
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

land of waves

with Kaoru's arrangement, the distance between the two teams is around a day.

if it was Kakashi, he will know that Kaoru started to make another problem it's just that he is too lazy to say it out loud, and for those three, the idiot, the emo boy, and the emo boy's simp, their brain is not good enough to understand it.

Kaoru's team always keep their distance even when Kakashi's team got attacked by Zabuza.

since their target is different, Kaoru didn't have any reason to help them for now especially when they will not lose against Zabuza alone.

Kaoru's target is Gato, he is a businessman, and in secret, he is also a drug dealer and smuggling business owner, which means he has a lot of money even if that is a dirty one, Kaoru didn't care since he never feels guilty to destroy someone especially when it comes to people like Gato.

"Okay, now we have arrived at the land of waves, our target is the employer of Momochi Zabuza or known as the demon of Kirigakure, my assignment for the three of you is to find any information about Gato, his lackeys, his whereabouts, etc"

As usual, Kaoru will not give any information when it comes to this kind of mission since he didn't want his disciples to become spoiled brats.

and the three of them also knew Kaoru will give them this kind of assignment and he will also let them choose to execute the target or not based on the information that they collected.

because Kaoru didn't want them to become a killing machine or just a puppet for those old pests, he want them to think, and make their own decision.

some people maybe think it's not a good way to become a ninja or soldier, but Kaoru believes you're a human first before a ninja or soldier or anything.

that's why he respected those villains that have their own reason, no matter how small it is, compared to those heroes that always move because sense of duty, or because someone orders them to.

after his team had gone to find the information, Kaoru chose to train some more, because he still remember the guild mission and he knew that he is not strong enough.

even with his fake noble phantasm, Kaoru didn't have the confidence to beat Pain, especially Obito with his Kamui

if Kaoru has the real Gaebolg not to mention Pain, even if it's Madara, Kaoru has the confidence to kill him.


it's been several hours since Kaoru started his training but suddenly he comes to a stop because he detects two people.

at first, he was confused but when he remembered his location right now he knew that those people is Naruto and Haku.

in the original story, Haku said that he is a guy, but Kaoru never believe it because Haku is a missing-nin dead is a luxury for them, especially a female missing-nin, and to protect themself the easiest way is to become a man.

that's right Kaoru believes Haku is a girl, but he doesn't have any proof and Zabuza he maybe feels like a canon fooder because he appears at the beginning of canon, but Kaoru knows best, to survive in that bloody place like Kirigakure, what one needs the most is survival ability.

Naruto and the other only could survive because of plot armor, Zabuza is a very strong Jounin even Kakashi need to use Sharingan to fight him.

Haku is also strong maybe not at Jounin level but surely at high level Chunin and it's impossible for a new graduate Genin could survive against her if not for some shitty plot armor.

now Kaoru is on the tree watching the interaction between Naruto and Haku, if it's normal Chunin or low-level Jounin Haku will feel it when someone is hiding but Kaoru has Aura mastery, he could hide his aura or blend it with the surrounding aura.

before accepting the guild quest, the first ability that he bought is aura mastery, with this skill Kaoru could manipulate his own aura, even if he need to grind from the basics but the mastery skills are cheaper.

because every living thing has an aura this skill become his first choice, especially with the points that he had at that time.

for the comparison, he needs to spend around a thousand points to buy aura mastery and he needs to farm points from the repeatable quests for several days.

but for aura manipulation, which is already in the realm of law he needs more than a billion points.

looking closely at Haku's figure, Kaoru becomes sure that Haku is a girl and she only hides it to protect herself since Naruto is a naive child he believes what Haku said at the moment.

Kaoru actually envies Yumichika's ability to recognize the gender of other people just by smell, with that kind of ability he could identify someone's gender without stabbing their heart with Chidori or something.

back to Naruto and Haku, since he is sure now that Haku is a girl, he will try to find a way to recruit her and maybe he could get Zabuza as a bonus.

he is not a hypocrite, before receiving the guild hall Kaoru keeps his mischievous side since he didn't want to get into a problem and attract the attention of the world's will.

but now he has the power and no matter what, the problem will naturally come to him that's why he chose to act proactive and become one of the problems itself.

'it seems their conversation is over.'

compared to meeting and making a connection with Haku, Kaoru chose to follow Naruto instead because he understand Haku will put up her guard if he approached her now, it's better to save them when they almost die later.


"yo, Naruto what are you doing here?"

Naruto got scared when he heard someone call him, he turn his head ready to attack whoever it is.

"eh? Kaoru-nii why are you here? aren't you at Konoha?"

"I'm the support that the village sent"


Naruto feels happy because Kaoru is the one that the village sent, especially because among the Jounin he only knows some people.

"so what are you doing here Naruto?"

hearing Kaoru's words, Naruto's mood turns worse because his teacher didn't teach him anything except climbing the tree, and when Sasuke is also better than him in climbing the tree even Naruto will feel sour.

"I'm just training so I could beat Sasuke, you know!"

Kaoru who knows the story and looks at how Naruto act doesn't need any hint.

"Okay, how about I teach you a Jutsu but you have to promise me something"

"Ehh, you will teach me Kaoru-nii?"

"yes but you need to promise me"

"First, you are only allowed to use this Jutsu when you're in a dangerous situation"

"Second, no matter how you're not allowed to use this Jutsu against your friend"

"Last, never tell anyone that the one who taught you is me, just said that there is a man with blonde hair who appeared in your dream and taught you, if someone asks the identity of that blonde just say you don't know because he said it's not the time for you to know, understand Naruto?"

Naruto who is a naive child didn't ask for more and immediately agrees but no matter what he will keep his promise since this is the first time Kaoru promises to teach him a Jutsu.

looking at Naruto that eager to learn, Kaoru also feels happy, he wants to teach Naruto but in Konoha, it's impossible since he is always monitored by Anbu or a Root member.

"This Jutsu is called Rasengan, the concept is this Jutsu is simple and it's fit for someone like you, the first step is....."

Kaoru gave a very simple explanation to Naruto and the best way to teach people like Naruto is by example.

he believes that Naruto is actually a genius it's just that he never meet a teacher that could teach him.


and Kaoru's guess is proven right, just in a few hours Naruto already completed the first step which is rotation.

he taught Naruto by using an example of a water or wind jutsu, the only difference is that he told Naruto to only move the chakra, not transform it into any element.

Naruto also doesn't need to do any control, just makes a wild chakra rotation, and the result is he did the first steps in just a few hours.

"Okay, let's stop our lesson here, Sasuke is almost here, maybe he is searching for you Naruto, you should continue your tree-climbing training."

"I know it, you know!"

with that Kaoru immediately make a retreat and disappears into the forest.

from Kaoru's guidance, Naruto got so much inspiration and he understood that the best place to learn Jutsu is beside nature.

"oy, idiot what are you doing here?"

"ha? What do you mean by 'idiot' Sasuke?" hearing his rival call him an idiot Naruto got mad, he know he is stupid but that doesn't mean he likes to be called an idiot or something similar.

"let's go back, everyone is worried"

"oy Sasuke let's go practice again, let's see who will be the first to reach the top"

Sasuke is a guy that never cares about anything except revenge, but Naruto's determination is something that even people like him have to acknowledge.

that's why he accept Naruto's challenge, he also didn't want to lose to Sakura.

and then both of them continue their training and only come back when it's already night, but the result is they are able to climb to the top.

Sakura feels great that both of them come back safely although there are a few bruises on them.

they spent their night peacefully, not even aware of a certain businessman miserable fate.