
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 189 The Heist (End)

( Yuto Pov )

The robot broke through the aircraft as Roman piloted it towards Cinder, who looked disappointed.

" This isn't what I was talking about." She spoke.

" Well, you should've been more specific!" Roman shouted as he exited the robot.

I sighed.

' I knew it...' I thought as I reached under my robes and grabbed the EMP from my inventory.

" Is this it?" I asked as I showed it in front of her.

Cinder smiled as she walked towards me.

" Why yes, thank you." She grabbed the EMP bomb from my hands and put it on the table in front of a whiteboard that had drawn on it.

" I'm guessing another plan of yours?" I asked as I sat down on a nearby chair.

Cinder nodded as she looked at her two friends.

The woman is with emerald hair and begins to put clothes on the table.

' Atlas... sigh.' They were Atlas clothing.

Roman looked bored as he sat inside the robot with Neo sitting in its shoulder.

" So, basically, we're infiltrating Atlas and stealing something that requires you to use the EMP?" I asked.

Cinder nodded as she threw some clothes at me.

" Yes. And we're moving now." She replied.

I looked at the clothes and at her friends who were also looking at their clothes.

I sighed and went to get dressed behind a crate, but instead of changing clothes, I used henge no Jutsu to change appearances.

I walked back to see Roman and Neo not changing as they kept relaxing.

" Not going to change?" I asked.

Roman looked at his scroll as he replied.

" Nah, I'm a professional, I don't need to blend in. Kitty cat." He replied.

" Uh huh. Says the ginger head that ram away when I chased you, like a little mouse. Why don't I just finish the job." I replied as I revealed the hidden blade, which caused Roman to flinch.

" Nooe! No! It's fine." He replied.

Neo started snickering as I went to sit back down.

Cinder and her friends were dressed the same as she looked at Roman.

" And you? Why are you not dressed?" She crossed her arms.

" Don't bother. I'll be fine. " Roman waves his hands as Cinder sighed and left it at that.

" Well, let's go before they realize the EMP missing from the train." Cinder spoke as she entered the broken aircraft.

" Uhm, Cinder. Do you think this will last us to Atlas?" The grey haird man spoke as he saw the dents and holes in the aircraft.

Cinder shrugged as she sat inside the cockpit.

" It may or may not expose while we're in the air." I spoke as I entered beforing looking back to see Roman fitting the robot inside.

" Seriously?"

I sighed once more as Neo shrugged while sitting next to me.

" Yeah... let's hope we don't die before we get there." Emerald spoke as she sat next to Cinder, and the man with Grey hair sat next to us since there was a hole on the opposite side.

After an hour of flying and trying not to be sucked out of the airship, we managed to land at Atlas.

" Alright Roman your up. Create as much noise as possible." I said to Roman, and he jumped out of the aircraft and onto the street.

" Unidentified aircraft! Please identify yourself!" I looked at the radio and at Cinder, who was flying the aircraft.

" Code, 4792ATL. I'm heading back for a repair." I responded, which got weird looks from everyone.

" Don't give me those looks." I responded.

" Dude.... that's so cool." Mercury looked at me with thumbs up.

" ATL copy. You're cleared for landing."

" How did you do that?" Cinder asker as I walked back to the back of the aircraft.

" Luck?... Oh, it's best we all jump off now before they all realize we aren't Altas soldiers." I smiled before jumping off the aircraft.

I easily landed and hid behind a few crates before sneaking my way through the building.

' I'm sure they can handle themselves–' I stopped as I heard an explosion behind me. I closed my eyes and sighed before continuing to sneak through the building.

' Idiots.'

" I'm guessing this is what Cinder is looking for." I smiled to myself as I grabbed the flash drive from the large computer system.

I felt ashockwave as an EMP swept across the building.

' Too early.' I looked at the computer glitching before the alarm started going off.

" Fuuucckk!" I groaned as I hurriedly left the building and stolen an aircraft. And just as I was about to leave, I heard footsteps entering.

I looked behind the seat to see Cinder and the rest of them along with a Roman and Neo.

" We're you leaving without us?" Cinder frowned as she made her way to the cockpit.

"... I don't know what you're saying–" Before I could finish, I ducked down to dodge a bullet that was shot through the window.

" Wah?" Mercury exclaimed as the aircraft started to tilt to the left, and I glanced outside to see another aircraft with soldiers jumping onto the aircraft.

I looked behind us to see Altas soldiers pointing their weapons at us along with a female soldier, leading them with her rapier.

" Help! They're using me as hostage!!" I raised my hands as I got up from my seat. This caught their attention as I kicked the control stick to turn the aircraft.

This caused them to lose their balance as I quickly pushed Cinder away to dodge a fire dust exploding the cockpit. The explosion caused the cockpit to split from the aircraft. Unluckily, I was blown away along with the cockpit.

" Ah shit!!" I shouted as I saw Cinder missed my hand before I fell. I looked through the broke window to see I was falling towards the snowy mountains.

' Crap... I totally didn't see this coming.' I thought as I pressed my mana across my body.

[ Space magic: Teleport shift]

Not having time to chant, I quickly activated the spell and teleporeted from the cockpit to the side of the mountains sliding down the snow before stabbing my kunai on the ground to stop myself from falling off the cliff.

" Haa... haha! Ah man, I should go snowboarding. That was fun." I chuckled to myself as I brought myself back up and laid down.

" I should leave the continent and lay low for now. But I'm sure Cinder will try to find me for this." I lifted the flash drive before throwing it into my inventory.