced vehichles, advanced technology, army that are bloodthirsty and ready to lay blood. he can make an invasion on a multiverse scale."

Omni is thingking of what paradox said, he was now worried of what will happen if the enemy come to his world and other universes.

Omni :"Are they aliens?"

Paradox :"You could say yes and no."

Omni :"What do you mean by yes and no paradox?" he is confused and look at him.

Paradox :"Ah ah ah, no spoilers my friend."

Omni is now looking at him blankly and thingking of what he said.


Mha universe

The whole world are now in panic because they can see and feel the dark energy coming out of the screen and those massive army with killing intent and soules eyes. The heroes and villains are now scared and afraid some of them wanted to run and hide, while some of them tell them come to fight with them.

Mineta :"Wha...what's with those army?" he is shaking and pee in his pants.

Lida :"I...I don't...know." he is now feel afraid of what he see on the screen.

The others are also not looking good, either they cried, faint or trembling because they can feel sinister aura from the screen. Bakugo tried to not shake but he can't because he can feel that he will die instanly if he make a move.

Spider verse

The spiders are now frozen and their spider senses are going haywire like crazy and they can feel the danger of it.

Gwen :"What the hell? my spider sense are moving very wild."

Miles :"Yeah me too." he agreed to her because his spider sense is out of control.

Mayday is now crying and peter tried to calm her down, he also felt the danger and his spider sense is going haywire and maybe mayday is the same.

Percy jackson

Hermes :"Wha...what is with those guy?" he is afraid of what he see.

Athena :"I...I don't know but the energy and power coming from that entity and his army is so massive, it is like they are now thirsty for battle and death."

Zeus :"Then let them come I do not afraid of them and I will challenge them all."

Ares :"Yes, now there will be a war." He is excited to draw some blood and there will be destruction.

Camp half blood (After the lightning thief)

The demigods are now crying and shaking because of what they see.

Percy :"What the hell is with those guys?" he is now on guard.

Annabeth :"I...I don't know" She feels scared kf what she feels in the screen.


Omni is now listening to what he said and he gets up and look at paradox.

Omni :"All right oaradox let's go to face this called the great threat you speak of." he is determined.

Paradox smile and they both gone with a blind of light and they have appeared in an abandoned building.

Omni :"Hey paradox, where are we?"

Paradox :"Well why didn't you look at your back omni?" he pointed his back with his cane.

Omni look at his back and see a monster with black skin and red stripe all over it. He smell something disturbing and he leaped out. Omni see this confused.

Omni :"What is that, paradox?"

Paradox :"That is a dementor, omni."


Percy jackson universe

Camp half blood

Percy :"What is a dementor?"

Annabeth :"I don't know about that percy I never heard of it." she never heard or seen a creature like that.

The gods discuss about this, even athena didn't know about this creature and confused.

Spider verse

Miguel :"Layla, can you get a scan and a reading of that creature?" he is serious about this.

Layla :"Well my scan indicates that this creature is somekind of dark powers or materials in it." she is confused about the analysis of it.

Miguel :"What does that mean?"

Layla :"It means we are see a creature that we never encounter before or never exist."

Miguel now is staring at the creature and determine to know, what is this creature and who made the creature.

DXD Universe (Gathering of the devils and treaty)

Underworld, party household

Issei :"What is that creature?" he si afraid of the looks of it.

Rias :"I don't know I have never seen it? have you guys k ow about this?" she ask the others.

Akeno :"Sorry buchou but I never see or heard od this creature." she shakes her head.

The others are also do not know about this creature. It is the first time they have seen this creature.


Omni look at paradox confused "What is a dementor?"

Paradox :"Dementor is a dark alien from another dimension that was task to create a disturbance and place a dimensional portal in each of the multiverse for an invasion to begin."

Omni :"But isn't there will be somekind of energy reading or signal will be detected if there is someone use a portal?"

Paradox :"No my friend I am afraid not because they use a technology that will hide them from detection even use technology or magic or any energy."

Omni :"Huh they must be very smart and clever if they have somekind of technology that can do that."

Paradox :"Oh yes they are, they also can evade a detection from the gods or any beings that is why you need to found them and eliminate them."

Omni :"This creature must be strong and they must have somekind of technology or powers to make them hide."

Paradox :"Oh they are omni, that is why you need to be careful, they are powerful and you need to stop them before they open the portal for the invasion to begin." professor is serious about this.

Omni look at professor and nod his head :"Okay paradox I will do it."

Paradox nod his head "All right young tennyson, I must go now and I will be back after you finish the mission."

Paradox is gone and omni now is going to do his mission that was given to him.


Each of the multiverse are now know what is the creature name and what they cand do and now they are in alert because what the creatures can do and they are now mobilize search party.

Marvel Omniverse, Avengers 616

She hulk :"What do we do now?"

Steve :"Now we must search for this creature in the city and we need to divide the group."

Hawkeye :"Couldn't we use a satellite to scan the city so we can found them quickly?" he is confused by this.

Natasha :"Idiot, don't you hear they have some kind of tech or power to make them dissapear from detection." she look at him like she look an idiot.

Dr.Strange :"We also cannot use magic to find them." he added to the list.

Tony :"So all we need to do is to search for them?"

Steve :"Yes, I believe we do, also the xmen and the fantastic four can you guys help?"

Professor X :"We will gladly do it, captain." the xmen team nod their heads.

Johnny :"Don't worry cap we will help you guys to search them."

DC Omniverse, Justice league prime earth

Wonder woman :"What do we do now?"

Batman :"Now we need to mobilize a team to search every city and around the world, each hero who protect their own city will go and search for them, will the rest can go to search around the world."

They nod their heads and proceed to olan on going search for this dementors.

John constantine :"I never heard of this creature before."

Zatanna :"Yeah me too."

Percy Jackson universe

Zeus :"Apollo, gather all the camper in camp half blood to do a quest to search all round each city."

He ordered him.

Apollo :"But father it will take much time to search for the kids to find this dementors."

Athena :"I agree and we do not have many camoers to do that quest." she agree with apollo.

Zeus :"I do not care, do as I say or I will give you all punishments." His voice is booming and louder.

Apollo do as what zeus said and inform chiron about what the childrens will do.

The multiverse are now in chaos because of the dementors, now all of them are trying to swarch for these dementors and try to kill these creatures before they can open a portal to invade their own worlds.