
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation Note :this is a fictional story

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime & Comics
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198 Chs

Demons invasion (2)

On the 100th floor of Aincrad, Ruby Palace. Kayaba Akihiko looked at the dozens of panels floating in front of him and frowned. Each panel displayed a mysterious gate connecting to the real world. Kayaba Akihiko had long lost control of Aincrad, or rather the core of Aincrad, "The Seed". Although Kayaba's GM authority still existed, it only affected himself and could not change the rules of Aincrad.

Currently, Aincrad was running on its own, as if the real world operated automatically.

Kayaba looked up at the sky as if he saw a transparent crystal continuously rotating and weaving the laws of Aincrad's existence. With each passing second, Aincrad's existence became more solid and resembled the real world. Perhaps the opening of the gate to the real world was a form of Aincrad's own evolutionary instinct that was trying to complete itself by imitating the laws of the real world through players, some of whom were transfer stations. As Aincrad developed, players were now able to interact with the real world environment as if their bodies were no longer made of virtual data, but of flesh and blood that were no different from their real bodies.


After the death of the demon leader who attacked Tokyo, the situation in the city became even more dire. Instead of retreating, the remaining demons launched even wilder and more brutal attacks, targeting soldiers who were trying to defend the city. In this worsening situation, Kirito, Klein, and the other SAO players realized that they had to unite and take decisive action to stop this wave of attacks.

In the midst of the chaos, they heard news of a player who had extraordinary abilities in using barrier magic. The girl's name was Yuuna. With long, tea-colored hair and striking fox ears on her head, Yuuna was the daughter of Professor Shigemura Tetsuhiro, a highly respected academic and Kayaba Akihiko's teacher. Yuuna was also the main character in SAO: Ordinal Scale.

After gathering in the center of Akihabara, Kirito and the others immediately searched for Yuuna. They knew that her presence was needed to lead the defense. When they found Yuuna, she was trying to calm the panicked and confused residents. With her gentle smile, Yuuna reassured them, "Don't be afraid. Everything will be fine."

After a brief meeting, Kirito and the others explained their plan and asked Yuuna to set up a barrier around Akihabara.

"I see, that's possible, but do we have that much Mana Potion?" Yuuna asked confusedly, as it would take a lot of MP to support her setting up a barrier that would envelop Akihabara.

"Don't worry, with the cooperation of thousands of players. It's possible to produce the needed Potions. Besides, we also have many Healers ready to help." Klein said confidently.

With the help of the other players, Yuuna began to focus her energy. She raised her hand, and a magical aura began to appear around her. Within seconds, colorful lights covered the area around her and began to form a large barrier.

"Now! Everyone, get ready!" Yuuna shouted.

The other soldiers and players immediately took their positions. Kirito and Klein, along with their team, prepared for the upcoming attack. They knew that their time was limited. While Yuuna worked hard to keep the barrier strong, the demons began to approach fiercely.

The waves of attacking demons seemed never-ending. They screamed and growled, visibly enraged at the loss of their leader. Kirito and the others fought with high fighting spirit, using all their skills and expertise. Kirito's sword glinted under the light of the barrier, while Klein led the charge from the other side, taking every opportunity to take down the enemy.

Yuuna, despite forming the barrier, did not sit still. She used her magic to provide support to her friends, sending bursts of healing to the wounded soldiers.

"Hold on! We can do it!" she shouted, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

After a while of fighting, they began to feel the effects of the barrier Yuuna had set up. The attacking demons seemed to have a hard time breaking through the magical barrier. However, Yuuna knew that her endurance would not last forever. She felt the energy inside her running out.

"I need more time!" she shouted to Kirito and the others.

Kirito nodded, "We'll protect you! Don't worry!"

He and Klein immediately attacked more aggressively, trying to draw the demons' attention away from Yuuna.

Slowly, but surely, their group managed to drive off some of the demons, but there were still many left. As they fought, a large demon emerged from the crowd, charging towards Yuuna. Without thinking, Kirito leapt forward, blocking the demon's attack with his sword. "Yuuna! Focus on the barrier!" he shouted, continuing to dodge the incoming attacks.

