
Multiverse Path (dropped)

I really like multiverse books, but so many of them don’t fulfill my expectations. Hopefully I can create a good book. This is my first time writing. First world: One Piece A young man from our world is given the option to travel to popular works of fiction after his death. How will he develop on his path to godhood?

hybridpanda23 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Meeting a God

A young man was walking on the side of road reading new chapters of a manga he recently got into. With his nose close to his phone he was subconsciously avoiding others through his peripheral vision. As he was walking he passed caution tape that was torn and entered a hard hat zone.

"Watch your head!" A gruff voice yelled out.

The young man looked up at the last second to see a steel bar for buildings dropped towards him. Unfortunately this was the real world and normal people can't take that much falling on them. Even with a hard hat you'd have serious injuries. The young man was squashed never to walk this world again.

The next second the young man popped into existence in front of an old man. There were unending white clouds around and a large gate was standing behind the old man. The word heaven was printed across the gate in shiny gold letters.

"Hello Skylar" The old man spread his arms, "I am god."

Skylar grimaced, "I hate that name, but nice to meet you. Am I going to heaven?"

God smiled. "Well as the 100 millionth person to die in these ten years, you are given a choice. Travel worlds of fantasy made by humans with the opportunity to become a god. Or go to heaven and give this opportunity to the person who died next in line." Gods face suddenly becomes grim. "I will warn you, the survival rate is 10% and the chance of becoming a god is less than 1%. Plus if you die on your journey, you aren't given a second chance to come to heaven. Your memories will be erased by me, and your soul will enter reincarnation."

Skylar looks weird, "Well I'm obviously choosing to take this chance. Even if I die my soul won't be destroyed. Who wouldn't take the chance to travel to worlds like that? Do I get anything to help me in my journey?"

"You get one benefit, and also the ability to choose the worlds you travel to, that's it. The benefit is a system I have devised from works of popular fiction. It will help you adapt to the new worlds. I'll also throw in a little surprise of my choosing for your first world, it will all depend on your luck."

"I see... Well let's get started. I don't want to keep staring at heavens gate. It's too bright."

God chuckles, "Yes, I need to change that. What do you want your first world to be?"

"The anime One Piece!"

"Dangerous choice. I'll give you a little info on my surprise, it's a random fruit. That's all, have a good time."

A tunnel of light descends from an even higher place somehow and envelops Skylar. He begins disintegrating and soon disappears. From the void God hears "Thank you!"

No it’s not random, it’s my favorite fruit. But for the sake of plot armor... Anyway I’ll try my best writing this. I’m in college so I have no confidence in update stability forewarning.

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