
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs


(Yuto Pov)

[ Cleaning lvl 1] ---> [ Cleaning lvl 2]

[ Cooking lvl 1 ] ---> [ Cooking lvl 3]

< Quest complete sir do you wish to collect your rewards?> [Y/N]

[ Side Quest ]

[ Help Nonou Yakushi with breakfast and cleaning. ] [ Completed ]

[ Rewards: 25 exp, 250 Ryo, 5% favorability points with everyone in the orphanage, New Title.]

[ Failure: Decrease in favorability, New Title]


< yes, sir, giving out rewards now. >

[ 25 xp ]

[ 250 ryo ]

[ 5% favorability in orphanages]

[ New Title: Little Helper ]

[ Little Helper: helping other people around you earns you 5xp and a 5% increase in favorability.]

'Iris, show me the favorability meter and its function.'

< Right away, sir >

[ Favorability meter ]

[ Nonou yukushi -> 50%]

[ Kanpu -> 45% ]

[ Keiri -> 45% ]

[ random boy -> 25% ]

[ random girl -> 35% ]

[ Favorability meter function ]

[ -100% -> Deep hatred ]

[ - 75% -> Hatred ]

[ - 50% -> disgust ]

[ -25% -> dislike ]

[ 0% -> neutral ]

[ 25% -> acquaintance ]

[ 50% -> friendly ]

[ 75% -> loyal ]

[ 100% -> will die for you ]

'Alright, I think understand how this works.'

After finishing my meal, I noticed that most of the children from the table were gone already, I got up from my chair and walked into the kitchen, I put the bowl in the sink where Father Kanpu and Sister Keiri were washing the dishes. Turning around, I see most of the children outside playing. laughing happily as they run around chasing each other.

' I need to get sunglasses.' I was pulled out of my thought as I heard a voice next to me speak.

Nonou:" You know Yuto, you could always join them." Turning her attention from the children to me, I also looked up to her, shaking my head.

*shakes head*

Nonou kneeled at my level

Nonou:" Is there anything you want to do?"


Nonou:" A book hmm, alright, let me get you one from my room."

*2 min later*

Nonou:" Here you go, Yuto-kun."

Accepting the book from her hands, I looked at the title of the book, "The Tale of the Utterly Gusty Shinobi," by Jiraiya. at least it's not the other disgusting novel and could receive my boredom for a while.


Nodding my head to Nonou, I was about to walk away but turned my head towards her again and thanked her.

" Thank you."

[ Nonous favorability increased 50% --> 51% ]

Turning back again, I started to walk towards the trees to sit under the shade.

(Nonous pov)

Yuto:" Thank you."

After hearing that from Yuto-kun, I was surprised once more, but hearing him say that means I'd gotten closer to him to open his heart.

watching him walk away to the shade under the tree with a smile on my face.

(Yuto pov)

Sitting down in the shade and leaning my back to the tree bark, I opened the book and started reading it to pass the time.

* 1 hour and 25 min later *

< Sir, your status has been updated. >

Closing the book, I heard Iris check my status and what popped up.

[ Intelligence: 52 -> 52.5 ]

[ Wisdom: 62 -> 62.5 ]

Frowning, which I completely failed at, I asked Iris.

'Iris, why did I only get 0.5 points from the book.'

< It depends on the book you're reading, complicated books like strategies, and college-level school knowledge, and you also can't absorb books and get their knowledge unless it was provided by the system. >

'tch!!!, well, that plan is out of the window. Besides, it would be suspicious if books started to disappear every time I go into a library and I'll have to pay for them.'

' What to do now? I could explore the village or

before I could finish my thoughts, I heard Iris >

< Sir, a new side quest has come up >

opening up the system in the Quest tab, I looked into the side quest to see.

[ Side Quest ]

[ Explore Konoha, and discover 12 landmarks ]

[ Konoha library ]

[ Konoha stone faces ]

[ Konoha memorial stone ]

[ Ichiraku ramen ]

[ Konoha Academy]

[ Konoha Hokage office ]

[ Senju clan household ]

[ Hyuga clan household ]

[ Uchiha clan household ]

[ Sarutobi clan household ]

[ Konohas' Front gate ]

[ Training grounds ]

[ Rewards: 25xp, 1,500 ryo, New Title, dungeon map]

[ Failure: removal of maps, -1 level]

'Well, at least I know where to go to finish this mission, but how should I explore? I could go at night, but there could be ANBU and ROOT shinobis patrolling, huh? I guess I have to make my way outside. '

Getting up with the book in hand, I walked up to Father Kanpu it seems he finished washing the dishes and was watching the students play. When he noticed me approaching, he questioned.

Father Kanpu:" Is there something wrong, Yuto?


Father Kanpu had a surprised face hearing me speak for the first time.

Father Kanpu: "It seems like Yakushi-San wasn't lying about finally speaking."

"Hmm." I nodded

Father Kanpu:" That's Yakushi-San's book. Isn't you returning it to her once you finish it?"

"Hmm, library."

