
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Kaoru got sent to the past pt.1

"Ughh... it seems I survived."

Kaoru slowly began to regain consciousness. However, something felt strange; he could feel that the pillow his head rested on was incredibly soft.

"Long time no see, dear husband. Well, maybe for you, it hasn't happened yet, so I won't say much, ufufu."

Hearing the soft yet seductive voice of an adult woman made Kaoru immediately wake up.

He never expected to be lying on the lap of the strongest enchantress, Irene.

"Sorry, Irene-san, but I'm not your husband!"

"True, for now, you are not."

Irene replied calmly to Kaoru's words as if she had known everything from the beginning, which made Kaoru very uncomfortable.

This time, he felt what it was like for someone to have all their stories known by another person, even stories that he himself didn't know.

And the fact that Irene could easily kill him with that strange magic made him a bit wary.

Seeing that Kaoru was still cautious around her made Irene a little happy, as it reminded her of the past when she first met Kaoru but the role got reversed, and ultimately chose to become his wife instead of marrying the foolish general of the now-destroyed kingdom.

Irene had been waiting for hundreds of years because she knew that the Kaoru from the past was actually Kaoru who traveled through time.

And during that time, Irene managed to find a clue: to get her husband back, she needed to send Kaoru to the past and complete the time loop.

Irene had gathered everything she needed, starting with a massive amount of ether, then an expert in magic who was very skilled in manipulating space and enchantment.

These two things she could easily obtain because she was the expert herself, and she could also ask for August's help if her power was insufficient.

The next thing she needed was someone blessed by time. Initially, Irene was confused until she met Dimaria, who was a god slayer wizard, or more precisely, a time god slayer.

And the last thing she needed was Kaoru, who was the target of the world-scale magic itself.

As for the relentless attack she launched at Kaoru, it was merely an expression of her frustration at being left alone for hundreds of years, plus she had to leave their daughter because they were not strong enough to escape the grip of fate.

Kaoru was very concerned that fate would forcibly adjust the world's conditions if Irene insisted on taking care of Erza, which is why Irene reluctantly followed her husband's words.

In return for that loneliness, she at least wanted to hit Kaoru once.

"Calm down, dear husband. As you said before, anything determined by fate cannot be changed by mortals like us. Oh yes, I will call Dimaria first."

Irene then warped to find Dimaria, leaving Kaoru alone in her room.

Kaoru, who had not had the chance to look around because he was immediately thrown into another dimension by Irene, now took the opportunity to see the private room of the strongest enchantress.

After satisfying his curiosity, Kaoru returned to the chair Irene had provided while trying the drink she had made.

Not long after, Irene returned, bringing two people with her: a young woman with long blonde hair, a tall figure, and dressed like a knight.

The second person was incredibly strong, August, an old man in traditional wizard attire, was very strong despite his age. In the original story, it took plot armor power to defeat him.

Additionally, he was the son of Zeref and Mavis, although both of them were unaware of August's existence.

"Long time no see, Kaoru-sama, or perhaps it's more accurate to say pleased to meet you for now. His Majesty would be very pleased to know you're visiting. Unfortunately, he's not in the castle at the moment."

August bowed slightly and greeted Kaoru, which naturally surprised Dimaria greatly. This was the second time she had seen August bow to someone, the first being His Majesty Zeref.

Seeing this, Dimaria categorized Kaoru as someone equal to or at least close to Zeref and chose to follow August's lead.

"Pleased to meet you, Kaoru-sama. I am Dimaria Yesta, a member of the Spriggan 12."

Kaoru nodded at the two powerful figures from Alvarez, pretending to understand what was happening, although the reality was far different.

'Damn, how did this happen? Can anyone give me a spoiler? Why is August so respectful to me? And why did Irene say I'm her husband? Hello? FAA-san? Hibari-chan?'

Though Kaoru appeared calm on the outside, inside he was very chaotic and confused. He also began to recall the words he had said to Mira.

"Those who know nothing can't talk as if they know everything, Mira-chan!"

This time, Kaoru had to swallow a bitter pill as his own words were brutally thrown back in his face.

First, he almost died because he underestimated Irene's power, and now he had to think of a reason why August respected him so much.

"Alright, that's enough introductions. Now let's proceed with our purpose."

"Dimaria, I want you to use your full power and, with the authority of Chronos, send Kaoru to a time about 400 years ago. The location doesn't matter, what's important is the time."

