

"greetings young man" a voice spoke

A light shaped like a human appeared before me ,

"..." Shriou stared blankly at the thing before him trying to figure out who the hell this thing is.

uh...who the hell are you?" Shirou asked confused

"I am the watcher of the multiverse" the being introduced My god even his voice was mystifying

"I have been watchig you trail12blazer"

My...gamer tag?' shirou wondered does he not no who he was

"Do you Not know who I am?" shirou asked

"yes" the being answered

"????" shirou Blanky stared at the being not understanding the awnser that was given in front of him.

"Okay,... thats not confusing at all" Shirou Muttered sarcastically as he glared at the watcher

"..." the being did not respond it justed watched me amusedly

" okay deep breaths shirou breathe in and breathe out"

*takes a deep breath in

*takes a deep breath out

" Now" said shirou surprisingly very calm in this situation "Why, am I here? or am I not here and I this some type of hullucination?"

The watcher chuckled "You are an amusing fellow"


Shirou's eyebrow twitched "well...glad somebody finds my irratation amusing, but lets get back to the most important Question..."



"WHY AM I HERE!!?" Shirou roared

"temper temper" the being said which infuriated shirou

"I have chosen you to be my entertainer"

"..." Shirou stared at the being for a few seconds "yeah fuck that shit I'm out" i turned my back on it and started walking away when the being spoke again

"You will get to travel the anime world with a system "

"..." I froze "Lets rewind"

I walked backwards and shook his hands which were surprisingly solid "we have a deal But can I be back here?" My world that is?"

"of course" The being nodded "Excellent," I grinned "Lets go now "

the being pulsed before unretold pain entered my body

"Oh... did I forget to mention that you will feel unimaginable Pain" If the being had a face It would probably be smirking right now

"Fuck...You" i managed before my whole vision turned black