
Multiverse Of Real-Life Manhwas

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you people on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet though. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. That's quite weird, isn't it? Anyways, welcome to my story where you will see me traversing different worlds and delving into thousands of stories. Every moment of those lives, every second of lives would be shown for your entertainment etched in words. Some higher being is the lord of my soul and has been sending me from one world to the other for the sake of a purpose, unknown to me. It looked like a sweet deal for me considering I would have just vanished into nothingness, but things weren't as simple as they appeared... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker 3. The Boxer 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 1-2 chapters every day 3. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ If you enjoyed the story, please drop some power stones. Comment about things that you liked, disliked or any suggestions for the fic. Give a review as well to ensure I can improve my work. Join my discord server - https://discord.com/invite/Vr4cnbxGvy Check out my other fanfiction 'Multiverse Of Sword and Magic'.

Murphy_ · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Eunjang High School


(1st Person POV)

{2 Months Later}

It had been three months since I had transmigrated and we three, Stephen, Gray and I have been on a quest to find out high school. We have been rejected by almost every school that we enquired in.

They rejected it instantly without any proper reasoning for even Gray who had an amazing academic record and Stephen who has won a ton of competitions. Their justification was that our case regarding assault was too severe for them to give admission to us.

That city representative must have called every single one of the reputable schools to not induct us at all. He had all the school authorities in his pocket. They just act as if they don't have any choice but they just lick his ass to be in his good books like good mutts.

'Disgusting, Two-faced people...'

After getting rejected by the umpteenth school, we went back to Gray's house. Gray's house had become our hole to hang out in.

I also came to know about the reason why Gray seemed uncomfortable to mention his parents. They had never been around for Gray, he had spent his childhood with servants and he lived alone currently. They were extreme workaholics and didn't care about Gray at all.

Gray had also opened up a lot to me and shared his personal matters in great faith with me.

However, I still didn't know about Stephen's family and why he could hang out with us anytime. He never mentions his family and always changes the subject a couple of times I brought it up.

They also came to know that I was an orphan child and the atmosphere became a bit awkward among us for a while. Stephen and Gray both asked me if I needed some financial or any other kind of help from them.

I denied them and said that my parents had left enough for me to live comfortably.

However, they still insisted me to tell them if I needed anything at all.

I felt very lucky to have such caring friends for me.

Also, I didn't face any setbacks regarding my studies at all considering my flimsy memories regarding my past life, we studied together almost every day and they helped me with anything I didn't understand.

My control over my abilities had also upgraded. I could now keep up my first ability for a longer period of time than before. I can grasp more information during the ability as well allowing me greater chances of exploiting weaknesses during any fights.

My second ability had also been nearly stretched to its extreme potential. It felt like I didn't have any bones at all. My joints can move both ways in a nearly 360° direction.

I also gained some lean muscles which can pack a punch when combined with either of the two abilities.

I have also gained a bit of extrasensory perception. This is done when I focus all of my senses at once and activate my ability passively at the lowest level. I can even sense an attack coming from out of my field of view. Instinctively, due to my first ability, I can sense the flow of air around me and judge if an attack is coming at me.

On a sunny day, just like usual I went to Gray's house to study with him and Stephen.


(At Gray's house)

We were studying at Gray's house. I was slightly nervous because the date of the session of the high school was nearing and our chances of entering a school were declining day by day.

Just then a call came on Gray's phone which was an anomaly because Gray didn't have any friends or people other than Stephen and me who would call him.

"....Yeah, Yeah. Thank you very much, Mrs Lee." He ended the call and faced us with a smile.

"I think we have found our high school."

Stephen says with confusion apparent on his face, " Which one is willing to take us in?"

"She spent her precious time in finding a school for us in which the city representative won't be bothered to inform us to not give admission to us."

Stephen looked visibly delighted," Wow, that's great news, Gray. What is the name of this school? "

"Eunjang High School."


(Scene Change)

All three of us had been already admitted to Eunjang High.

Eunjang High was a boys school. Visually, it was not luxurious like Byuksan Middle School but a standard school with acceptable facilities.

All three of us had been admitted and we were in class (1-5).

Gray sat in the second row first seat with a student named Eugene.

Me and Stephen both sat on seats behind Gray.

After the first week...

I am bored. Nothing is happening around here. Really, Really Bored! Now I know why this school is counted as one of the worst. Teachers aren't up to standard at all. I learnt more during the study session with Gray and Stephenie one day than from the teacher in the whole week.

Gray like always is absorbed in his books. He only talks when I or Stephen attempt to bring him into a conversation.

Stephen mostly talked a lot with me and Gray only.

I think he got a dose of reality and he doesn't try to help everyone and do something for people who do not deserve it. He knew that if he tried to do something that was not needed, the bullies of this school would chew him out. Though, he still retained the kindness and friendliness that he had before the Oswald incident.

I had also already informed Stephen and Gray that if someone tried to fight them, they could just tell me.

I remind them that just like they are helping me study, I will also help them when they face some difficulties. They just have to tell me because both of them don't have the physique or any interest in fighting.

Now, the only problem is my boredom. There's nothing to do!

What a dilemma...


(End of the Chapter)

If you enjoyed the story, please drop some power stones. Comment about things that you liked, disliked or any suggestions for the fic. Give a review as well to ensure I can improve my work.

Note - Extra Bonus Chapter on the day I get 10 reviews.

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