"And August, I need your help if I don't have enough energy to use the magic."

August smiled because he understood Irene's intentions and had no objections, as he still wanted to meet Kaoru when he was young and not change anything about those times.

Meanwhile, Dimaria, who knew nothing, could only comply, especially since she felt no restrictions from Chronos' authority to send Kaoru to the past.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by sending me to the past, Irene-san?"

When he saw Dimaria, Kaoru had a slight suspicion, and when Irene mentioned sending him to the past, his suspicion grew, but he still wanted to hear it directly from Irene or August.

However, the only response he received was a smile from the two of them, and with a wave of her staff, Irene teleported them to a location where a super-large magic circle was etched into the ground.

Irene then forced Kaoru to stand in the designated spot and ordered Dimaria to start using her power.

Dimaria slowly began to transform; her clothes disappeared and were replaced with tight black clothing with patterns resembling gold tattoos.

Additionally, her hair grew and blazed like fire, gradually turning gold.

Her body was enveloped in immense power, and the energy commonly referred to as divinity, proving that Dimaria was now using the power of a god.

With Dimaria ready, Irene began her part, supplying ethernano to the magic circle.

Although Irene could still hold on, August quickly assisted by providing his own ethernano.

It didn't take long for the circle to activate, and Irene started chanting a spell. With the final tap of her staff, world-level magic was unleashed.

"World Reconstruction Magic: Time Travel."

A blinding light covered the entire Alakitasia continent, visible from all corners of the world.

Meanwhile, on the Ishgar continent, everyone was stunned by the dazzling light piercing the sky, with only a few powerful individuals worried about what was happening.

In Guiltina, at least five beings were contemplating various things upon seeing the phenomenon, as it signaled that their world was about to enter an era of chaos.

In a large, dark cave room, everything inside was visible, and a human figure was seen sitting as if meditating.

Suddenly, a wide, sinister smile spread across the figure's face.

"Hahahahaha, finally you're here. Let's play again, Herrscher of Void, Kaoru."


Kaoru, still dizzy from being sent to the past, slowly opened his eyes and saw a miracle.

A green plain stretched as far as the eye could see, with a blue sky even more beautiful than 400 years into the future.

Moreover, the dragons, which were rare in the future, could be seen flying freely in the sky.

Flapping their wings at will, dominating the sky as rulers.

Kaoru realized that he now had to follow the predetermined pattern of fate for this world.

If his guess was correct, he had to become Irene's husband in this world.

Kaoru didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he tried to defy the fate that had been set.

Because Kaoru knew, no matter how strong he was, there would always be an entity stronger than him, and Fate could be considered one of those entities.

After humbly accepting the role he had to play, Kaoru began to act and seek information in the nearest town.

After all, only a fool would reject a wife as beautiful as Irene, especially with a daughter who was both strong and as elegant as her mother.

It didn't take long for Kaoru to reach a small kingdom, where he started wandering until he heard information about a reclusive dragon named Belserion.

Kaoru remembered that the dragon was Irene's friend, and after his death, Irene took his name as her own.

Additionally, thanks to Belserion, Irene became the first dragon slayer wizard.

Kaoru now knew that Irene was actually a queen in a kingdom very close to his current location.

At present, she was engaged to Rung, a general of the kingdom where Kaoru was.

Recalling that he would be Irene's husband in the future made Kaoru feel a new sensation, stealing a partner from a bastard like Rung gave him a certain satisfaction.

Kaoru began to imagine several beautiful women who had to suffer because they had unworthy partners.

Kaoru didn't like stealing from others, but if the target he was stealing from was a scumbag and corrupt, even an angel might agree with what he was doing.

After figuring out what he needed to do next, Kaoru began to think of ways to torture Rung both physically and mentally.

Kaoru searched for various magic that might help him in the guild shop since it had been a long time since he last used his points.

After a few minutes, Kaoru finally found magics that intrigued him.

Two types of magic that weren't particularly useful in direct combat but could become a nightmare in certain conditions.

The first magic was illusion magic, categorized as a lower level of light magic but crucial in trapping fools who could only charge forward without thinking like Natsu.

The second magic was dream manipulation magic, which fell under the category of mind magic, which was not yet considered forbidden in this era.

Kaoru couldn't contain his evil laugh as he imagined playing with Rung until his mind broke while disappearing into the crowd and walking through a narrow alley.