Father Kanpu:" So you want to go to the library to read more books? yeah?"

"Hmm." I nodded the second time

Father Kanpu:" Want me to accompany you, Yuto-kun?"

shaking my head at his offer.

Father Kanpu:" Alright, then before going, you should return the book to Yakushi-San."

"Hmm." Nodding the third time I walked to find Nonou when I found her she was pushing kids on the swings made on the branch of a tree.

walking up to her, I handed her the book.

Nonou:" Oh, you finished the book already?"

" Hmm." Nodding a fourth time.

Nonou:" Thank you. I'll hold on to it for now. "

Nonou took the book from my hands and put it in her inner pocket. walking back to the orphanage, I was about to pass Father Kanpu until he told me.

Father Kanpu:" Be back before lunch, alright?"

" Hmm. " Nodding again the fifth time.

Now, I must quickly leave before Father Kanpu changes his mind. quickly walking toward the orphanage's front door, I opened it and walked and passed the gates that led to the orphanage walking down the dirt path to the inner village, checking my map as the fog clears up.

[ +1 Charisma ]

My first destination was the Hokage Stone Faces because the Hokage office was underneath it. and if my guess was right, there should also be a map there as well.

(Father Kanpu pov)

" Ah..... I forgot to tell him where the library was." Shrugging my shoulder." I'm sure he'll find out. He's a smart kid, after all.

( third pov )

Now we see a white-haired young kid walking down the dirt path, wearing a patch-up shirt and pants with sandals. even with his poor clothing, it didn't do much to hide his cuteness from the world, especially with people of all ages glancing at him when they walked by him.

Yuto is aware of being glanced at by these people but didn't care much about it. He is still wearing a poker face. He kept marching on to his destination, the Hokage stone faces, and the Hokage office.

The closer he was getting to the Hokage office, the more people he passed by that kept giving him glances. once he reached the Hokage office, Iris spoke to him

< Sir, two objectives have been completed. >

' Alright, keep me up to date once I reach the other locations.'

< Yes, sir >

' Now where's the map ah ha right there, hmm let's see, let's see I'm right here and the front gate is opposite the Hokage office. '

while Yuto was in thought, a Jonin instructor walked out of the Hokage building with his three students. The Jonin instructor called out, " Hey kid, you lost or something?" The white-haired boy turned his head towards the person who pulled him from his thoughts.

Yuto:" No." Then he looked back at the map once more.

The Jonin instructor:" You'll burn a hole through it if you keep glaring. I like that."

' What's up with this brat's face? I've never seen something so stoic except Ibuki, who's 19 already. Even he smiles even though it's rare."

Yuto:" Hmm. " Nodding for the sixth time today.

' Looking at the Jonin instructor again, he has brown hair in a low ponytail with a beard and green eyes, wearing a Jonin flack jacket. Now, looking at his students, they look like cannon fodders. They don't stand out at all.'

The Cannon Fodders are two boys and one girl. a brown hair boy looked irritated. The other boy looked like he didn't care about anything around him. and finally, the girl had a black while peeking at the young boy.

The brown-haired boy seemed to reach his limit, aggressively turning to the boy he shouted.

"Who the hell do you think you are making that kind of face, we're genin shinobis, show some respect for me, will ya!!!"

After the boy said that, his Jonin instructor glared at him, and the brown-haired boy stepped back in fear of being scolded.

Join instructor:" Sorry about that kid, if you need any help you could ask me, I'm Hiroshi Yamamoto. "

Yuto:" Yuto"

Hiroshi:" Alright, well, be going now. You take care of yourself, Yuto."

auto: "Hmm."

Hiroshi:" Come on, kid, it's not every day you get help from a Jonin like me." Yuto stared at him with a blank look he mustered.

Hiroshi sighed and looked at Yuto

Hiroshi:" You're no fun."

They stared at each other, but if one looked closely, it would seem like sparks were flying. While this was happening, the three cannon fodders stood on the side awkwardly.

*5 min later*

a group of passersby was huddled around them, whispering

" Look, a grown man having a staring contest with a little kid."

"My bets on the little kid,"

"You're just doing that 'cause he looks cute."

"Well, I mean, he's better looking than the grown man."

Hiroshi, with all his willpower, kept his eyes open with wounded pride. but Yuto seems to have no problems. Hiroshi, at his limits, finally looked away with another wound on his pride. some people were celebrating, and others were cursing.

Hiroshi sighed. " Well, I'll be leaving. If you need any help, let me know, alright?" walking with a gloomy aura while his student followed him to comfort him.

(Yuto pov)

After that event, I checked the side quest tab.

[ Side Quest ]

[ Show your dominance in a staredown with Hiroshi ]

[ Rewards: 25xp, 500 ryo]

[ Failure: blind for 2 minutes ]

< Reward sent sir >

[ 25xp ]

[ 500 ryo ]

Thank you, Iris.

<Your welcome, sir>

after all that, a quest is still a quest. If that didn't show you, I would've ignored them already. Turning away from the Hokage office, I started to walk down the main road to the Main Gate.