
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation Note :this is a fictional story

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

New Authority

Four days later

"By the way Noah, the Italian magic association has been on Melqart's trail" said Erica while they were having breakfast together.

"Oh?, so fast?" Noah said surprised by their speed.

"Of course, don't underestimate the power of those who have ruled the Italian magical world for hundreds of years," said Erica proudly.

After receiving Erica's request on behalf of Noah, not only the black copper cross searched for Melqart's trace, but other magic associations in Italy also participated in searching for his trace in the hope of appeasing the anger of the seventh Campione, Noah Vermilion.

So after searching for four days, they finally found traces of Melqart in a ruin near the Mediterranean sea which was once a temple used to worship Melqart by the Canaanites.

"So where is it?" Noah said asking for Melqart's location.

"Currently Melqart is in a ruined temple near the Mediterranean Sea, on the west coast of Sardinia," answered Erica.

"Then let's go after breakfast," said Noah, continuing to eat.

"As you wish, my King" replied Erica.

"By the way Noah, how are we going to get there?" Erica asked after leaving the hotel door.

Currently they live in a luxury hotel in Sardinia.

"Of course I will take you flying, what do you think?" Noah said amusedly.

"Ara...then I'll bother you, Noah," said Erica as she wrapped her arms around Noah's neck.

"You little devil" seeing Erica's teasing behavior, Noah patted Erica's buttocks before hugging her to fly.

After flying for two hours, Noah and Erica came to a ruin near the sea in the Mediterranean area.

"It seems like he's still inside" Noah said as he felt his blood boil and the will to fight rise inside him.

When a Campione and a Heretic God met, their bodies would immediately enter a fighting state and their blood would boil with fighting spirit. This was why there would only be a battle if a Campione and a Heretic God met.

Melqart, who was currently deep in the ruins, also felt the arrival of his enemy, and immediately stood up while holding his two staffs, Yagarrish and Ayyamarri.

"Long time no see, Melqart, it looks like your wound has healed"

Noah said as he saw Melqart appear in front of him.

"Campione, I didn't expect you would dare to come after just gaining authority" Melqart said loudly.

"I'm worried that you will run away or have been killed by other Campiones," Noah said sarcastically and mocked Melqart for hiding.

"How dare you insult me, Campione, prepare to face the wrath of the god king" said Melqart angrily.

"Erica, step back," said Noah asking Erica to step back.

"I look forward to your victory, my King," said Erica before giving Noah a kiss on his lips as a sign of seeing off the soldiers to the battlefield and a blessing.

"Then wait for my victory," said Noah before activating his authority.

"O lightning. I am the conqueror who defeated a thousand against a hundred.

Conquering ten thousand with a thousand. Release bright and shining light, and grant me divine power!"

With the completion of Noah's spell, the sky darkened and thunder and lightning flashed.

"O storm O rain O thunder hear my command and come to wipe out my enemies"

Seeing Noah use the power of thunder, Melqart also used his storm authority and competed with Noah for sky supremacy.

As the god of storms, the power of Melqart's authority was slightly stronger than Verethragna's lightning, therefore, Noah immediately added automatic Gale to finally be able to suppress Melqart.

While continuing to compete for sky supremacy, Noah fell towards Melqart with Aeternum in his hand.

"Dominus Temporis"


Noah's speed increased several times and appeared in front of Melqart in an instant before striking Melqart's chest with a hurricane-like spear Thrust.

Seeing the incoming attack, Melqart tried to block with both his staff, but he found that his speed was slower than it should be, so he could only watch helplessly as Noah's spear hit his chest.

Because Melqart was hit by Noah's attack, his control of the sky was disrupted so he immediately lost control of the sky.

The rumbling lightning quickly turned into sharp spears and attacked Melqart.

Seeing this, Noah immediately activated his White Stallion authority to end Melqart.

"For the sake of victory come before me! Eternal sun, please bless me with a radiant horse! A horse that moves like a god with charming grace. Give me light from your master!"


The sound of horses was heard from the sky and a horse was seen dragging the fire of the Sun falling quickly across the sky like a meteor before hitting Melqar.


The scorching flames destroyed the surrounding environment and created a giant crater.

The reason Noah used almost all of his authority was to exercise his control over it.

The best training for a Campione is to fight, the more they fight, the more adept they become at mastering authority.

After killing Melqart, Noah felt a strong pulling force that tried to pull his consciousness, feeling this pull, Noah didn't fight back and let it pull him.

"Amazing, my child, I didn't expect you to kill another god in a few days" when Noah woke up, he heard Pandora's sweet voice in his ear.

"Pandora, can I choose my authority?" Noah asked Pandora, because he felt it was impossible for Pandora who created the god-killing Ritual to not be able to choose the Authority that would be bestowed.

"Huh? You remember me?" Pandora asked curiously, because every god slayer would forget once they left the realm of life and immortality after the ritual was completed. That's why Pandora would always feel lonely because none of her children remembered her, so she didn't bother talking to them after the ritual was finished and immediately sent them back.

"Of course, because I'm special," said Noah confidently.

"So can I choose, think of it as a reward for still remembering you and I will visit often" Noah repeated his request.

"Come on mom"

Seeing that Pandora was still hesitating, Noah continued to ask flirtatiously.

"Hmm... There's nothing I can do with you, but only this once," said Pandora in a Tsundere tone.

"Witch, hurry up and start the ritual, don't waste my time," said Melqart interrupting their conversation.

"Then, great God King, Please bestow your blessings and curses on my son, the Campione" said Pandora to Melqart while starting the ritual.

"Campione, keep winning and wait for me to come again to beat you," Melqart said to Noah before disappearing.

"So, Noah, what authority do you want?" Pandora asked Noah.

"Can you give me two authorities?" Noah asked full of hope.

"No" Pandora firmly refused.

"Then give me Melqart's authority over the Storm" Noah said helplessly.

"I see" answered Pandora briefly before starting to move the Authority.

After that Noah chatted with Pandora for a while before leaving.

"See you my son, may victory always be with you," said Pandora before kissing Noah's forehead as a blessing.

"How long have I been unconscious"

Noah asked Erica as soon as he opened his eyes.

"It's only been two hours, Noah," answered Erica.

After that they continued their journey home, because they were currently still near the battle pit with Melqart.

Meanwhile, in a palace in the Balkans.

A skinny old man with white hair who had the appearance of a kind old man was sitting on the throne.

"I heard the seventh Campione was born a few days ago?" The old man asked a knight girl with silver hair tied into a single pigtail with eyes as blue as the sky who was currently kneeling with one leg in front of him.

"Yes, my lord" said the female knight.

"So what about the thing I asked for?" asked the old man.

"Yes, we believe it is in Roma" said the knight girl before being interrupted by the old man sitting on the throne.

"Don't disappoint me, Liliana Kranjcal" said the old man with narrowed eyes with a scary face.

"I'm really sorry," said Liliana nervously.

The old man was the oldest god slayer, Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.

Meanwhile, the female knight was one of Erica's rivals, Liliana Kranjcal of the Black Bronze Cross.