
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation Note :this is a fictional story

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Different plots

...Knock knock knock...

"Principal, May I come in?"

Kanata said while knocking on the door.

"Please come in," a woman's voice came from inside the room, allowing Kanata to enter.

After entering the room, Noah saw a slim yet curvaceous beautiful woman with short black hair, double bangs covering her forehead with one bang reaching her nose and the other bangs on the side of her head covering part of her hair, with her hair tied into a small ponytail at the back, and yellow eyes.

this woman is the current principal of Hagun academy, Singuuji Kurono was previously the third ranked magician knight in the KOK A-League and was known as the world clock.

"So, what's wrong Totokubara?"

Seeing Kanata, Singuuji Kurono asked.

"Principal, this is Noah Vermilion, he will be studying at Hagun academy starting next semester" Kanata explained the reason for her arrival.

"Oh? Vermilion?", said Kurono curiously, then looked at the file she had just read.

"So that's how it is, I didn't expect that apart from the arrival of the Second Princess of Vermilion, now we also have the arrival of the First Prince of Vermilion," said Kurono after finding out Noah's identity from the file she was holding.

It turns out that the file Kurono was reading was Stella Vermilion's registration information, so of course there would be some brief information about her background.

"I happen to be picking up your highness the princess, so will your highness the prince come too?" Kurono said in a joking tone while looking at Noah.

"Of course, I haven't seen my beloved older sister for a long time," said Noah while joking in response to Kurono's invitation.

It's just that when he looked at Noah, she saw Edelweiss who was behind Noah.

"Isn't this a twin wing, Edelweiss, I don't know what is needed in this academy?" Kurono said while looking at Edelweiss.

"Nothing, I just came here to accompany Noah," said Edelweiss calmly.

"Okay, I'll believe it for now, then let's go pick up your highness the princess" said Kurono while nodding, putting aside the matter of Edelweiss' arrival.

They waited safely for 15 minutes before seeing Stella get off the plane accompanied by guards wearing black suits and surrounded by reporters.

When Stella got off the plane she saw Noah and a strange face waiting for her.

Seeing Noah, Stella ran over and hugged him tightly and then kissed him on the lips to vent the longing in her heart.

Meanwhile, Noah was stunned by Stella's behavior which had crossed the boundaries between siblings.

What Noah didn't know was that after he saved Stella from being kidnapped, a seed of affection had been planted in young Stella's heart.

"Stella, what are you doing?" Noah said as he let go of Stella's hug.

"Nothing, I just expressed my feelings of missing my sister," said Stella without feeling anything wrong.

"Ohoo...I seem to see something interesting" said Kurono in an amused tone when she saw Stella's behavior.

"Okay, enough of you two, let's go back to the academy to carry out the registration procedures" said Kurono interrupting Stella and Noah's conversation.

After arriving at the academy, Kurono immediately carried out tests on Noah and Stella.

"Tsk..."After seeing their statistical values, Kurono clicked her tongue in surprise.

"Okay, here are your room keys," said Kurono while giving them their room keys.

"Thank you, then we'll excuse ourselves," answered Noah and Stella.

Noah and Stella walked towards their respective rooms.

Opening the door to his room, Noah saw a young man of average height with spiky black hair and gray eyes.

'So I share a room with Kurogane Ikki, I don't know who Stella will share a room with' thought Noah when he saw that Kurogane Ikki was his roommate.

"Hello, I'm Noah Vermilion, nice to meet you, and I will share a room with you" Noah greeted Kurogane Ikki who looked at him with serious eyes because he felt pressure from Noah even though Noah didn't release his magic power.

'This guy is really strong' Ikki thought as he looked at Noah.

"Hello, I'm Kurogane Ikki, nice to meet you," said Ikki in response to Noah's greeting.

Meanwhile on the other hand, Stella was also looking at her roommate.

Stella's roommate is a petite young woman with a much smaller stature, often referred to as a lolita for her age. She had short silver hair with several bangs covering her entire forehead, the middle part approaching his nose and jade green eyes. She tied her hair together with a black headband that had white-pink flowers on both sides

"Hello, I'm Stella Vermilion, your roommate, nice to meet you," said Stella after observing for a while.

"Hello, I'm Kurogane Shizuku, nice to meet you" Sizuku said with a sweet smile on her lips.

"By the way Kurogane-san, I"Heard from the principal, the division of rooms at Hagun Academy is divided based on strength, that means Kurogane-san is very strong," Noah said curiously.

"You can call me Ikki, after all we will be roommates from now on" said Ikki with a light smile.

"And although I'm happy with your praise, but to be honest I'm only an F rank blazer" Ikki said lightly, having no sense of inferiority despite being an F Rank Blazer.

"No, I'm sure you are a strong person even though your Blazer rank is F, there must be something special about you that made the principal make us roommates" Noah said seriously.

"Hehe...is that what you think? Maybe" Ikki just smiled and didn't deny Noah's words directly, after all he knew his own strength.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to eat, do you want to come?" Ikki said extending the invitation.

"No, I'm going to rest first," Noah refused Ikki's invitation because he was going to rest after a long journey.

"Okay then, see you later" said Ikki as he closed the door.


When Noah was about to fall asleep, he heard a knock on the door.

When Noah opened the door, he saw Kanata standing in front of the door holding an umbrella as usual.

"Am I bothering you?" Kanata said lightly.

"No, how is that possible, I hope this beautiful woman will always bother me," answered Noah jokingly.

"Hmm... Your mouth is getting sweeter," said Kanata, elegantly covering the smile on his lips with her hand.

"By the way, what's wrong?" Noah asked.

"Can't I meet my boyriend if there's nothing? Or are you bored of me?" Kanata said while pretending to cry.

"Of course not, how could I get bored with a beautiful woman like a fairy tale princess like you?" Even though Noah knew Kanata was just pretending, he still comforted him.

"Is it true?" Kanata asked, asking Noah for confirmation.

"Of course it's true, only a blind person can't see your beauty," said Noah, teasing Kanata.

"Okay I believe, are you free tomorrow?" Kanata asked.

"Yes, I have free time tomorrow" said Noah and then continued.

"How about we go on a date, it's been a long time since we dated"

"Sure" seeing that Noah understood what she meant, Kanata subconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

Seeing Kanata's beautiful smile, Noah couldn't help but take a step forward and hug her before kissing Kanata's seductive red lips.

Seeing Noah's face approaching, Kanata closed her eyes and opened her red lips slightly as a signal and put her slender arms around Noah's neck.

Seeing this, without hesitation Noah quickly tasted Kanata's seductive red lips.


After a long time they separated and Kanata straightened his clothes before leaving.

"Then see you later" Kanata greeted Noah before turning to leave.

The next day, Noah woke up early and got ready for his date.

As soon as Noah came out, Noah saw Ikki who was exercising in the yard.

"Good morning, Ikki," said Noah.

"Good morning, Noah," replied Ikki.

"I'll go first, see you later," said Noah.

"See you later," answered Ikki.

Noah waited for Kanata in the academy garden, after half an hour Noah saw Kanata coming towards him wearing a blue dress and wearing a floppy hat as usual.

"You are very beautiful today" said Noah praising Kanata.

"Am I not usually pretty?" Even though she was happy with Noah's praise,s he still replied in a joking tone.

"Of course you are beautiful, it's just that today you are very charming," said Noah, continuing to praise Kanata.

"You passed this time" answered Kanata.

"Okay, let's start our date," said Noah while holding out his hand.

Seeing this, Kanata also held Noah's hand.