Yuuna nodded and returned to her concentration. In her heart, she was determined to protect everyone and not let the barrier fall. She gathered all her strength, creating a brighter and stronger light.

"I won't give up!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the tense silence.

The combination of Yuuna's magic power and Kirito and Klein's battle strategy began to show results. One by one, the demons began to retreat, pressed back by the organized attack. However, they knew that the battle was not over yet. With the barrier still standing, they had to use this time to plan their next move.

After a while, as the fighting began to die down, Yuuna lowered her hand and ended the barrier magic. She was exhausted, but a satisfied smile spread across her face. "We did it! We managed to push them back!"

Kirito and Klein approached, giving Yuuna support.

"You were amazing, Yuuna. We couldn't have done it without you," Kirito said, extending his hand to help her up.


Another day passed, and for the time being, the demon attacks across Japan seemed to have subsided. Thanks to the strong collaboration between SAO players and the Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF), despite being the first country to be attacked, Japan managed to hold most of its territory. However, the situation remained critical. The Prime Minister of Japan, after considering all possibilities, decided to evacuate the population from the most threatened areas. They would gather the citizens in several large cities that were safer, while areas that were too risky would be abandoned.

The decision was not taken lightly. The Prime Minister realized that if too much military power was spread out, they would most likely lose in the next battle. Thus, concentrating troops in large cities became a priority, in order to maximize defense and overcome possible threats.

However, not all countries were as lucky as Japan. In various parts of the world, countries that were cornered by the demon attacks did not have the support of SAO players like Japan. In a desperate situation, they were forced to launch nuclear weapons as a last resort. Although this measure succeeded in wiping out most of the demon forces, the consequences of using nuclear weapons had a terrible impact. Areas that were once inhabited were now cursed lands, uninhabitable for humans.

Even more tragically, the sudden nuclear launch also caused many civilian casualties. Many innocent people were caught in the devastating explosion, destroyed along with the demons they faced. Countries around the world now have only their capitals and key cities left to survive.

Life in these cities is becoming increasingly tense. While world leaders try to save what is left, they must also face the harsh reality that many have lost their homes, families, and hopes. A sense of hopelessness permeates society, and the fear of the next attack makes each day seem harder.

Amidst this chaos, the remaining SAO players in Japan fight hard to protect their homeland. They serve as a symbol of hope and resilience for the Japanese people, helping to strengthen their defenses while providing encouragement to their fallen citizens. Some players from other countries have chosen to return home for various reasons.

Meanwhile, on the global stage, diplomacy and cooperation between nations have become increasingly important. The surviving nations have come to realize that they must unite and share information and resources to face the greater threat. With all the challenges they face, one thing has become clear: humanity cannot fight alone. In this predicament, they must find a way to work together and rebuild the shattered world.

After a devastating battle that left countless demon blood and corpses strewn about, previously non-existent magical power began to flow throughout the world. A magical aura that had never existed before slowly filled the atmosphere, changing the face of the world.

Countries around the world immediately moved quickly, collecting the demon corpses that lay in various locations. Research on these creatures became a top priority, driven by technological advances that had reached a very high level, even scratching the mysteries of the soul thanks to the emergence of virtual reality games.

In an atmosphere full of curiosity and ambition, collaboration between scientists and researchers from various disciplines proceeded smoothly. They tried to unearth the hidden magical potential and understand the essence of the existence of demons. With each new discovery, the human world came closer to a deeper understanding of the magical powers that would now become part of their lives.


In the midst of the ongoing battle, Noah had placed Asuna and the others under the protection of the werewolves and the immortal army. Floating in the sky, he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate as if searching for something very important.

'Where is he?' Noah thought, opening his eyes with a frown. He could not feel any trace of Baalram. During the demon attack, Noah had searched for Baalram for a long time but still to no avail.

Although the demon attacks continued to pound the earth, to Noah, the real threat was not the invading demons, but rather an entity like Baalram. He did not care about the attacks that threatened Asuna's hometown, however, what was more urgent was finding Baalram, the leader of the demons, who possessed power equal to his own and had no idea what he was planning.

"There is only one place I have not searched," Noah said before disappearing.