
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Scharlach Frau

In a luxury house in the city of Berlin, the capital of Germany.

In a luxurious and elegant room, a beautiful girl with blonde hair with eyes as blue as the clear sky was holding a paper and reading it carefully.

On the paper recorded the information of the Crimson Death who was recently famous in the German dark world.

"So that person is Crimson Death, who became famous recently by destroying several dark organizations, his origin is unknown, the first time he appeared was three months ago and took on all the missions of destroying various kinds of dark organizations."

The beautiful girl was none other than the girl who appeared at the place where Noah destroyed the Rebellion base earlier.

After investigating, she finally got information about Noah, although only simple information related to the mission he took.

"Ojou-sama, this is the information you asked to investigate," said a servant while handing the information paper to the girl.

After reading the information provided, the girl stood up from the chair and walked away.

The girl came to a building in a remote place far from the city according to the previous information given by her servant.

Entering the building, what she saw were guards on patrol.

When the girl entered, the guard immediately shouted to warn the others while taking out a blazer device.

"There's an intruder... There's..."


Blood flew like fireworks as the guard was about to scream again.

Hearing the guard's scream, the people in the building immediately became alert and surrounded the girl in the middle... even though she was surrounded, the girl didn't panic at all, because to her these people were very weak.

"Diamond dust"

Waving her hand, flashing silver dust spread rapidly towards everyone surrounding her.


As the silver dust covered everyone, red blood began to bloom.

The silver dust is a fragment of the girl's "Francesca" blazer set.

From this it can be seen that the girl is Kanata Totokubara.

Seeing the blood flying in front of her, Kanata immediately took out her umbrella to block the blood splash.

After finishing off everyone in the building, Kanata walked back to her apartment in Berlin.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Noah was currently sitting in a shop that looked ordinary and could even be said to be old, but what was strange was that even though the shop was old, many people were coming and going.

This tavern was a tavern usually visited by the city's mercenaries. The owner of the tavern was a retired local mercenary, so it was natural that he and the mercenary knew each other.

As a gathering place for mercenaries, of course there is also a lot of information that sometimes comes out of the mouths of mercenaries who talk to their friends.

At one of the tables not far from where Noah sat, 3 mercenaries were talking about something that interested Noah.

"Hey, listen, did you know that recently, there has been a new dangerous figure destroying several dark world organizations?" Mercenary A said to his friend.

"You mean Scharlach Frau?" Mercenary B said.

"That's right, I heard that just yesterday she massacred the Wild Hunter organization," said Mercenary A.

"As far as I know the Wild Hunter organization is led by a C rank Blazer" said mercenary C conveying the information he knew.

"That means, Scharlach Frau is at least a B rank Blazer or maybe even A" mercenary B speculated.

Not far away, Noah, who heard their conversation, thought while drinking his wine 'it seems like this is the time when Kanata Totokubara regained her composure, which means she is still in Germany'.

After there was no other useful information, Noah stood up and walked towards the Guild to take the mission.

Entering the Guild, Noah went straight to the mission board.

'Let me see if there are any interesting missions today?' Noah thought while browsing the mission board.

"Here it is" seeing the contents of the mission, Noah didn't hesitate to take the paper to be confirmed by the receptionist.

"I took this mission" said Noah.

"Are you sure?" The receptionist asked to confirm, because the mission Noah took today was a bit special.

"Sure" answered Noah.

Seeing Noah's confirmation, the receptionist didn't say anything, however Noah had 100% mission completion accuracy, so she didn't doubt whether Noah was able to complete this mission.

After receiving the mission file from the receptionist, Noah immediately left and didn't delay any longer.